Infamous Sydney crime figure, Tilley Devine, portrayed in the TV series Underbelly, had a link to Kalgoorlie Boulder after being arrested and jailed on the Goldfields. Matilda ‘Tilley” Devine, was born in England in 1900 and became a prominent … [Continue reading]
Thomas RYAN – The King of Meekatharra
Some time ago I was contacted by Sue Hartley who is the Great Granddaughter of Thomas Ryan and his wife, Henrietta Ryan nee Kane. Their third child, Mary Daisy Ryan, known as Dais, was her grandmother. Meekatharra Ryan" or the King of … [Continue reading]
The Picnic – tragedy in the great drought
Last week I mentioned that I had been asked what were my favorite stories, one happy and one sad. This one is the 'sad' one. I have read it many times and it still has the power to make me feel the desperation of this woman. The day dawned … [Continue reading]
Siberia Cemetery –
SIBERIA CEMETERY /WAVERLEY Cemetery 30°14’19.0S - 120°57’01.5”E ANDERSON James, known as ‘New Zealand Jimmy’, d 25 April 1895, age 40, was a condenser owner who was speared by an aboriginal. He was from Aberdeen Scotland … [Continue reading]
Macquarie’s Dog –
Geraldton Advertiser 13 November 1896, page 3 That There Dog o' Mine From Henry Lawson's " While the Billy Boils." Macquarie the shearer had met with an accident. To tell the truth, he had been in a drunken row at a wayside … [Continue reading]