A Lost and Desolate Wanderer –

Evening Journal, Adelaide, 30 January 1894 A Terrible Experience at Coolgardie. A well-known and respected resident of Kent Town, South Australia, has received a letter from his son, who recently went to Coolgardie from Adelaide, from … [Continue reading]

A Bush Christmas by C J Dennis

The sun burns hotly thro' the gums As down the road old Rogan comes The hatter from the lonely hut Beside the track to Woollybutt. He likes to spend his Christmas with us here. He says a man gets sort of strange Living alone without a … [Continue reading]

Jim The Hatter’s Christmas Party

Old Jim the "Hatter" lay in bed half asleep. At least he reckoned himself half asleep, although he knew well enough that it was Christmas morning and time to get up. But he had dreamt such a wonderful dream and the illusion, the charm of it, so … [Continue reading]

Murder in a Mining Camp

Sunday Times 29 August 1943, page 7 Murder In a Gold Mining Camp Murderers I Have Known, by Harry Mann, ex-Chief of the C.I.B., Perth, as told to Max Praed Boom days on the Murchison goldfields! What a picture that calls … [Continue reading]

The Norman Tindale Collection –

Most of the people photographed in this collection would now be deceased, except for some of the children and very young adults. Outback Family History were kindly given copies of some of the images from the Goldfields area only, they are on the … [Continue reading]