Gone but not forgotten – Kapps Deli

I was recently sent the following information by Enid Russell (granddaughter of Alice Kapp), about the above photo:-This is Kapps Tea Rooms on the corner of Maritana and Hannan Street. The two people in the photo are my Auntie Ruby (daughter of Alice … [Continue reading]

Wooroloo Sanatorium:

The Wooroloo Sanatorium Wooroloo Sanatorium, in the Darling Ranges of Western Australia, was established by the State Government in response to the infectious diseases, such as typhoid, diphtheria, and tuberculosis, that was widely prevalent in … [Continue reading]

Sunday Morning

Sunday Shave

These men are having a shave on their one day off! … [Continue reading]

Goldfields History Books

For everyone interested in the history of the people and places of the vast Western Australian Goldfields there is now a constantly updated online list of books which are still in print and where to purchase them on my main web site @ … [Continue reading]

Fancy Dress Friday – Boulder Charity Cricket Match

Fancy Dress played a very large part in the early social life on the Goldfields.  Many events included  'Fancy Dress'. In the coming weeks I would like to share some of my favorite photographs with you.  Its amazing the length and detail that was put … [Continue reading]