Messers. Henderson and Macgeorge, Limited

Messrs Henderson and MacGeorge Auction Mart, Hannan Street. 227 Hannan St.

Messrs Henderson and MacGeorge Auction Mart, Hannan Street. 227 Hannan St. Now the site of Smales Jewellers and Strand Bags.

Western Argus ,December  25, 1902

 The illustrations appearing in this issue show to what extent the operations of Messrs. Henderson and Macgeorge, Limited. Auctioneers and general produce salesmen. Of Hannan street. Kalgoorlie have developed. This energetic firm, recognising the want of a reliable medium with which the farmers could treat with confidence. Secured commodious premises immediately opposite the general post office. And form the inception a steady stream of produce passing daily through their hands is indicative of rapidly-enlarging relations with the farming community. The firm’s auctioneer, who has had an extended tour of the whole of the state. Has re-turned, with gratifying results. The firm do business on a strictly cash basis, no promissory notes being permitted by their directors in Adelaide to enter into their transactions in any way. This system is all that has been wanting in the past business dealings between the farmers and the selling firms. Arrangements are in progress to have auction sales of perishable goods held at the railway yards within an hour or two of the arrival of the trucks at Kalgoorlie, and by this it is hoped that the vendors will not only secure better values for their goods, but the produce will be sold by hawkers and dealers the same day to the consumers, ensuring the stuff being in the hands of the people in much fresher and more presentable condition then has prevailed hitherto.

Messrs Henderson and MacGoerge Forwarding Agents Forrest Street, Kalgoorlie 1901

Henderson & MacGeorge Forwarding Agents, Forrest Street, Kalgoorlie

The firm have secured splendid roomy premises for the sale of all kinds of household furniture and general merchandise, and the mart is one of finest in the metropolis of the goldfields. In Forrest street Messers. Henderson and Macgeorge have large stores, where is kept a large stock of horses feed, etc. and carry on a large and progressive forwarding agency. The branches of the firm are at Adelaide, Fremantle, Coolgardie, Menzies, Leonora, Malcolm and Edjudina {the new goldfield). For the sale of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, etc. the firm have extensive yard accommodation, and, in addition, facilities for the sale of poultry. As a whole, the firm consider that their business is the largest in the auctioneering and agency line in the state. Last year the firm’s payments to the railway Department exceeded £37,000, which is a good indication of their relations with the trading community of the goldfields of Western Australia. The staff of the firm consisting principally of ex-railway men, they are consequently in the position to give farmers the best advice and to ensure fair treatment at the hands of the department when questions regarding damage of good arise. The company’s auctioneer has had 10 years’ experience in the eastern states, and his capacity to give entire satisfaction to clients who consign to the firm may be depended upon. His railway experience in W.A. is also a valuable auxiliary. Producers in the coastal distracts may, therefore. Rely upon receiving not only prompt attention to their business, but also the remittance of account sales immediately after the disposal of their consignments.




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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. gary st. john says


  2. Carole Twist says

    thank you Moya for your most dedicated work , regards Carole Twist .

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