Montgomery Brothers Stores

Many of you will know of the Montgomery Brothers store in Hannan street but did you know that they also had stores in Menzies, Boulder, Kookynie and Southern Cross.

I was recently sent this great photo which I think was taken in the 1960’s, and shows the Menzies Hotel with the old store still next door (nothing there today).

Montgomery Brother Store Menzies c 1960

Menzies Hotel  – Known as the Menzies Hotel since 1990, but traded for most of its life as the Railway Hotel.  The original building was destroyed in a fire on 17th May 1902, from its ashes, within 5 months rose a new two-storey building, this time made from brick. This is the structure that you see now.

Montgomery Brothers Store Menzies 1903

Western Mail ,19 December 1903


The end of each twelve months since 1894 has witnessed increased prosperity, for Messrs W and C. J. Montgomery, who are trading under the style and title of Montgomery Bros at four of the principal mining centres on the Eastern Goldfields, viz. Southern Cross, Menzies, Kookynie, and Leonora. The foundation of the firms business was laid in 1894 at Southern Cross, and its expansion has been the natural sequence of the enterprise displayed by the partners whose finely built shops are a feature at each of the towns named. Their first branch was opened at Menzies, a branch at Kookynie following, and now the wants of the residents at Leonora district are catered for in complete style by the firm.

Montgomery Brothers Store Kookynie 1903

Montgomery Brothers Store Leonora 1903


By diligent study of the numerous requirements of the population of each district in which their business has expanded, the firm has attracted patronage which no opposition could alienate. The photographs given here do not afford a complete idea of the stock and resources of Messrs Montgomery Brothers. Indeed, it is found that their establishments are becoming only too small for stock carrying requirements. That stock, a varied one of first class groceries, drapery, ironmongery, china ware, fancy goods, and mercery well warrants the use of tho term of ”universal providers” being applied to the firm. They import direct from the best markets of the old world, neither buy or sell rubbish, and have yet to meet with a dissatisfied customer. Montgomery Brothers, in achieving sucess have only met with their desserts.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Hi Moya;
    My name is Graeme Hall. I grew up in Kalgoorlie until my mid-teens, in the mid seventies.
    From early years I have strong mental images of (particularly) the interior of Montgomery Brothers. Especially of the amazing cashier system. I was so disappointed when I was in Kalgoorlie some years back to see absolutely of trace of it. Over the years I have told many people about it and not one of them thus far has heard of such a system. It was beautiful!
    I’m wondering if you know about the system or have any records/photos of it and of the interior in general?
    Graeme Hall

    • Hi Graeme It was gone by the time I came to Kalgoorlie but I know many people who remember it fondly like yourself and have commented on it over the years. I will see if I can find any photos of it.

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