We are fortunate that the family stories and wonderful photos have been shared by Tony James. They show an excellent insight into life in the bush. Tony Tells me - from 1924 to1927 my grandmother, Mary Josephine JAMES nee Hager [1891-1990] ran the … [Continue reading]
“Can I shave you. Mr. Smiler.” ???
From the pen of 'Smiler Hales' - Alfred Arthur Greenwood HALES (1860-1936) "You can't whip a mining camp for novelties". I was walking along Bayley street the other afternoon, feeling like a poet and looking like a tramp out of luck, when I saw … [Continue reading]
Boulder Cemetery – a long time coming
GREAT NEWS!!!! The current Boulder Cemetery is now available in full on the Outback Family History website as of today. Up until now it has only had a partial list, but thanks to Danelle Warnock, who has been editing and adding to the data for some … [Continue reading]
Warden Finnerty : that is the question?
These two photographs present a mystery which is unlikely to be resolved. Both are believe to be the same man at different points in his life, but confirmation of that is a tall order. John Michael Finnerty was born in Ireland and educated at … [Continue reading]
Death at Dingo Creek:-
I recently received a request for assistance from Graeme Hughes in New Zealand. He was trying to find the burial of a relative, his Gt Gt Grandfather, George VOYSEY. He understood that he had died in 1896 at Niagara, but after looking at the burials … [Continue reading]