A Child’s Life on the Goldfields

A tough open-air childhood!! As the many hundreds of tents on the goldfields were slowly replaced with huts, those seeking their fortunes began to bring their wives and families. Bringing up a child on the goldfields was often difficult and … [Continue reading]

Typhoid Fever: A Raging Epidemic

Funeral of Robert Thompson Kalgoorlie 1895

During the 1890s typhoid fever in the Goldfields reached epidemic proportions. An infectious food and water-borne disease, typhoid was linked to poor sanitation, often combined with overcrowding.   ‘Instant’ crowded tent towns, … [Continue reading]

The Kalgoorlie Dog and Poultry Society

In the late 1890’s and early 1900 there were many social clubs in the Goldfields of Western Australia. Sporting and church groups were popular but there were many others with something to suit everyone. One of the more unusual groups was the ‘Dog and … [Continue reading]

Carrie of the Miner – A lady first!!

Amy in 'The Old Woman Swept The Sky'

Carrie of the Miner Columnist, Carrie of the Miner’ may not have been as widely known as Carrie Bradshaw of a certain TV show but in the Goldfields she is by far more important and arguably more impressive. Carrie’s real name was Amy Augusta … [Continue reading]

A History of ‘The Round’

Kalgoorlie Races

The Round        By Darren McAullay It is without doubt one of the biggest, most colourful and successful racing carnivals to be staged anywhere in Australia. It is steeped in history, been the scene of some of the most incredible events both on … [Continue reading]