To be or not to be – Lawlers Suicides

In this last edition of the Lawlers Cemetery Snapshots we look at suicides. Suicide was a sad but common cause of death in the early days of the Goldfields. Sometimes it was a release from a certain and horrific death by thirst or heat. Other times … [Continue reading]

The Rabbits are Coming-

This article appeared just one year before the 'Rabbit Proof Fence" was started and wouldn't be finished until 1907. This may be the first sighting of rabbits on the Goldfields. Kalgoorlie Western Argus 23 October 1900 The Rabbits are … [Continue reading]

Lawlers Cemetery- Snapshot – all the little children

As to be expected in these early times, the child mortality rate was very high. If you lived away from a large population, it was even higher. The risk was not just for the babies and young children, but for the mothers as well. It is said, that if … [Continue reading]

The Great Western Woodlands – a verse by John Terrell

  It’s special out here, connecting with nature Surrounded by bush, acre upon acre It’s quiet here too, as I suck in fresh air No sound of machinery or thoughts of despair Salmon gums and gimlets they shine in the sun Once raped for … [Continue reading]

Lawlers Cemetery – Snapshot – The Irish

Over the next few days I will be publishing the results of my work on the update of the  Lawlers Cemetery records and photos.  I have been careful editing and researching for the past three weeks. This cemetery is quite small, with only 164 burials. … [Continue reading]