Kalgoorlie Miner, Tuesday 24 December 1901, page 6
The growth of the business of Armstrong’s Cycle Agency ever since its inception has been astonishing, and it would probably be a very difficult matter to find a parallel case. The firm, which is the oldest in this line of business on the goldfields, commenced operations in a very small way, and its rapid expansion necessitated the firm securing those’ commodious premises now occupied by them. Right from the start the firm has handled the best makes of cycles and realising that the best is the cheapest, it still continues to deal in them.
As large and good assortments are always kept in stock, intending purchasers can rely upon receiving a good article at a reasonable price. One of the main features of the firm is that it is always to the fore in stocking the latest novelties and improvements. The Raleigh cross-frame bicycle, which has caught on in England, is likely to catch on in Kalgoorlie and the surrounding districts, as the firm is doing good business in this make of cycle. For repairs and enameling the firm’s work is unequaled, having the best equipped plant and best mechanics and enameler in the State. A large- assortment’ of the latest novelties in accessories are . always kept in stock. The management of the firm’s business is excellent and clients can always rely upon receiving the best attention and civility.
Daily News, Wednesday 20 August 1902, page 2
One of the most imposing structures in the business heart of Perth is that occupied by Mr. P. W. Armstrong, which commands the attention of all passers-by on the north side of Hay-street, nearly opposite the Theatre Royal. Armstrong’s Cycle Agency is the name by which the business is more familiarly known, and it may be at once stated that the general suggestion of up-to-dateness with which the outside of the new premises is identified is fully borne out by the completely stocked interior, both as regards the show-rooms and the various branches of cycle manufacture hidden to the general view.
Established by Mr. P. W. Armstrong (now on a business cum-pleasure tour of the old world) in 1894 the Agency has, during its nine years existence made remarkable strides in importance as one of the industrial factories of the State.

Percival William Armstrong – The Western Mail Christmas Number 1899
From the original small depot, the present agency grew, and can now boast of six large branches, Kalgoorlie, Coolgardie, Kanowna, Menzies, Boulder City, and Fremantle being the centers at which they are located. At the same time, Mr. Armstrong has agencies in over one hundred towns in the State. He has devoted years of business energy and enterprise towards the improvement of his business in every direction, and the practice of his excellent theories has brought with it its own reward, that of the attainment of a status of the greatest importance in its own particular line.
In 1903 the business was to branch out into importing motor cars, later to be known as the Armstrong Cycle and Motor Agency
Moya Sharp
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