Water Rations for Gold Miners

This is typical of the scenes at many mines in WA's eastern goldfields. At the time this photograph was taken - water rations were connected with employment conditions at many mines. Workers on some goldfields were entitled to condensed water as part … [Continue reading]

The Peoples Pictures – Travelling Road Show

Peoples Pictures Travelling Show

The Peoples Pictures was a touring road show bringing picture shows to towns along the way. Here is an article on the from the Kalgoorlie Miner Dec 1st 1910.  The homes in the background are still a mystery, can anyone in Kalgoorlie Boulder identify … [Continue reading]

Laverton Half Time School – 1904

Laverton Half Time School 1904

This photo is of school children at the Laverton Half time school.  It was taken on the 6th July 1904.  You will see all the children are very well dressed and all have shoes. This is a description of what a 'Half Time School' was:- Half-Time … [Continue reading]

Can you take a moment to fill out my survey??

There are a huge number of books on the history of the people and places of the Goldfields of Western Australia. Many are 'author' published so are done in smaller runs, others are published and distributed by museums or not for profit groups. I have … [Continue reading]

A Nannine Wedding

A Nannine Wedding Party

I just love this photo. It has so many interesting parts. It is of a wedding party in Nannine which is about 35kms south west of Meekatharra. The rather middle-aged bride and groom on their 'Wedding Camel' the best man and chief bridesmaid on … [Continue reading]