1896-1914 = 9 burials
Coordinates: -30.20141, 119.11102
110 km from Southern Cross
Mount Jackson was named by the explorer Gregory in 1846. A settlement developed in the Mt Jackson area after gold was found there in 1894. There were two hotels are the height of the gold rush period. Mt Jackson Station and homestead were developed around this time.
‘But in this lonely unkempt spot,
This patch of scruffy land,
Lies all the history we have got
Beneath this burning sand’
Southern Cross Times 24 August 1912, page 2 –
It would be a Christian act for the Government, the Cemetery Board or the body who are responsible for the keeping of God’s acre in decent repair, to have a fence erected around the cemetery at Mt. Jackson. There are about a dozen graves there, and it gives one a shuddersome feeling to see from 30 to 40 of Micky Bates donkeys and the station horses and cattle grazing over the resting places of those who were once mortal beings. The cost of a fence would not be great, and the erection of one would show that those who died in pioneering the north end of this field are held in respect by those for whom they blazed the track.
BELL John – c 18 May 1923, 41 years, in the bush 15 miles East of Marda, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Exposure and lack of water, Father: Joseph BELL, Mother: Priscilla PICKERING, Born: Haltwhistle, Northumberland, England, Single, Reg 4/1923 Yilgarn, buried at Mt Jackson Cemetery.
BISHOP James – d 13 Dec 1899, at the Mt Jackson GM, Yilgarn, 40 years, Cause: Killed in an explosion, Occ: Miner, Father: John BISHOP, Mother: Elizabeth CARROLL, Born: Ballarat VIC, Married with 4 children, Reg: 2485/1900, buried at Mt. Jackson Cemetery. Mine Death –
BYRTH Michael Edward – d 22 Feb 1914, 52 years, at Yarbu 20 miles North of Mt Jackson, Occ: Sandalwood cutter, Cause: Fatty degeneration of the heart & congestion of lungs, Verdict of the Coroner, Reg: Yilgarn 16/1914, buried at Mt Jackson Cemetery. (Last Burial)
Kalgoorlie Western Argus 4 August 1914, page 13 – A TRAGEDY OF THE MULGA
Bullfinch, July 27. One of those tragedies which are far too frequent, in the Mulga occurred at Yarbu, 20 miles north of Mt. Jackson, on Wednesday morning last. The deceased (Michael Byrth) had been engaged in getting sandalwood. After his death his mate (Patrick Sullivan) rode the 100 miles into Bullfinch to report the matter to the police. Sullivan was 20 hours doing the trip. As Byrth had been working on the day he died, the Coroner decided that an inquiry was necessary.
CALEO Grace – d 15 Jul 1896, 24 years, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Father: Donald FERGUSON (Baker), Mother: Mary HEGGIE, Born: 1871 in KawaKawa, New Zealand, Married to Vincent CALEO in 1894 in Surry Hills NSW at age 24 years, In WA for 7 months, buried at Mt Jackson Cemetery.
DUDGEON John Robert – b 23 Apr 1896, 2 hours, Cause: Premature birth, Father: Robert C DUDGEON (Engineer), Mother: Margaret MCKEOWN, Reg: 2032/1896, buried at Mt Jackson Cemetery. (First Burial)
GREGORINI Battista – d 13 Sep 1906, 24 years, Occ: Woodcutter, Cause: Murdered by Antonio SALA who was hanged at Fremantle prison for the crime, Born: Italy, buried at Mt Jackson Cemetery.
Coolgardie Miner 18 September 1906, page 3
Further, particulars state that Gregorini died on Thursday, an hour after the messenger was despatched for a doctor. It appears that two Italians, Gregorini and Sala, had been cutting wood in the bush, and a team started to cart their wood to a mine. Some argument arose regarding helping to load the waggon, Sala refusing to assist and a quarrel ensued. On Thursday morning a carter went into the bush and found that neither of the Italians was there to help him so he went to Gregorini’s camp, to find out why.
He was horrified to see Gregorini lying in bed terribly cut about the head and insensible. There was every appearance that he had been attacked while asleep. Suspicion fell upon Sala, who had disappeared. ‘A black tracker, followed by nearly the whole of the population, set out in search of Sala. The searchers became impatient and kept getting ahead oi the tracker, and filially he returned in disgust to the township.
The tracker subsequently went quietly out by himself and renewed the search. He picked up Sala’s tracks and followed them into an old tunnel of the Australian mine, where he discovered. Sala asleep. He returned to the township and the party at once went out and secured the suspected man who was still sleeping. He was brought in and chained to a tree.
HATTON John – d 21 June 1906, 45 years, Occ: Publican, at the Mt Jackson Hotel, Father: William HATTON, Mother: Elizabeth GEGG, Married to Annie Rebecca Perry HENDON in 1898, Children: Donald John born 1899, Herbert Perry born 1903, Reg: 3/1906 Yilgarn, buried at Mt Jackson Cemetery.
Southern Cross Times 27 January 1906 – We must record the death which occurred at Mount Jackson on Sunday last of Mr John Hatton, the well-known publican. From what we can gather deceased was considered not to be strong or robust, and some months ago took ill. He arrived in town and consulted Dr. Humphry, with the result that the doctor prescribed for him. However, latterly he did not regain his strength and gradually sank. On Saturday morning a message came from the Mount that Mr Hatton was in a serious situation and assistance was required.
Owing to the doctor having two very serious cases in town he could not possibly go to Mount Jackson, so the police, accompanied by Mr. A. C. Gaston, Mr. Hatton’s brother-in-law, were supplied with the necessary medicine and left town about midnight on Saturday. When they arrived at Jackson on Sunday evening it was too late as death had occurred during that day. The result of his death was natural causes.
The deceased, who was about 40 years of age, was buried in the Mount Jackson cemetery the next day and left a widow and two young children. His widow is a sister to both Mrs. Arthur Constant GASTON. Much sympathy is expressed for the widow, her sisters and brothers-in-law. The deceased had been a resident of Mount Jackson for a long time and had conducted the hotel there.
LINDLEY Beatrice Irene – d 2 Nov 1904, 3 years 3 months, Father: Fred LINDLEY, Mother: Ethel Emily SIEVWRIGHT, Reg 3/1904 Yilgarn, buried at Mt. Jackson Cemetery
PRIOR Frederick Gatheocole – b 3 May 1897, 23 years, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Father: Henry PRIOR, Mother: Mary Huldah NORMAN, Reg: 2396/1897, buried at Mt Jackson Cemetery.
Moya Sharp
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