Milly Soak – an oasis in the desert

Thanks to John Pritchard for the original idea for this story: Milly/Millie Soak is 16 kilometers north of Cue and was a popular picnic spot in Cue’s early history. It also became the source of the town’s water for a number … [Continue reading]

Jules Gascard – pioneer profile

In the days before the motor vehicle and on the eve of the arrival of railway travel the horse and the camel ruled the transport business. Jules Samuel Gascard was one businessman who was at the forefront of this booming trade. Cue 1896  -  … [Continue reading]

A History of Lodge Golden Thistle –

A HISTORY OF LODGE GOLDEN THISTLE No. 840 S.C. First Scottish Lodge erected on the Eastern Goldfields of WA By Bro. Doug Daws PDGM, Hon, SGW (Scot.) - August 2021 Although Coolgardie is now known to most West Australians as a tourist town and … [Continue reading]

Gold and Ghosts –

The murder-suicide tragedy of Nurse Elizabeth Gold and Kenneth Snodgrass, is a tale quite widely known about but I have not before told the story on the Outback Family History Blog. In Coolgardie in the 1890's, Elizabeth Gold, Kenneth … [Continue reading]

A Swearful Dryblower – a verse

I am a digger at Mulgabbie and I'd like to rise and say Dryblowing is a swearful game to most diggers anyway. You work for days without a color, then have a lengthy swear that takes two solid windy days to cleanse the atmosphere. If an … [Continue reading]