Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales – 13th June 2021

Hi Everyone, I hope you have had a good week and you got some of the wonderful rain that we have been having, where ever you are. I receive on average about 20-25 emails and messages per day about family and local history matters. Mose queries are … [Continue reading]

The Waters Family in the West-

From the family records of Grant Waters, with thanks: In the 1890s (possibly 1894), my Great Great Grandfather, Arundel William Waters, and two of his brothers, Thomas Waters and William Henry Waters shipped their horse teams to Western Australia … [Continue reading]

A Lost and Desolate Wanderer

Evening Journal, Adelaide, 30 January 1894 A Terrible Experience at Coolgardie. A well known and respected resident of Kent Town has received a letter from his son, who recently went to Coolgardie from Adelaide, from which the following is … [Continue reading]

Wattie Davys and Davyhurst town:

The following story was sent by Julia Flavel with thanks: My GT GT Uncle Walter (Wattie) Davys found gold in Davyston now Davyhurst. It is our understanding it was named after him. The Davy came from his name and the Hurst from Hurstone farm … [Continue reading]

Alfred Ives – Prospector and staunch friend-

Sunday Times - Perth - 1 July 1910, page 1 New England 'Mt Vernon" A Promising Gold Belt told by Alfred Ives Prospector Alfred Ives tripped up the office stairs last Wednesday to offer voluminous details about the development of … [Continue reading]