Nannine – William James Fisher

The following amazing photograph have been kindly sent to me to share with you. They are from the family album of Ms Robin Panousieris, nee Fisher, and are about her Grandfather, William James Fisher, who was born in Ballarat, so he experienced the gold rush there which may have given him the idea that gold digging wasn’t profitable, but being a merchant was.  The family then moved to Richmond Victoria.  He rode from Richmond in Victoria to Western Australia.

W J Fisher returned to Victoria first as a builder, then bought a sheep farm in Victoria Valley and then Glenthompson Victoria.  Robin was born on the farm and her grandfather lived with them.  He lived until he was 91.  He was from Scottish stock, a real hardy race.

Building in Cue main street, built by W J Fisher.

Today:- Originally The Gentlemen’s Club in Cue now the Shire offices.

William James Fisher is the man in the middle with the mustach – Nannine Cycle Agency and Timber yard 1900.

Boat building for the lake at Nannine. April 1900. W.J. Fisher sitting on boat with hands in lap.Next to A E Whitchurch – Cycle Agency. From the above photo it appears that W J Fisher took over from A E Whitchurch.

Nannine Lake 1900

Nannine Timber Yard, W J Fisher standing in doorway.

The Murchison Times and the Day Dawn Gazette 1899

The Murchison Times and the Day Dawn Gazette 1899

Camels resting outside of Masterston & Co General Agents Nannine 1899. W J Fisher can be seen standing behind his bicycle.

William James Fisher Christmas Card 1898 Nannine.

The Murchison Advocate 1899

A.W.A Races Lakeway, Start of the Aboriginal Race 1900

A group of aboriginal men ready for a corroboree, probably on LakeWay Station :1900

A group of Aboriginal people standing at a gate on the Lake Way Station 1900

Two aboriginal girls wearing advertising, LakeWay Station. 1900

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Uma Maheswar Nakka says

    Good Afternoon dear friend Moya
    As usual very interesting vintage article and photos.
    Thanks and regards

  2. Richard says

    Best photos of Nannine I have seen for some time. Boating on Lake Annean was a popular pastime till the earthquake of 1942? And after that the lake took stronger rains to make it fill.

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