Liquid Gold – The Elliott Brothers Breweries

Boulder City Brewery 1913. A record Christmas order for the Lake View Hotel, Boulder. 500 doz bottles of Boulder Stout weighing 12 tons

Tom and Bill Elliott came to Western Australia in 1893 and moved immediately to the Goldfields where they began a business as cartage contractors. After two years, in 1895,  Tom built a cordial factory near the Kalgoorlie rail line and also the … [Continue reading]

Bardoc Photographs:- Footballers and School Children

Bardoc School 1907

As I have said in earlier posts, photographs of Bardoc are few and far between. These latest photographs have again been kindly shared by the family of Robyn McLean. Two are of the football teams of 1904 and 1905 and one of the school children. It is … [Continue reading]

The Tyson Brothers – Goldfields Football Legends

The Tyson Brothers

Charlie Tyson (14 November 1897 - 23 September 1985) was an Australian Rules Footballer who played with Collingwood and North Melbourne in the Victorian Football League during the 1920's. Recruited to Collingwood from Western Australian based … [Continue reading]

Struck by Lightning – A Lucky Man

Struck by Lightening - William Smith

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 28 January 1908, page 20 STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. A Singular Experience. There are probably few men who have been struck by lightning and have survived to tell the tale. One of them, if there are any others, is William … [Continue reading]

Victoria Park – Relocated and Vanished!

Frames for creepers

The Victoria Park Band Pavilion or rotunda was built in less than 3 months and opened in 1903. Every Sunday the Kalgoorlie Brass Band would perform open-air concerts to the citizens of Kalgoorlie. Victoria Park is a well established park which … [Continue reading]