Then and Now – Goldfields Motor House

I just love these 'Then and Now' pics!! This is the Vissign Australia Building at 125 Boulder Road (across the road from McDonald). As you will see it hasn't changed a bit since these photos were taken just after WW2 in 1945. They were sent in by … [Continue reading]

Can You Help – Laverton History Book

The good news is that a history book of Laverton and the surrounding towns is to be published. Lots of people will be contributing to the book, which is going to be really great. Do you have anything you could share on the town or any of the … [Continue reading]

Kids from North Kal – schools

The following photos were sent in by Ian Knight and are reproduced with his permission. He has given me all the names that he has gathered and would like to know if anyone can identify the missing children. Legend *          Agree that the person … [Continue reading]

School Days- children of the new century

Bewween 1903 and 1906 there was an incentive to photograph all of the children in the education system in Western Australia. Many of these photographs appeared in the newspapers. As with many of the schools in the outlying towns of the Goldfields, … [Continue reading]

Leonora Snapshot – all the little children ‘2’

Recently, on the OFH blog, I posted the first batch of biographies on the people who are buried in the Leonora Cemetery. Every cemetery provides a social and family history snapshot of the town where its located. Accident and disease show no … [Continue reading]