Then and Now – St Pauls Church Kalgoorlie

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Book Review – Pipe Dream to Pipeline

Pipe-Dream to Pipeline, The Eventful Life of Nathaniel W Harper by Stan Gervas Many of you will know of the story of the water pipeline which came to the Goldfields bringing fresh water and permanent prosperity and the roll played in the scheme … [Continue reading]

Poets Corner – The Legend of the Twenty Five Mile

Poem - The Ledgend of the Twenty Five Mile

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Pets from the Past – 5

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Jack The Ripper on the Goldfields???

Deeming and a sketch of a ripper victim

  Deeming a Goldfields Murderer? ……. Or was he really ‘Jack the Ripper’? This black hearted Englishman caused mass hysteria in the streets of Perth and Melbourne and began with his arrest by two West Australian police troopers at Southern … [Continue reading]