‘Molar Mauler’ Heathcote-

Albert Edward Heathcote

Albert ‘Bert’ Edward Heathcote – Western Argus

The career of a later well know dentist surgeon, Albert ‘Bert’ Edward Heathcote, had a somewhat shaky start as the following article will show:

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 7 May 1907, page 27

Unregistered Dentist
Fined for Practicing.

At the Boulder court, Tuesday before the R.M. Mr. E.P. Dowley, Albert Edward Heathcote (age 28yrs), was charged with having performed dental services without having a license to do so on April 3 and April 14 1907. Mr. Scott, for defendant, pleaded guilty, but pointed out that the defendant, who was a young man, had served his apprenticeship and had his articles, but he had yet to go up for his final examination in September before he could be registered. He was up to recently engaged as a chemist’s assistant at Boulder, but did not do any dental work. On both occasions the services were rendered on Sundays at his own home.

The Magistrate pointed out that April 3 was not a Sunday. Mr. Scott said his instructions were that the date was wrong, as he was instructed that it was a Sunday. The men in both instances were suffering severely from tooth ache and they were unable to get the services of a dentist. Sergeant Kelso, for the prosecution, said the facts were very different. The defendant appeared to be in regular practice as a dentist at his house in Forrest street and many other cases could, if needed, be brought against him. There was one instance where he received a fee of £5 5s for filling and gold topping a tooth. The defendant was fined £8, with £2 3s costs. He was allowed a month in which to pay.

However, by 1910, he must have in the interim become full qualified, as the below article would suggest:

Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1954), Thursday 22 December 1910, page 2

Kalgoorlie Miner 22 December 1910, page 2

Kalgoorlie Miner 23 December 1909, page 8

Albert Edward Heathcote:

Considerable enterprise and progression has marked the business of Mr. A. E. Heathcote, dental surgeon. In addition to the well known surgery at 57 Piesse street, Boulder, where a number of improvements have been effected, Mr Heathcote has taken over the business of William Boxall.

The rooms in the McKenzie’s Buildings, Hannan Street, have been fitted up in a very comfortable way and are now fully equipped with all the latest and best appliances for carrying on an up to date and successful dental practice. The proprietor makes doubly sure in guaranteeing all his work, in addition to keeping a first class staff, nothing but the very best and most expensive quality of material are used.

The McKenzie Building still showing the 'Dentist' sign in the window.

The McKenzie Building still showing the ‘Dentist’ sign in the window.

In both Kalgoorlie and Boulder Mr. Heathcote has been appointed as honorary dentist to thebn Friendly Societies Association, the appointment in each town being highly appreciated by the members of the various lodges and their families. A branch business is conducted in the Laslett Buildings, opposite the Post Office, Kalgoorlie in the suite of rooms recently occupied by Dr. Wilson, and here again everything is suggestive of the close attention to detail that is characteristic of the business of Mr. Heathcote.
Mr. E. S. Matheson, R.D.S., represents Mr. Heathcote in Kalgoorlie, and although but recently arrived fromPerth, is rapidly becoming a favorite in the dental world of the fields.

Biography: Albert Edward Heathcote was bon on the 18 Jun 1878 in Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, England. He was the son of Thomas HEATHCOTE and Caroline CRITCHLOW.

He first married Margaret Ellen ALDAY in Boulder in 1906, she was to died in Perth in 1915 and is buried in the Karakatta Cemetery.

The children from this marriage were:
Edna M born Boulder 1909 died Boulder 1911
Stillborn Male Boulder 1912
(Edna and the stillborn baby boy are buried together in the Methodist section of the Boulder Cemetery).
Miles Paul born Boulder 1913.

Albert was to re marry in 1916, the year after his wife died. His new bride was Ivy Gertrude SEWELL and they married in Pingelly WA. They were to have a further two children:

Dawn Pax Frances b 1918
Rafael Rex b 1921

Albert died in Southern Cross in 16 Mar 1946. A few years prior to his death he was operating a surgery in Bruce Rock where he was known as ‘Molar Mauler Heathcote’. Its hope that this was a friendly nick name and not a reflection on his patient care.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Ronald John Hobby says

    Love what you do and the way that you do it!
    John Hobby
    [Mr Heathcote was a relative by marriage!]

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