A Sensational Narrative of Adventure –

The following account of an interview with Messrs. Bayley and Ford, the discoverers of Coolgardie, is taken from the Australian Mining Standard. The West Australian - 1 Dec 1893, Pg 7 THE DISCOVERERS OF COOLGARDIE. Bayley and Ford Firstly a … [Continue reading]

William George Brooks – grave tales

While researching one of the miners on the Western Australia Miners Memorial, I was lucky to come across, not only a photo of him but also of his wife and one of his children sitting on the verandah of their home in Victoria Street, Kalgoorlie. This … [Continue reading]

Skeleton Gully by Arthur Watts

Western Mail 16 December 1898, page 102 Skeleton Gully by Arthur Watts I was bushed! After I had spent two hours vainly attempting to find the track, I sat down for a rest and a smoke, and I admitted to myself that I was really … [Continue reading]

Mudgedeen – Cameleer and Grocer

The following photographs from the family album of Carole Hampton were sent to me recently. Mudgedeen was her husband's Grandfather. Her husband is the son of Mudgedeen and Clara's daughter Violet, from her second marriage. Mudgedeen, (AKA … [Continue reading]

How Mac Held the Bonnie Dundee

How Mac Held The Bonnie Dundee The Golden West Magazine 1921 For The  Golden West by JOHN DRAYTON "My apologies for the Scottish dialect, but it wouldn't be the same if translated to plain English, hope you can make it out" In the early days of … [Continue reading]