I recently had an email from a lady who I had been in contact with many years ago, asking me to assist her with a new family history query. At first it seemed quite straight forward, she knew that her cousin died in 1943 and she had the full date … [Continue reading]
The Lamington Grocer – by Kevin Blacker
25 Ward Street Lamington In today’s world of super markets and city living, on line shopping the corner grocery store has almost gone. It’s now called a ‘deli and in most cases not a delicatessen as that is a sub section in Woollies or … [Continue reading]
Dust and Dreams – a verse by Crissouli (c)
DUST AND DREAMS The old man sat, in silence upon the dusty floor not heeding sounds around him he dreamt of days of yore - For he'd once been a stockman on a station, rather grand, working mobs of cattle, then became a leading … [Continue reading]
The story behind the picture – a family
When Graham J Chapman came across this following post card in the collection of his Great Aunt Flo's, he started on a journey of discovery into his Sharp, Fisher and Trease families, represented in the photo. He also released that she was also other … [Continue reading]
The Deserted Camp
The Deserted Camp Deserted now- no more you stir’d By those in quest of gold Now your but a memory blurr’d Of what you were of old Yet though the camp of silence sleeps Except for songs of birds Theres language in your silent heaps More elequont … [Continue reading]