Recently researched and updated by John Pritchard with thanks
Nannine Cemetery (26.885S 118.341E)
35 kms South West of Meekatharra
94 Burials
A Brief History and List of those persons known to be laying at rest there. (Caution-This document may contain names of deceased Aboriginal/Australian First Nations Peoples)
Australian First Nations Peoples.
For many years prior to European settlement, these people and their ancestors occupied a part of Western Australia currently generally known as the Murchison Region according to the traditions, culture, and practices of their times. Whilst no precise borders are recorded, it is known that the area was occupied by those who spoke various languages at the time of settlement. They have continued to practice those cultures, practices, and traditions after settlement according to their situation where possible in and around Nannine as part of the Murchison Region.
These early traditions and practices included the ceremonial treatment of the deceased, the recording of those events in the traditional memorials of the time, and in the memories of the individuals and groups involved. Following the settlement, WA State legislation made it a requirement for deceased people to be placed in more formal cemeteries, although this did not always happen for varying reasons for deceased people of both Aboriginal/First Nations and some other racial groups.
The Early Days of Exploration of the Murchison and the establishment of the town of Nannine.
Indications of the presence of gold were first discovered at a number of locations in the Murchison Region of Western Australia around the year 1890 after earlier limited discoveries in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions. The first recorded discovery in the Murchison was made by John Connelly on the northeast end of Annean Station towards Meekatharra.
The Murchison Goldfield was proclaimed in September 1891 and in May 1892, reports were being received that some of the men in this area were almost starving for a short time due to the inability of relief supplies and water reaching them. By September of the same year, there were reportedly an estimated 700 men working in the Murchison area. Some deaths did occur over time in this area, primarily due to lack of water and/or poor hygiene conditions. The name Nannine Wells was first used there by a surveyor in 1889.
The town of Nannine was gazetted on 21 June 1894 and was large enough to be given its own electoral district. The Town of Nannine cemetery reserve was gazetted on 1 January 1897 and in 1896, construction began on a railway line between Cue northwards to Nannine which was completed in 1903. A continuation of the line further north to Meekatharra was commenced in 1909.
Despite the absence of formal town records, the deaths of the following people were amongst those in or around Nannine in these early years and were briefly mentioned in newspapers of the time. Not all made it onto formal lists of those buried in the Nannine Cemetery. The following persons are among those mentioned:
- KENNA/KENNY Francis ‘Frank’ — 25yrs, Born in Mortlake Victoria in 1867, son of Patrick and Bridget Kenna of Ballangeich, Victoria. passed away on 8 May 1892 and the cause of his death was deemed to be typhoid fever. Four other men in the same rough bush accommodation were similarly very ill and death for some of them was seen as imminent. (Page 3 The Daily News 2 June 1892). Buried originally opposite the Gasgard’s Hotel in Simpson St, later exhumed with 5 others the week of the 14/10/1899 and buried at the Nannine cemetery, the outline of the burial site is marked with the 4 axles of a stagecoach.
- LAMONTE John Dye— aged 48 years passed away on 18 November 1894 from typhoid fever and the perforation of intestines at Annean Station WA and was buried there on 18 November 1894 as it was inadvisable at that time to take his remains to Nannine WA. He was born in Owego, New York, USA in 1846, Father: Samuel LAMONTE, Mother: Rachel DYE,
He married three times, first to Mary M HARDING in 1870 in Ohio USA, then to Anna DOUGLASS in 1888 in California USA, (she later married William Talbot in 1888), and finally, to Hettie Ethel MOORE in 1893 in Strathan Tasmania, the family moved to Sydney NSW in 1883. Children: Rachel May born in 1871 & Leroy born in 1882 (born to Mary), Douglass Talbot born in 1884 (born to Anna) John Dye (born to Hettie). John Lamonte had been quite wealthy, owning the Garden Gully Mine in Cue where they lived and where he had royalties paid to him for an invention he made in mining, Reg 960/1894. (Page 3 of The Geraldton Murchison Telegraph 20 November 1894).
- TIMPERLEY Ernest — son of Percy Oughton Timperley and Elizabeth Edith nee BAILEY and was born on 11 September 1895 in Cue WA but passed away at Nannine on 24 December 1895. He was their youngest Son and
was a healthy child. Reg 1553/1895. (Page 2 of the Murchison Times and Day Dawn Gazette 1 January 1896). - Others at or around Nannine in the period from 1890 to 1896 included:
Alfred MAIN — age 32 who died on 30 May 1892 from pneumonia
BYNONON Mr — 8 April 1892 died after a few days of delirium from Typhoid.
ANDERSON Adam — died on 9 May 1892 from Typhoid sickness after 7 days of insanity.
HARDY John — passed away on 11 April 1892 after 7 days of typhoid sickness insanity.
DOWSE Robert — age 23 yrs from Victoria passed away on 31 May 1892 from typhoid sickness,
CARTWRIGHT Mrs — from suicide January 1892.
REYNOLDS Mr — a miner from sun exposure in January 1892.
ERCELL Mr — from typhoid sickness in December 1892.
ROBERTS John — in April 1892 from Typhoid sickness.
BYSON Benjamin — in April 1892 from Typhoid sickness.
OSTLUND unnamed male — Father: Axel OSTLUND, Mother: Melanie SINGLE.
It is unclear exactly where all deceased people were laid to rest during the period from 1890 to Jul 1896 in and around what later became the town of Nannine as little specific detail of these deaths exists. The town of Nannine was not founded until Jul 1896. It is also known that there were a number of camps around Nannine.
Because of the conditions that the miners and others were living under in June 1892 at Nannine and surrounding areas, typhoid sickness became rife, the Victorian Express newspaper issued the following on page 3 as part of its editorial on the issue of 3 June 1892.
“ I reported to you that in reply to a deputation from the diggers, the Warden stated that if any further sickness took place he would cause the erection of a hospital tent. Two men have died since and several are sick but the hospital tent is still in the air, and there isn’t accommodation for a sick bungarra (lizard), let alone a Christian. If the Geraldton merchants who supply our stores here wish to do a real stroke of business, let them take a tip from me, and send up a waggon load of Dan Marsh’s cheap coffins, for nearly all the empty gin cases have given in, and the next few poor devils will have to be buried in a sheet of Mulga bark.”
Shifting of some graves from the original Pioneer site in Simpson Street Nannine to the Cemetery at Nannine.
About six to eight pioneer graves were authorised at Nannine by Warden William Ardagh Gardiner Walter before the townsite was surveyed in 1892, at a site near what became Gascard’s, Nannine Hotel in Simpson Street, and these were fenced around. However, the action was taken to remove them to the Nannine Cemetery in 1899 following concern about the interference being done to them by cattle and dogs.
The names of the persons who were relocated to the Nannine Cemetery from this site are known to include Frank KENNA, and Robert DOWSE whose names appear above along with another six such victims of typhoid in 1892.
Also see separate lists on this website for many “Lonely Graves” burials in the Murchison Region desert areas and other specifically named cemeteries in Western Australia.
Nannine Cemetery, Western Australia
Nannine is located between Cue & Meekatharra within the Shire of Meekatharra
The registration district for Nannine is the Murchison.
ARMSTRONG Charles W — 11 mths, bur 6 May 1907. Section & Loc unknown, Reg Murchison 40/1907. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BAPTIE Samuel Alex — 24 yrs, died April 1902, Section & Location unknown, was born in Foster, Victoria in 1873 and his Parents were James and Catherine nee Simpson, he was also well known in Cue WA and died in the Nannine Hospital after a fortnight there, the cause of death was peritonitis, his occupation is not recorded. Reg 1621/1902. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BARKAS John George — 27 yrs, died 26 Jul 1909, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Daylesford, Victoria in 1873 and his Parents were Gabriel and Jane nee Glendenning, he was the brother of George Barkas, the cause of his death was a mining accident in which he was drowned in a sudden inrush of water into the Royalist Mine at Nannine WA, his occupation was that of a miner at Nannine where he had lived for about 6 years. Reg Murchison 47/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery. Mine Death –
BELL Clarice Maud –infant, died 3 Dec 1913, Section & Location, unknown Father: Robert Walter BELL, Mother: Agnes Jamieson Linda OVENS, Reg Murchison 15/1913, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BELL John James ‘Jack’ — 84 yrs, died 26 Aug 1999, Section & Location, unknown, He was born in the Murchison Region in 1915 and was the brother of Allan and Jean Bell. His occupation was that of a grazier on Hillside Station, WA. Reg (not shown due to privacy). Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BELL William Thompson — 59 yrs, died 15 April 1902, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Tasmania in 1842 and his parents were James and Elizabeth nee Cole, Married to Susannah Stormont in Perth WA in 1901, the cause of his death is not recorded, his occupation was that of a contractor. Reg Murchison 1799/1902. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BENBOW Gilbert — 2 hrs, bur 2 Jan 1909, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Nannine WA in 1909 and his Parents were Ormonde and Selina Anne nee Beer who were married in Claremont WA, he was the brother of Edna Doreen Benbow who was born in Geraldton WA in 1904. Reg Murchison 8/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BETTS Charles — 55 yrs, bur 10 Sept 1906, Section & Location unknown, he was born in 1851 and his occupation was that of a miner. Reg Murchison 49/1906. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BOGIE John — age unknown, bur 29 Sept 1909, Section & Location unknown, he was married, the cause of his death was that he suffocated and was burned to death in an early morning fire at his employment at Jackson’s Bakery in Meekatharra WA where he slept, he was also well known in Cue WA where he had lived previously. He had been living in the Murchison Region for 14 years and was a member of the Perth Working Men’s Club. Reg Murchison 58/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BOURGOIN Lucy AKA Tace (nee Geurin) — bur 29 Nov 1906, 32 yrs, Section & Location unknown, she was born in Kapunda SA in 1874 and was the Wife of Martin Bourgoin and the Mother of Frederick and Eileen Bourgoin. She died in Meekatharra WA. Reg Murchison 68/1906. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BREALEY George — 23 days, bur 13 Nov 1908, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Nannine in October 1908 and his parents were John Williams and Elizabeth Lilian nee Midwaters, Reg Murchison 67/1908. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BRAND Norman Douglas — 8 mths, bur 4 April 1903, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Nannine WA in 1902 and his parents were George and Angelena nee Morgan, but for his death, he would have been the brother of Harold Shenton Brand who was born in Geraldton in 1904. Reg 1555/1903. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BROWN Charles Lewis — 1 year, bur 15 Jan 1906, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Nannine WA in 1904 and his Parents were Edward (Ted) and Ann nee Quintrell, but for his death, he would have been the brother of Dorrie, Elizabeth, Florence, George, Jessie, Len, Lillian, Malcolm, Nicholas, Teddy, Violet and William Brown, the cause of his death was blood poisoning following an operation on his leg at Nannine Hospital. Reg Murchison 4/1906. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BROWN Robert — 67 yrs, bur 27 Sept 1916, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight, England in 1849. Registration 23/1916. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BROWN William — 50 yrs, bur 13 Dec 1904. Section & Location unknown, Reg 1581/1904, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
BURFORD May ‘Daisy’ — 26 yrs, died 2 Mar 1912, Section & Location unknown, the cause of death at the Nannine Hospital was typhoid fever, she was sister to Hilda and the mother of Harold, she worked at the Pioneer Hotel where she was very diligent but delayed getting medical help for herself until it was too late. Reg Murchison 14/1912. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
CAMERON Hugh — 24 yrs, died 19 Mar 1898, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Scotland UK, the cause of death at the Nannine Hospital was the hemorrhage of his brain after his skull had been fractured in a fall of rock or some other substance accident in the main shaft of the mine at Abbott’s. He and one other miner were renovating ladders in the main shaft of the Murchison Gold Mine at Abbotts WA at the time of the rock fall. Reg 1522/1898. Buried at Nannine Cemetery. Mine Death –,
CARROLL Arthur Henry — 73 yrs, bur 24 Apr 1987, Section & Location unknown, he was born at Nannine WA on 13 June 1913 and his Parents were George Thomas and Maria Ellen nee Kemp, he was also the Brother of Mary, John, and Eileen Carroll, he was the Husband of Thelma Maude nee FEAZEY, married in Blackwood WA in 1938. His children were Beverley, Jacqueline, and Maxine Carroll. Reg (not available due to privacy). Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
CARROLL Eileen Agnes — 1 yr, bur Feb 1920, Section & Location unknown, She was born in Nannine WA on 18 November 1918 and her Parents were George Thomas and Maria Ellen nee Kemp, she was the sister of Arthur Henry, John and Mary Thorley (nee Carroll), Reg Murchison 4/1920. Buried at Nannine Cemetery
CARROLL John Raymond ‘Jack’ — 76 yrs, bur 6 Mar 1988, Section & Location unknown, he was born on 18 July 1911 in Nannine WA and his Parents were George Thomas and Maria Ellen nee Kemp, he was the brother of Arthur Henry, Eileen, and Mary Thorley nee Carroll, he was the husband of Audrey Treweek nee Knapton and the father of Charmion and Levene Carroll. Reg (not available due to privacy), Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
CARROLL Thelma Maude — 81 yrs, Section & Location unknown, Buried Nannine Cemetery. Died in Denmark WA on 21 May 1999 but was buried in Nannine WA, she was born in Northam WA on 16 August 1917 and her Parents were Percival Henry Jonas FEAZEY & Elizabeth nee WILKINS. She was the wife of Arthur Henry Carroll of Nannine and the Mother of Beverley, Jacqueline, and Maxine Carroll. Reg (not available due to privacy). Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
CHADWICK Edmund James — 22 yrs, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Seymour Victoria and died in Nannine WA in early April 1898, his parents were Thomas and Mary Chadwick, the cause of his death in Nannine Hospital was gastroenteritis. Reg 1528/1898. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
CORBETT Edward — 56 yrs, died 1 Oct 1897, Section & Location unknown, he was in an almost exhausted condition on arrival at the hospital under the complication of disorders he was suffering from and had unfortunately left it too late for medical help. Reg 1476/1897. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
CRADDOCK John ‘Jack’ — 23 yrs, died c15 February 1899, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Bendigo Victoria in 1875 and his Parents were Edwin and Alice nee Harvey, he was the brother of Alice, Edwin, Ellen, Helen, Mary, Thomas, and William Craddock. The cause of his death was that of sunstroke and thirst whilst riding his bicycle on the Quinns Track 10 miles from Stake Well. He had left on a journey between Nannine and the Anderson and Farr’s Mine at Burnakura and became lost en route on a shortcut. When found, his bicycle had a flat tyre and he was minus his hat and boots, he was conveyed to Stake Well but died just after his arrival there. His occupation was that of a miner and he was a prominent member of the local Salvation Army. Reg 1317/1899. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
Bendigo Advertiser Victoria -3 March 1899, page 2
A SAD DEATH.—On Wednesday last, Mr. E. Craddock, an old resident of Golden Square, received the sad news of the death of his third son John, aged 23, from heat and exhaustion in Western Australia, where he had been for the last three years. The deceased left a place called Nannine on his bicycle to convey a message to a party of prospectors at Burnakura, about 14 miles distant, and neglected the precaution of taking a supply of water with him. The following day a hawker found the deceased lying in an exhausted condition by the side of his bicycle, both tires of which were punctured.
When found he was lying in the full glare of a scorching sun and had lost his hat. Being unable to take a drink, some water was poured on his face, which revived him sufficiently to say that he came from Bendigo, and was dying. He was then conveyed by the carter to a camp called Stakewell, where he received every attention from Mrs. L. Leitch (a former resident of Bendigo, with whom he was acquainted), but without avail, as he expired shortly after being brought in.
The next day his remains were interred in the cemetery at Nannine, the funeral being, attended by a large number of residents, and the manager and men of the mine where he had been employed. It is surmised that the young man had missed the track and perished from heat and exhaustion, as the body was found on a side track which is generally avoided by travellers on account of the scarcity of water. The deceased was well-liked and respected by all those with whom he came in contact, and was a member of the Laurel Tent I.O.R. Lodge. Much sympathy is felt for his parents and family in their sad and unexpected bereavement. What makes the case more pathetic is that the news of the occurrence was received on the day of his brother’s marriage to a young lady at Geelong.
DAVIDSON John William — 40 yrs, bur 30 Mar 1904, Section & Location unknown, he was born in 1864 and the cause of his death was a fall of earth in the Havelock South Mine in Meekatharra, whilst he was working there as a partner in the mine, he was not totally covered by the fall of earth and he thought some of the weight was being supported by some timbers in the dislodged earth, after about 10 hours he was removed from the mine and reported nothing of concern, however, he died the next day, his occupation was that of a miner. Reg 1547/1904. Buried at Nannine Cemetery. Mine Death –
DAVIES Sarah Rebecca — 22 yrs, bur 24 Sept 1909, Section & Location unknown, She was the daughter of Thomas TURNER and Sarah Rebecca nee PARR, she was the wife of Isaac David Davies, they married in 1905 in VIC, she died at Meekatharra Hospital. Reg Murchison 57/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
DOWNIE Annie Josephine — 19 mths, Section & Location unknown, she died at Nannine on the 24 April 1898, her Parents were Michael and Mary nee Donovan, and she was born in Northam WA, she was the younger sister of William and Margaret Downie, the cause of her death was bronchitis after a short illness. Reg1533/1898. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
DUNN Lawrence John ‘Larry’ — 53 yrs, bur 5 Dec 1906, Section & Location unknown, he was born in 1853 and had been in WA for about 15 years, he was the husband of Margaret nee O’Brien of Adelaide SA from 1882 and he came to WA from SA. He was the father of William and Laurence Dunn who were born in SA. The cause of his death was the general breakdown of his system. Reg Murchison 71/1906. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
EAMER Walter — 46yrs, bur 7 Apr 1906, Section Church of England, Loc unknown, Born 10 Nov 1960 at Talunga, South Australia, Father: James Eamer, Mother: Elizabeth nee Berry, married to Maria nee Gade in Melrose SA in 1882, Children: Sarah Ann – Alfred James – Louisa Bertha Mary – Walter Ernest Rollens, the cause of his death was the injuries he received when he fell from his waggon when close to ‘The Gap’ at Nannine WA. His occupation was that of a carrier. Reg Murchison 21/1906. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
EDWARDS Beatrice Constance ‘nee Nelson’ — 27 yrs, bur 28 Aug 1908, Section & Location unknown, she was born in 1881 and was the Wife of John T Edwards of Meekatharra and Nannine WA who she married in the Claremont area of WA in 1907. Reg Murchison 53/1908. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
EVANS James — 38 yrs, bur 15 Apr 1905, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Adelaide SA in 1863 and his Parents were Evan & Jemima nee Williams who lived in Mt Barker SA. WA Reg 1552/1905. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
EVES Douglas — 13 days, bur July 1903, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Nannine WA in July 1903 and died there in the same month. His parents were James and Flora Marion nee Mitchell who were married in Greenough WA in 1897. But for his death, he would have been the Brother of Amy, Anna, Elizabeth, Flora, Henry, and James Eves. Reg 1502/1903. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
EVES Elizabeth Mary — 1 yr, bur 1899, Section & Location unknown, she was born in Nannine WA in 1898 and her Parents were James and Flora Marion nee Mitchell who were married in Greenough WA in 1897. But for her death, she would have been the Sister of Amy, Anna, Douglas, Flora, Henry, and James Eves. Reg 1502/1903. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
FITZSIMMONS Jessie Vivienne — 1 month, bur 31 Aug 1909, Section & Location unknown, she was born on 30 Jul 1909 and died at Nannine WA on 31 August 1909. Her parents were Archie William Chisolm (Policeman) and Miriam Maud Fitzsimmons. The cause of her death was a cold which developed into pneumonia. Reg Murchison 51/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
FREER Frederick Adam — 65 yrs, bur 2 Nov 1904, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1839 Father: James Freer, Mother: Janet McKenzie, Married to Helen Smith in Dunfermline Scotland in 1865, they had nine children, he died in Nannine WA. Reg 1575/1904. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
FUBBARD Stella — 20 yrs, bur 3 Dec 1906, Section & Location unknown, she was born in 1886 and died in Nannine WA. Her parents were William Smith FUBBARD & Mary Anne nee GRAHAM, Reg Murchison 70/1906. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
GEARY Edward “Ted” – Died: 22 Jul 1907 at Nannine Hospital, age 40 yrs, Cause: Bright’s disease; Occ: Miner; Father: William GEARY (expiree); Mother: Elizabeth Mary MURRAY; Born: 1868, Toodyay, WA; Reg Murchison 65/1907, Buried at the Nannine Cemetery.
GORE Wilfred Reginald — 31 yrs, bur 18 Nov 1904, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Portsmouth England and his parents were Captain William & Mildred nee Mataba, he was the husband of Ellen nee Bond from 1901 and the father of Doris and Hubert Gore, the cause of death was an accident at the Quinns Battery where he was the Battery Manager, he was starting the battery after a willy-willy had blown the belt off the pulleys of the battery and had placed his foot on a spoke in the pulley. On start-up of the engine, his foot slipped and went between the pulley spokes causing him to be caught by the leg and he was repeatedly hit on the ground. He died two days later in Nannine Hospital. Reg 1577/1904. Buried at Nannine Cemetery. Mine Death –
GUNN Robert Wentworth — 27 yrs, bur 27 Sept 1905, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Wentworth NSW and his parents were Bartholemew and Sarah Abigal nee Jones, the cause of his death was the rupture of a blood vessel on the left side of his brain and he was found deceased in his bed at Stake Well, he came to WA from South Australia. His occupation was a miner who had a share in mining interests at Stake Well. Reg 1580/1905. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
GUISE Nikki Lenore Born 10 Dec 1953 in Perth WA, Father: John Nicholas Guise, Mother: Valerie Ada Parker, Died at Tuckanarra WA on 2 Feb 1998, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
HEWLETT George — adult, died 18 January 1898, Section & Location the cause of his death at Gascard’s Hotel in Nannine WA was typhoid fever and sciatica, his occupation was in mining, and he had been in Nannine for about two years. Reg not found.
HOWES Ivy Lavena — bur 19 Nov 1909: from Burnakurra: Death cert 63/09, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
INMAN John (IMMAL) — 22 May 1903, Died on the way to Nannine, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
Murchison Times and Day Dawn Gazette 28 May 1903, page 2
Death Near Nannine.A magisterial inquiry was held at Gill’s Nannine Hotel, as to the cause of the death of an elderly man named John Immal. From the evidence, it appeared that the deceased had been very ill at Chesterfield, and was on his way to the Nannine Hospital. He was with a teamster named W. Cooper, and another man, Michael Gerrard, was also present. They left Chesterfield on the 21st, and stayed near Swinton’s place at ‘The Gap’. The deceased slept at Swinton’s house and was very kindly treated by Mrs. Swinton, who applied hot fomentations and poultices to the man’s chest up till nearly midnight. The deceased appeared to be suffering from a very severe cold or asthma. The next morning the team started about half-past six, and the deceased, who seemed better, came on with them. He was half sitting and lying in the dray. At about 8.30am deceased called out to stop the team. That was done and the men wont to bis assistance. he lay down partly on bis side, and almost immediately expired in the arms of the two men already named. P.C. McDonnell identified the body as that of a man he had known for some time, and the other men also knew the deceased slightly. No one had any knowledge of his relatives. Mr. H. R. Williat acted as coroner. The same day the body was interred in the Nannine Cemetery,
ISAACS John — 45 yrs, died 13 April 1896, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Devonshire, England and he had been ill for some considerable time, the cause of his death at the Royal Hotel in Nannine was heart disease, he was an old resident miner of Nannine after a lifetime of mining in various parts of the world including Queensland and Broken Hill, he had a share in the Crown Mine at nearby Garden Gully. Reg 1039/1896. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
JEFFREY Blanch Ethel Maud — 26 yrs, bur 17 Apr 1905, Section & Location unknown, born in Avoca, Victoria in 1877 and was the daughter of Albert and Sophia Ann Holding. She was also the sister of Helena and Albert Holding and the wife of William James Jeffrey from 1902 in Boulder WA. She was also the mother of Mabel May Jeffrey born in 1903 in Kalgoorlie. Reg 1558/1905. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
JOHNS Dorothy Lucas — 10 mths, bur 7 Sept 1909, Section & Location unknown, she was born in Melbourne Victoria on 5 Nov 1908 and was the daughter of John Neville McKelcan JOHNS & Annie nee LUCAS, She died in the Murchison Region of WA. Reg Murchison 53/1909. Although born in Victoria, both her birth and death were registered in WA. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
JOHNSON William AKA Benjamin — 46 yrs, bur 2 Oct 1907, Section & Location unknown, the cause of his death was that during a return trip from Nannine to Meekatharra WA to attend a race meeting there, his trap overturned and hurled him into a tree stump part of which penetrated his lung. He subsequently died the following night in Nannine Hospital from the injuries he received in the accident. Reg Murchison 83/1907. Buried at Nannine Cemetery
LONERGAN Lawrence — 54 yrs, bur 25 Aug 1907. Section & Location unknown, the cause of his death in the Nannine Hospital was the effect of burns received six weeks previously. Reg Murchison 72/1907. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
McDONNELL W —15 mths, bur 24 Apr 1907. Section & Location unknown, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
McKELLAR Francis John — 27yrs, died 11 Mar 1912, Section & Location unknown, he was born in 1885 the cause of death was Typhoid fever, and his occupation was that of a contractor. He was universally liked and respected in Nannine and surrounding areas to the extent that all businesses in Nannine were closed during his funeral as a mark of respect and nearly all male residents attended his funeral. Reg Murchison 15/1912. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
MCLEOD William John — 32 yrs, bur 15 Oct 1909, Section & Location unknown, he was born in 1873 and died at Nannine. Reg Murchison 60/1909, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
MITCHELL William — 57 yrs, bur 23 Nov 1897, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Cornwall, England on 10 May 1840 and his Parents were Noah and Elizabeth nee Wellington, he was married twice 1st to Mary Elizabeth GILBERT in 1860 in UK, she died in 1865 in South Australia and 2nd to Caroline Cocking MAYNE from 1866 to 1895 in South Australia. He was the sibling of Francis Mitchell and the half-sibling of Mary Ann Bartle (nee Paull). He was the Father of James, Mary, Joseph, Lionel, Pearl, Lucy, and May Mitchell The cause of his death was the breakup of his constitution. He had one son living with him in Peak Hill and was being transported to Nannine for medical help but died on the way. Reg 1486/1897. Buried at Nannine WA Cemetery. 60/1909, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
MORGAN William — 26 yrs, died 28 Aug 1902, Section & Location unknown, the cause of his death was caused by an accidental fall down a mine shaft, his occupation was that of a miner. Reg 1637/1902. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
MULLER Henry August — age unknown, died 28 February 1895, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Germany and the cause of his death was suicide following losing a local court case with a former friend over a dry blowing machine, he first shot dead the person who won the case, John Sutherland, and then shot himself dead in his adjacent camp at Nannine WA, leaving a note confessing to the shooting. His occupation was that of a fossicker/miner although he was known to have significant wealth in Victoria. Reg 340/1895. Buried at Nannine Cemetery
MURPHY Michael — 45 yrs, died 11 November 1897, Section & Location unknown, he was an old Murchison pioneer and was born in Northern Ireland, he had been suffering for some time and had come to Nannine from Peak Hill WA for medical help but died the day after his arrival, the cause of his death was general debility. Reg 1482/1897. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
NEISH James — 36 yrs, died 28 April 1898, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Scotland UK and came to WA via Hawthorn Victoria. He was the Husband of Ellen Catherine KELLY and was the Father of children living in Victoria, the cause of his death was dysentery after arriving from Abbotts. Reg 1532/1898. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
NUTTALL James — 40yrs, died 2nd Jan 1906, Section & Location unknown, he was the son of Adam Nuttall and Alice nee Howard, he was the husband of Sarah Ellen GIBSON in 1891 in Victoria and was the father of six children including Charles, Howard, and Mary Alice Frederica plus three others, one a girl born some four months after his death in May 1906 in Wedderburn Victoria where his wife had family support, he was working at the Ingleston Mine at Meekatharra and the cause of his death was an accident whilst he was down the mine shaft repairing a pump. His occupation was that of a blacksmith and was a long-term respected resident of Cue WA where he lived and had also worked in other mines in the area. It was not possible to arrange his funeral at Cue so it was arranged at Nannine WA where his wife could attend at the time. Reg Murchison 7/1906. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
O’BRIEN Maurice — 70yrs, d Dec 1910, at the home of son-in-law J Toohey at Nannine, Cause: Senile Decay and Cancer, Born Ireland, Had six daughters and three sons, RC, Reg Murchison 50/1910, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
Meekatharra Miner 17 December 1910, page 2
An old and esteemed resident in the person of Mr. Maurice O’Brien passed away at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. J. Toohey, at Nannine on Sunday night last after a long and painful illness. The deceased had been under the doctor’s care for some months, but as his age was very much against him there was no hope of his ultimate recovery. The cause of death was senile decay together with cancer. The deceased came to Nannine about 14 years ago. Sometime later he had the Shamrock Hotel at the Twelve Mile erected and of late years has been working a show at the same place. The deceased was 70 years of age and a native of Ireland. He leaves a family of six daughters and three sons, some of the former are living at Meskatharra. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, the body being interred in the Roman Catholic portion of the Nannine cemetery, the Rev Father Flavahan officiating. The pallbearers were Messrs Toohey, Darrigan, Thornton, and McCann. Wreaths were sent by Mesdames Gill, Coleman, and Paul. Mr. and Mrs. A. Murphy, and Miss Mulcahy. Over 40 vehicles followed the remains also a number on foot.
O’REILLY Patrick — 55 yrs, bur late April 1897, Section & Location unknown, the cause of death was natural causes as he was found deceased in his tent at Nannine. Reg 1457/1897. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
PARKER Herbert Walter ¾ 19yrs, d 5 Dec 1899, at Nannine, Father: William Alexander PARKER, Mother: Margaret Davidson, Reg 1358/1899, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
RIDDLE Kenneth James — 12 yrs, bur 8 May 1909, born 1897 Geelong VIC, Section & Location unknown, Parents were Christopher Chester Riddle and Elizabeth nee Mitchell of Meekatharra, WA he was the brother of Neil Riddle, the cause of his death was diphtheria. Reg Murchison 34/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
RIDDLE Neil — 7 yrs, bur 24 Jun 1909, Section & Location unknown, born 1901 Geelong VIC, his Parents were Christopher Chester Riddle and Elizabeth nee Mitchell of Meekatharra, WA and he was the brother of Kenneth J Riddle, cause of death was diphtheria, Reg Murchison 43/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
ROBINSON Ellen Theresa — 35 yrs, bur 4 Jul 1905, Section & Location unknown, born in Sydney NSW in 1870, her parents were Michael & Ellen Brown, she married John George Robinson (owner/manager of the Royalist Mine) in Nannine WA in 1901 and she was the mother of John Henry Robinson born in Nannine WA in 1904 and Jane Sylvia Robinson born in Perth in 1902. Reg 1566/1905. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
ROBINSON Frances Mary — 36 yrs, bur 9 June 1899, Section & Location unknown, she was born in Liverpool, England in 1863 and her Parents were Robert and Frances nee Topping, she became the wife of John George Robinson (owner of the Royalist Mine at Nannine) in Perth WA in 1897, the cause of her death was a short illness of eclampsia. Reg 1335/1899. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
RODGERS Richard — age unknown, bur 25 Jan 1906, Section & Location unknown, Reg Murchison 8/1906. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
SAVAGE Matthew — 66 yrs, bur 14 Aug 1905, Section & Location unknown, Reg 1577/1905. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
SIMPSON Jane — age unknown, died at Nannine on 20 December 1899, Section & Location unknown, the cause of death was heat apoplexy. Reg 1331/1900, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
SMITH Annie — 5 ½ yrs, bur 1 Apr 1909, Section & Location unknown, Parents were William John and Elizabeth Smith Banks of Burnakura, and she was born on 21 May 1903 in Gabanintha WA, the cause of her death at Nannine Hospital was diphtheria. Reg Murchison 21/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
0SMITH William John — 42 yrs, bur 5 Sept 1909, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Bendigo Victoria in 1867, the son of John Smith and Ann nee Doyle, he was the husband of Adelaide Annie Margaretta Edwards in 1893 in Perth WA He also had a brother living in Day Dawn WA. William was the father of eight children born in the Perth WA area between 1894 and 1908 including Ellis, Francis, Haywood, Marguretta, Olive and Violet Smith plus one other child. The cause of death was miner’s phthisis of which he had suffered for a long time, his occupation was a miner. He came to the Nannine/Cuddingwarra about 12 years before his death. Reg Murchison 52/1909, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
SPENCE Thomas — 67 yrs, bur 13 Nov 1905, Section & Location unknown, he was born in Bristol, England Reg. 1591/1905. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
STRAPP unnamed male — bur 1898, Cause: stillborn, Child of James STRAPP & Mary Ann nee LEEHEY, Section & Location unknown, Reg 1530/1898. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
STURM Elizabeth ― 72yrs, May 1915, from Gabanintha, died at the Nannine Hospital, Reg 21/1915 Murchison, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
SUTHERLAND John AKA The Duke of Sutherland — died 26 February 1895, Section & Location unknown, the cause of his death was that he was killed by a former friend following winning a local court case against the former friend, Henry August MULLER, over a dry blowing machine, he was shot dead by the assailant who then took his own life in the same manner and left a note confessing to the first shooting. His occupation was that of a miner. Reg Murchison 339/1895 (registered Southerland) Buried at Nannine Cemetery. Story:
SWINTON James — 45 yrs, died 3 Aug 1909, Methodist Section, Loc unknown, he was the husband of Mary Alice Swinton in 1899 in WA and was also the father of a son, James Frederick Swinton, the cause of his death was consumption from which he had been suffering for a long time, his occupation was previously that of an engine driver but had in recent years taken up the homestead lease at The Gap Well on the Peak Hill Road after living many years at Cue, Chesterfield, and Nannine. Reg Murchison 48/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
SWINTON Mary Alice — 68 yrs, died 28 Jun 1927, Methodist Section, Loc unknown, she came to WA from Ballarat Victoria and was the wife of Mr. James Swinton from 1899 in WA and she was also the mother of an adult son James Frederick Swinton, she had been in WA 31 years after leaving Victoria living many years at Cue, Chesterfield, and Nannine. Reg Murchison 11/1927. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
THORLEY Mary ‘Molly’ Ellen (Carroll) — 86 yrs, died 22 Jun 1994, Section & Location unknown, she was born in Nannine WA on 18 March 1909 and her Parents were George Thomas and Maria Ellen Carroll nee Kemp, she was the wife of Kenneth D THORLEY married in 1937. Reg (not available due to privacy), Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
TURNER Thomas B — 1 day, bur 23 Jul 1907, Section & Location unknown, Reg Murchison 67/1907. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
ULYETT George — age unknown, bur 26 January 1899, Section & Location unknown, the cause of death was typhoid fever and he had been working in Nannine WA for about 3 years, he had been ailing for some weeks before his death but did not want to be admitted to the Nannine Hospital, No Reg found. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
Murchison Advocate 28 January 1899, page 3 – Nannine Notes.
A death occurred last Wednesday morning from fever. The deceased, George Ulyett, has been working about here for about three years and was well-known and liked. The unfortunate man was ailing for some weeks and received every attention but he would not allow himself to be taken to any hospital. His remains were interred in the local cemetery. He has friends in Victoria but is understood to have no relations. The former has been communicated with.
UNNAMED adult male — Section & Location unknown, died 29 May 1899, the cause of death at the Nannine Hospital was typhoid fever and pneumonia, his occupation was a miner from The Star of the East Mine at Gabanintha WA, he was in an almost exhausted condition on arrival at the hospital under the complication of the disorders he was suffering and had unfortunately left it too late for medical help, Reg not found. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
WALLACE Kathleen Mary — infant, bur 18 Nov 1909, Section & Location unknown, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of Meekatharra WA. Reg Murchison 64/1909, Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
WHILLA Mary — 1 yr, buried Jul 1904, Section & Location unknown, she was born in Nannine WA in 1903 and her parents were Charles John and Amelia nee Bond, who were married in Claremont WA in 1902. Reg 1563/1904. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
WICKS Charles Dr — 36 yrs, bur 2 May 1898 Section & Location unknown, born 30 Jul 1863 Troqueer, Maxwelltown, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, son of Henry William Wicks and Marion nee Cairns, married to Mabel Elizabeth nee Smith in Northumberland. England in 1891. He had one child, Ronald Henry Cairns Wicks born 1891 in Northumberland England. He had been the resident surgeon at Jarrahdale, Carnarvon, and Nannine Hospitals over some years, the cause of his death at Bond’s Hotel in Nannine was consumption, Reg 1536/1898. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
WILKINS George Ernest — 23 yrs, bur 31 Jan 1909, Section & Location unknown, born 17 Aug 1884 at Moama, New South Wales, Father: George Edward Wilkins, Mother: Charlotte Ethel nee Young, Occupation: Teacher, Reg Murchison 16/1909. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
YATES Joseph — age unknown, bur 26 May 1907. Section & Location unknown, Reg Murchison 49/1907. Buried at Nannine Cemetery.
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Is it possible to visit the Nannine Cemetery?
Hi Margaret Yes indeed – Nannine Cemetery (26.885S 118.341E) 35 kms South West of Meekatharra