The Boulder Technical School – Sepia Saturday
John Mohr and Bros – Champion Greengrocer and Hawker
1901. Mr John Charles Mohr with young boy (Charlie Jones) Mr Mohr was born in 1875, his parents ran a green grocers in Northam. He came to the Goldfields as a young man in search of gold in 1894. At one time he did the mail run on a push bike between … [Continue reading]
The Residence of S W Childs
This amazing home in Varden Street was the home of the managing engineer of the Kalgoorlie Electric Tramways until 1903. After this time it became a boarding house called 'Esperance House'. Fortunately it has changed very little and is still in … [Continue reading]
Heres’ to you Mrs Robinson – A pioneering woman
This photograph was taken at Lake View Consoles GM in Kalgoorlie in 1896. It shows a group of gold prospectors and miners, including adventurous natural-geologist and pioneering prospector Robert ('Bobby') Robinson and his wife, Annie, standing at … [Continue reading]