With Murderous Intent:

In the early Goldfields days, life was harsh and death came often to families. Not just to the old and very young, but often those in the prime of life would be taken suddenly. The main causes of death were diseases such as typhoid and accidents both … [Continue reading]

Geoff Lambert was his name:

Last week we heard about the longest mail run in Australia. So I thought you might like to know about the man who made these intrepid trips. Geoff Lambert did the ‘run’ for thirteen years. He was the longest-serving mailman employed by … [Continue reading]

Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales – 27th June 2021

Hello to all our readers Hope you have had a good week and you are keeping warm (depending on where you are). I recently had an email from someone who wanted to know all of the various sources for family and local history in the Kalgoorlie … [Continue reading]

With Mail to Marble Bar:

Australia's Longest Overland Mail from Meekatharra to Marble Bar. Western Australia. a distance of 1211 miles for the round trip. by John K Ewers  -  February 1935 Mundiwindi, Murramunda, Bald Hill, Noreena Downs. Nullagine ---  the very … [Continue reading]

A Sequel to ‘The Child of the Woodline”

You may remember some time ago that I shared with you this story of a little grave surrounded by the baby's own cot as a memorial. This story, which I have re-posted twice as it has been so popular has produced the most wonderful outcome. There have … [Continue reading]