The murder-suicide tragedy of Nurse Elizabeth Gold and Kenneth Snodgrass, is a tale quite widely known about but I have not before told the story on the Outback Family History Blog. In Coolgardie in the 1890's, Elizabeth Gold, Kenneth … [Continue reading]
A Swearful Dryblower – a verse
I am a digger at Mulgabbie and I'd like to rise and say Dryblowing is a swearful game to most diggers anyway. You work for days without a color, then have a lengthy swear that takes two solid windy days to cleanse the atmosphere. If an … [Continue reading]
The Sun – Not a Detective Agency
The Sun Newspaper was circulated in the Goldfields from 1898 to 1929 when the name was changed to The Goldfields Observer, which continued until 1939. Printed and published by Frank Walker for Kalgoorlie Newspapers, Ltd at their office, 51 Forrest … [Continue reading]
A Mothers Despair – grave tales
While recently researching the lives of those buried in the Peak Hill Cemetery, I came across this very sad and tragic story. Catherine and George Howard had married in 1895 and, up to the time of her death in 1908, Catherine and George had six … [Continue reading]
Ripping Yarns & Tragic Tales – 5th September 2021
Hi Everyone, I hope your weekend is going well. This week I had the pleasure of meeting one of my volunteers in person as he was coming through Kalgoorlie. It doesn't often happen that I do get to meet any of the many people who help me and who I … [Continue reading]