A Gold Seekers Odyssey by L R Menzies

      Leslie Menzies was one of the hopeful band of prospectors who arrived in Western Australia during the 1890's goldrush. A successful miner in the USA and NZ, his knowledge gave him an early advantage at Parkers Range … [Continue reading]

The Bardoc Murder

Grave of Isaac Robert Miell

In a post I did a few days ago about a lonely grave of Katherine Williamson at Bardoc I mentioned that there was the victim of a murder buried not far from her. The grave of the victim of the unsolved Bardoc murder is on the bank of the creek … [Continue reading]

GUDARRA (Paddington)

Gudarra is a an abandoned Eastern Goldfields townsite located approximately 30kms north north west of Kalgoorlie. Gold was first discovered here in 1892, the place firstly being known as the ‘Sore Foot Rush’, a reference to the tired limping … [Continue reading]

The Australian Horse Bazaar

Australian Horse Bazaar (Rear)

The Australian Horse Bazaar was located on the corner of Brookman and Porter Street, Kalgoorlie.  The spot is now the premises of the Dept of vehicle licensing. It was known also by the name of Kennedy and Brougham at the same time. Western … [Continue reading]

Bardoc Ghosts

Sarah A Williamson Bardoc

Back in 2004 I corresponded for a time (the old fashioned way by letter) with a man who spent time in Bardoc as a child and he was in the process of writing his memoirs Frank Kilpatrick from Bassendean.  He wrote:- “Greetings, my daughter, who … [Continue reading]