A Faithful wife, True and Kind:

I was recently sent this photograph of H Cramer and Co, Saddle, Collar and Harness Maker. To find out a bit more about the business I started to search. A sad tale indeed unfolded. In Kalgoorlie in 1901, a young couple married, Margaret … [Continue reading]

The Money or the Wife ??? –

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 23 October 1900, page 25 MATRIMONIAL MISFITS  :    A lady, who after 17 years of connubial bliss, took it into her head to elope with a jockey, was charged with larceny of £70 from her lawful husband. The latter, … [Continue reading]

Captain Kettle of the Toorak Hotel –

Built in 1899. On June 25, 1903 a fire destroyed the whole of the front of the hotel. Situated on the 90 Mile Road, in the early days, this was the road out of Coolgardie on the North side. It closed some time in 1910. Licensee's Harold B … [Continue reading]

St Anthonys Convent – pupils 1897-1925

Earlier this year you may recall, we were fortunate in being granted access to the admission records for St Anthony's Convent In Coolgardie. Because of the privacy laws of the Catholic Church records we were given permission to access up to 1925, … [Continue reading]

The Golden Graveyard:

Western Australian Goldfields Courier, Coolgardie  9 February 1895, page 4 WESTERN WANDERINGS. CAMP FIRE and FOREST TRACK. A GOLDEN GRAVEYARD. [BY A. G. 'Smiler' HALES] Michael William Kelly had thrown a seven. No one knew … [Continue reading]