Five Marriages and a Murder Trial –

The following story has many twists and turns and has been difficult to trace in a timeline with various marriages and children born. If anyone has any further details to add I would love to hear from you so that the story is told correctly. Daily … [Continue reading]

Mrs Walshaw of Comet Vale

Mrs Walshaw of Comet Vale Story and photos by Bernie Morris First Published in 'The Westland' 2005 For a few months in the year 1895, the terminus of the new railway thrusting east from Southern Cross to the twin Eldorado's of Coolgardie and … [Continue reading]

Home Made Adventures by Stan Gratte

Stan Gratte (OAM) has just released a book called “Homemade Adventures - My Expeditions, In the West Australian Bush and Desert”. Extracted from the foreword: I’ve been asked many times by family, friends and people who travel our outback, … [Continue reading]

First Impressions Count – by Wiero

Western Mail Perth 23 December 1937, page 86 Jack Lawson was having difficulty with his hair. Since yesterday's swim in the none too clean water-hole, it had departed from its usual submissiveness and now insisted on standing straight on end. … [Continue reading]

The Tattersalls Club Affair –

I was sent this story by Kevin Matthees, who is the great-grandson of Leonard Charles Jackson. Jackson was the proprietor of the Bright Spot Tea Rooms, in Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie in November of 1946. This was one of a chain of similar tearooms … [Continue reading]