Old Meeka Cemetery – ”are we now remembered?”

The original cemetery used before the town of Meekatharra was gazetted in 1903 and continued to be used until May 1907. The cemetery was located next to mining works and was deemed unsuitable. In 1907 the town council organised the creation of the … [Continue reading]

Remembering Sister Mary Anthony –

With thanks to Susie de Monchaux for sharing her wonderful family story with us - Sister Mary Anthony Fitzpatrick (1888–1986) by Susie de Monchaux and family Eric Sierins, image editor Sister Mary Anthony Fitzpatrick was the first cousin … [Continue reading]

Crooks at Crooked Shoot Mine

Geraldton Guardian 12 September 1925, page 3 Crooks at Crooked Shoot Mine by C.P.J 'Coo-oo-ey! Coo-oo-ey!' sounded faintly through the semi-darkness of a cloudless night, which enveloped the ‘Crooked, Shoot' gold mine, situated in a hollow between … [Continue reading]

The Wild Girls – a family in pictures

The following photographs are from the family album of Sandy Koushappis and she has kindly shared them with us. The first of the Wild girls in Australia was Esther WILD nee MILLS. She was born, possibly in Lancashire, England on the 8th June 1838. … [Continue reading]

Yellowdine Finder Tells His Romantic Story

Daily News 19 January 1935, page 12 Yellowdine Finder Tells His Romantic Story A horse with teeth missing makes history and New Goldfield Rewards Years of Prospecting. PALMERS GRAPHIC STORY - If it had not been that an old horse, to be … [Continue reading]