Vosper’s Dog and the Goat

(July 10, 1910)When the late rederick C.B. Vosper was editing the “Coolgardie Miner” for Billy Clare (the founder), in the middle nineties (1890's), the long-haired litterateur owned a dog that was the terror of all within reach of its … [Continue reading]

A Day In The Mines – Verse by Tony Bozich

  The young geologist passed my way as I readied the drive to drill, fresh faced and polite he said g’day and smiled all full of good will. “You’re new,” I said, and he nodded assent, “Just having a look around,” and before I replied off … [Continue reading]

From Wales To Gwalia – by Alwyn Evans – Book Review

A Swansea Editor and his Australian Goldmine  by Alwyn Evans A long awaited history of the Sons of Gwalia goldmine at Leonora. Assiduous research into the Welsh and Australian origins of this famous mine by Alwyn Evans for a thesis, now … [Continue reading]

Clara Saunders – First wedding in Coolgardie

Clara Saunders

In Celebration of International Woman's Day 8th March 2016 On 4th July 1894 Clara SAUNDERS & Arthur WILLIAMS were married by the Rev. Thomas TRESTRAIL at John DE BAUN'S Great Western Hotel in Bayley Street Coolgardie. (now the site of the … [Continue reading]

I’m Off to the Diggings by Andrew Park

Here's off to the diggings of gold Australia's our home where wealth is untold Up, Up with your pick, take your shovel in hand. Here's off, Here's off to a happier land We dread not the voyage, though distant and long We've a compass to steer … [Continue reading]