Recently Outback Family History reader, Peter Sirr, sent me the following photograph of a baby's grave in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. It appears to have been most carefully made from tin possibly by his father. Charles Robert Leslie FINN Age 1year … [Continue reading]
Mulwarrie Cemetery:
Mulwarrie is an abandoned townsite in the North Coolgardie Goldfield of the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia, 125 km northwest of Kalgoorlie, between Davyhurst and Mulline. It was originally known as Mount Higgins; gold was first … [Continue reading]
Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales – 11 July 2021
Hi Everyone We have had an amazing week with over 68 new people joining our mailing list (the most ever). I have no idea how this came about, perhaps our readers have been asking their friends to join us - whatever the reason you are all most … [Continue reading]
Born of Grief and Despair:
On the 23rd of September 1903 in Gwalia Street, Leonora Western Australia an event would take place that would start a string of family tragedies. The event was the death of a little girl, Eileen Margaret Doyle. She died of Tonisilitis and Bronchitis … [Continue reading]
Did she fall or was she pushed??
The British Arms Hotel in Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie was built in 1899 and operated as a hotel until it was delicenced in 1924. It is reputed to be the narrowest two-story hotel in the southern hemisphere measuring only 3.2 meters in … [Continue reading]