Norseman Weddings – Methodist Church

A new record has been added to the Outback Family History web site. It is the Methodist Church marriages for the town of Norseman. Although included in the ‘Goldfields People’ Index it is helpful to be able to search these records by town.

There are 487 marriages which give the following details.

Name of Groom
Name of Bride
Date and place of marriage
Groom:- DOB or age, Place of Birth, Status and Occupation, Address, Fathers name and Occupation, Mother name, Witnesses, Minister
Bride:- DOB or age, Place of Birth, Status and Occupation, Address, Fathers name and Occupation, Mother name, Witnesses, Address of Brides parents, Minister
So as you will see these records contain a great deal of information on these families.

Mr and Mrs Ken Nicholson 4 Jul 1955 Norseman

Beverley Times 28 July 1955    :     MARRIED AT NORSEMAN

The bridal party at the Hansen-Daly wedding at Norseman. The bride was Shirley Ethel Hansen, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hansen, and the groom was Phillip Raymond Daly, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Daly. In the picture, from left, father of the bride Mr. Jack Hansen, the groom, the best man Mr. Keith Daly, the bride, the mother of the groom Mrs. W. Daly, and the matron-of-honor Mrs. Joan Clarke. In front, page boy Graham Pember and flower girl Gay Clarke.

Our thanks go to Amanda Lovitt who painstakingly transcribed these very important details from the handwritten original records.

You can see the full list of names at :  Norseman Marriages

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Uma Maheswar Nakka says


  2. Kerry Burrows says

    My parents were married at Kalgoorlie in August 30, 1958. Could i track down the details of their wedding?
    Also looking for pics of Norseman Primary School in the 1950s.

    • Hi Kerry Can you give me your parent’s names and a date. Im afraid 1950s is a little too recent for my records. Have you contacted the school directly?

  3. Nicole Knorr says

    Does anyone know anything about a J.A. SMITH? he was apparently living at the princess royal around 1954 according to my grandparents engagement notice. He is my great grandfather and I have very little information or knowledge about him and I would love to find out more.

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