The Residence of S W Childs

This amazing home in Varden Street was the home of the managing engineer of the Kalgoorlie Electric Tramways until 1903. After this time it became a boarding house called ‘Esperance House’. Fortunately it has changed very little and is still in excellent condition.

Kalgoorlie Western Argus  Tuesday 24 March 1903, page 20 Residence of S W Childs

The Residence of SW Childs, Varden Street 1903

Western Argus 29th March 1903:- FAREWELL TO S W CHILDSS W Childs
The farewell social tendered last Friday evening at the Exchange Hotel, to Mr. S. W. Childs, who has for the last 18 months occupied the position of managing engineer to the Kalgoorlie Tramway Co and who leaves this town tomorrow, was one of the most successful and enjoyable functions of the kind ever held on these fields, and in every
way a splendid tribute to the esteem and even the affection in which Mr. Childs is held by men in this community. The mayor of Kalgoorlie presided, and the room was crowded. His Worship made a Highly eulogistic speech, which he concluded by a most eloquent peroration — the presentation to Mr. Childs of a healthy looking shammy bag of gold from the citizens of Kalgoorlie and Boulder. A representative of the Tramway employees then presented Mr. Childs with a beautiful and handsomely inscribed silver whisky flask, and also a superb silver cigar case. ” Mr. Childs’ rising evoked loud and prolonged cheering. He made a splendid speech, and was evidently deeply moved. Indeed, the note of the gathering was, as the mayor subsequently said, its absence of frill and its absolute sincerity. Mr. Childs will go away from Kalgoorlie knowing that he carries with him the honest affection and the genuine good-will of the whole community. As an engineer and manager he is admired ; as a citizen he is esteemed ; as an employer of labor he is appreciated, and as a man he is loved. Some splendid songs and recitations were given during the evening, and the Kalgoorlie band, in honour of Mr. Childs, discoursed some excellent music on the verandah.
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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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