North Kalgoorlie School -1960 to1970

North Kalgoorlie Primary School - Gr 5 1969 -photo from Sue Higgins

North Kalgoorlie Primary School – Gr 5 1969 -photo from Sue Higgins (nee McKenzie)

Back row – Alec May, Gary Bale, Brian Stones, Brett Foster, P. Hellen, John Langford, Victor Wells, Stephen Ruckmick, Peter Collier, Keith Shepheard. 3rd row – Graeme Tarabini, Phil Davison, C Johns, Geoff Watson, Norm Sharp, Billy York (hand over face), Michael Willoughby, L Quealey, Ken Littlewood, Peter Wooddall, P Fitzgerald. 2nd row – Leanne Negus, Susan Hill, Heather Brown, Lynne Grainger, Sue McKenzie (me), Gillian Burkett. Front row – Roslyn Simmons, Helen Pettit, Roslyn Grist, Lynette Pope, Veronica O’Brien, Michelle Martin, Lynette Carter, Gina Isbister, Susan Browning.

North Kalgoorlie Primary School - Gr 6 1970 -photo from Sue Higgins (nee McKenzie)

North Kalgoorlie Primary School – Gr 6 1970 -photo from Sue Higgins (nee McKenzie)

North Kalgoorlie Primary School – 1970
Back Row: M. Lightfoot, I. McLiver, N. Wheatly, T. Stubbs, G. Hames, M. McCulloch, S. Ruckmick, B. Foster
J. Langford, Ted Robertson.
3rd Row: B. Rowe, C. Power, T .Tyson, V. Cooper, K. Shepard, G. Burkett, H. Jarvis, S. Cousins, J. Brown,
S. McKenzie
2nd Row: S. Pollinelli, S. Watts, H. Wills, H. Brown, L. Grainger, Y. Armstrong, K. Smales, R. Coombe, G. Isbister, G. Barret
Front Row: T. Doust, I. Crawford, G. Bale, J. Jones, R. Littlewood, M. Riddle, G. Shepard, M. Brown, A. Gormly

North Kalgoorlie School Gr 7 1962 -

North Kalgoorlie School Gr 7 1962 –

Back Row: B. Turner, P. Donnelly, C. Rowe, J. De Camp, E. Purdue, V. Temple, M. Robartson, J. Archer, C. Keegan T. Sadler, C. Guise, B. Morgan, J. Williams Middle Row: J. Spencer, R. Davis, L. Boneham, V. Vulitich, L. Dimer, L. Fissioli, J. Rose, J. De Bello, G. Winner, J. Thorton, G. Winner, L. Nazzari. Front Row: D. Smith, P. Ennor, N. Piggott, W. Eade, N. Davis, R. Smales, R. Smith, L. Bassett, L. McGrath, A. McGrath, M. Vranjes, E. Polmear, S. Wheatly Sitting:S. Compton, P. Jose, R. Holdaway

North Kalgoorlie School Gr 1 1962

North Kalgoorlie School Gr 1 1962

Back Row: ? Harry Cleverley, ? ? Kerry Smales, ? ? ? Shelley?, ? ? ?
Middle Row: ? ? ? Kim Loxton, ? Brian?, Jonathon ? Garry ? ? ? ?
Front Row: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Eva Jarvis, Suzanne Eade, Sally George, Rosemary Jones, ? ? Janis Hill,

North Kalgoorlie School - Gr 7 1962

North Kalgoorlie School – Gr 7 1962 Teacher Mr Maloney

Susan WYLIE, Jainette RUNDLE, Charles BRODIE-HALL Ken ???, Terry BEARD, Ron NEWBY, Alan MEAD
Next row:- Lyn NEW, Jayne PARREN, Noellene DANIELS, Margaret DUNLOP, Susan LEWIS, Brenda DOBIE, Jeanette STREET, Julie PARREN, Raelene STOCKMAN, Jan LEWIS, Patricia CRISP
Next Row:- Athene TRUMAN, Sharon LAMOTTE, Coral CARTER, Rose Anne HUGHES, Susan JONES,
Front Row:- Manfred GEPHARD, George BENNETS, Peter WILLS, Philip WEARNE

North Kalgoorlie Primary School Faction Captains and Vice Captains 1971.

North Kalgoorlie Primary School Faction Captains and Vice Captains 1971.

Back Row:- L-R Leanne Mitchell, Jillian Burkett, Gina Isbister, Robyn Coombe, Lynette Pope, Sharon Maloney, Leeane ?, Kerry Smales. Front row:- Robbie Davidson, Brian Stones, Gary Bale, Ray English, Peter Woodall, Charlie Brock, Norm Sharp and Mike Willoughby.


NKPS Gr 6 or 7 1969 Teacher Mr Ted Robinson – photo Kevin Cockburn

Rear: Wayne Owen, Neil Summer, Kevin Cockburn, Brian Rowe, Wayne Hill, Andrew Jackson,
Danny Kent, Phillip O’Brien, Paul Rundle, Peter Murray.
3rd Row: –  Graeme Hall, Terry Fissioli, Garry Shepherd, Craig Hicks, Mike Robertson, Wayne Johns
Ron Littlewood, Alec Adams, Chris Pascoe.
2nd Row:-  Susan Pascoe, Catherine Dasborough, Carol Peach, Beverley O’Conner,
Robyn Wells, Sheridan Spence
Front Row:-   Gillian Ellison, Ruth Carran, Royale Milling, Allison Beardman, Lesley Golding, Susan Chappel
Helen Jarvis, Karen Sadler, Colleen Cruickshank

Yr 1 1964 Teacher Jan George

Yr 1 1964 Teacher Jan George

Diane Gilmore nee Wills – 3rd row 1st on the left

North Kalgoorlie School Yr 5 1976 Teacher Mr Perhavic

North Kalgoorlie School Yr 5 1976 – Teacher Mr Perhavic – Photo Kathy Moulton

North Kalgoorlie School 1968-9 - Photo Ron Littlewood

North Kalgoorlie School 1968-9 – Photo Ron Littlewood

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.


  1. Ken Boyne says

    Grade 5, 1969 – Peter collier, 2nd from right back row would go on to be the West Australian Education Minister.

    • Yes thats right, Peter Collier definitely has a big person history in mining. He was the Minister for Mines when we dedicatred the Miners Memorial in Kalgoorlie in 2014.

  2. I use to go to that school but only in 2018 yr 6
    In 2016 that is the year when the yr 7s left and only kindly to yr 6 if been there from yr 1 to 6 great school

  3. Lynda Dilena (nee Higgs) says

    Hello, would anyone know the whereabouts of Raelene Stockman whose picture appears in the 1962 photo.
    I have very fond memories of time spent with Raelene & her family prior to them leaving Perth approx 1958-1959.

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