The Metropolitan Hotel – Coolgardie hotels 8

The Metropolitan Hotel Coolgardie: When Pat Kennedy and his wife vacated the site on the north-eastern corner of Bayley and Fords streets in 1894, Fred Brewer erected a hotel two years later which was called The Metropolitan. The hotel had … [Continue reading]

Where is Quinns – ghost towns

xgy z vxsd+632. Many of you may not have heard of the small settlement of Quinns in the Murchison of Western Australia. It is described in 1895 as 'A picturesque spot, half way between Nannine and Barambi, and was at one time the largest … [Continue reading]

More Tales from Brown Hill Road –

By Michael Johansen (nee Morgan) The old Metters and Parramatta wood stoves were hungry beasts. They gobbled up wood at an alarming rate. There were a couple of huge ‘Gimlet’ gums in Brown Hill road but they were unavailable for firewood so we had … [Continue reading]

Mollie’s Box – A family story

by Pam Caddy In 1999 a television program 'Adopt A Soldier' promoting the Perth Battye Library, featured a copy of a photograph of Pam Caddy's father and four of his brothers all serving in WW1. This was the first time that Pam had seen the photo … [Continue reading]

Memories of Ora Banda – a verse

My old home town is deserted now The prospecting scene has been altered But the memory lingers deep down somehow Of brave men who never faltered In their search for gold, in the auriferous hills. Despite the heat and cold and winter ills I can … [Continue reading]