Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales – 25th April 2021

How has your week been, some of you I know are again in lockdown if you are in Western Australia, but where ever you are in the world I hope that all is well with you. This weekend was supposed to be three days of moving the contents of my already … [Continue reading]

The Ghosts of Bayley Street-

Over a 1000 men under the age of 26 lie buried in the Coolgardie Cemetery. The Ghosts of Bayley Street Last night the occult was in power And as the clocks struck midnight hour With saddened eyes and soundless feet, A thousand ghosts … [Continue reading]

Robert Pickering True – a landmark in the wilderness

It you were travelling in the Outback North of Laverton in Western Australia and you came across this imposing grave and headstone, you may think that this must be someone of importance to have such an impressive memorial in such a remote place. You … [Continue reading]

John Thomas Pearce – grave tales

The Tragic Tale of a Northumberland Man. At the turn of the century in 1902, John Thomas Pearce left his home in Northumberland when the call went out for miners to work in the remote Western Australian town of Leonora at the Sons of Gwalia gold … [Continue reading]

Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales -18th Apr 2021

I hope that you have all had a great week and that you are enjoying your weekend. Just wanted to let you know a bit of 'behind the scenes' on Outback Family History. For those who are interested, the current work in progress in adding new … [Continue reading]