“Burly” McLean Drops in by John Gary

from Allen Gledhill. John Gary's great-nephew Claimed To Be Strongest Digger On three Fields "BURLY" McLEAN DROPS IN by John Gary They're among the men who tell you that the gold rush days -  the days of overnight fortunes, bare-knuckle fights, … [Continue reading]

Red Flannel Joe –

Western Mail - Perth - 28 February 1935, page 9 He is known as 'Red Flannel Joe' throughout the district. He is old and somewhat pompous and lives in a tin hut in what was once the main street of this little nor-west town of Peak Hill. … [Continue reading]

Robbery Under Arms – by John Marshall

Robbery Under Arms on the Coolgardie Road In the early days of the Goldfields the gold escort used to leave Coolgardie every week with parcels of gold varying in value from £5000 to £50,000 in value. It was a common remark to hear passed by the … [Continue reading]

Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales – 1 August 2021

Dear Readers I would like to first start this week's message with an apology. Apart from one story, the other will be repeated from older newsletters. Although some of you may have already read these stories some of the newer members may not … [Continue reading]

Kanowna’s Boy Hero – James Sexton

To rescue a fellow mortal from a watery grave, from a burning building, or under other exceptional circumstances requires the display of personal bravery and lack of regard for the safety of the rescuer. To risk all, to and to face death to save a … [Continue reading]