“When there is a gold rush, ‘Sell Shovel’s’ was a term coined in the California Gold Rushes but it can be said to be true of the Gold Rushes in Australia. Many merchants selling everything from mining equipment to ribbons made more money that most miners ever dreamed of. The following is a snapshot of four businesses from Menzies from the North Coolgardie Herald, Special Mining Number, April 24th 1901.
Mr H S Goldsmith Draper and Clothier.
One of the best-known business houses in Menzies is the drapery establishment lately conducted by Mr R Norris but now being run by Mr H S Goldsmith on the most up-to-date business lines. Mr Goldsmith is essentially a pushing business man who leaves no stone unturned to cater for the needs of his extensive and rapidly increasing clientele. For over 15 years in the service of Messrs D & W Murray Ltd Mr Goldsmith has had a large and very varied experience of business by which he has profited exceedingly. It would not be easy to give him any ‘points’ as to the best methods of winning public custom. He is running the business on cash lines and makes his boast that he gives the best possible value in return for his customer’s money, good value he contends being the best and cheapest advertisement. He does not believe in letting the grass grow under his feet. As he felicitously remarks, a man must move even if he only wishes to catch grubs.
A large part of his connection is outside of Menzies, in the progressive and popular outback districts. In order to extend this branch, he has engaged a traveller of great experience to thoroughly canvass at regular periods the whole of the outlying districts. A leading feature of his business is his tailoring department, where suits made to order ‘fit and styling guaranteed’ can be purchased for the moderate price of 50 shillings. As proof of the class of the work turned out, and of the value that Mr Goldsmith cites the fact that one customer having had a suit made was so pleased that he introduced ten other customers, friends of his, each who have expressed the greatest satisfaction.
Mr Goldsmith does not confine his energies solely to the soft good branch but is continually introducing novelties and conveniences of a kind likely to ‘catch on’. One of those lines, altogether new to the fields, is a patent ice making machine, for which it is claimed that it will turn our 4 lbs of ice in 10 minutes at a cost of 2d per pound. A companion to this is a patent ice cream freezer which produces ice cream without the labour and trouble involved in turning a handle for fifteen to thirty minutes as is necessary in the case of all other machines. Besides a very large and well assorted stock of drapery, clothing, boots and shoes, bedding, wire mattresses and other similar lines Mr Goldsmith has established a dressmaking business conducted by Miss Sheehan, the best testimonial to whose qualification is the well-made garments worn by her customers. Mr Goldsmith holds the local agencies for many important lines including, Nicholson’s pianos, organs, and music, Zimples furniture, perambulators etc., Hodgsons Venetian blinds; the Lancaster Insurance company, ice making machines, ice cream freezers, sewing machines, mining and battery baize, filter press cloth and others.
Messrs H Rockliffe and Co General Storekeepers.
Messrs H Rockliffe and co are the leading firm in their line of business on the northern fields. In the early days of Menzies the firm started as a general merchant, grocer, ironmongers, carriers and forwarding agents. The business expanded with the growth of the town, and as new towns have sprung up in the Northern Districts branch establishments have been opened. It is satisfactory to be able to record that the new enterprise just shown has been well rewarded, a flourishing trade being carried on, not only at the pioneer establishment but also at all the branches. The head office is at the premises in Menzies, illustrated below and there are branches at Niagara, Kookynie and Leonora. The business is thoroughly established on a sound basis, and has proved a first-class investment of capital. The general manager of the firm is Mr A E Ottaway, and the branches are carried on under the management of Messrs E Hornsby, Leonora, and J C Woodard, Niagara and Kookynie
Messrs Cogan Bros News Agent and Stationers.
“Cogan’s” is as well known in Menzies as the Menzies Hotel. It is the chief stationers, news agents, book seller and fancy goods emporium in Menzies, and in addition it has a large drapery and general outfitting department. The founder of the business, Mr M P Cogan, is known by everybody and liked and esteemed by everyone. A thoroughly capable business man, of abnormal mental and physical energy and a simply phenomenal capacity for work. It would be surprising indeed if he did not make a success of any business which had in it the possibilities of success. He has been in Menzies for nearly five years now, and although he has only been in business for himself for about two years, he has succeeded in making his business a thoroughly successful one. His brother, Mr Charles Cogan, conducts the outfitting part of the business and it is only necessary to say that he knows his business and attends to it thoroughly.
Messrs Montgomery Bros Warehousemen.
The Bon Marche drapery establishment, owned by Messrs Montgomery Bros is one of their leading business establishments of Menzies. The partners in the business are Messrs William and Charles James Montgomery the former of whom came from South Australia in the early days of the fields and started business in Southern Cross in 1893. When Menzies was discovered, Mr William Montgomery dispatched the first lot of goods ever sent to the place, and shortly afterwards opened a branch of his business. About this time he was joined by his brother, who took charge at Southern Cross. The Menzies business has always been prosperous, and the premises has been added to on several occasions. A branch of the business was opened at Kookynie early in 1899. Mr W Montgomery has been a member of the Menzies Council for nearly two years while Mr Charles James Montgomery is Mayor of Southern Cross and is a candidate for a seat in the Western Australian Parliament.
Mr Fred Dawson Fruit and Produce Merchant
A prosperous business in the Wholesale fruit, vegetable and general produce trade is carried on by Mr F W Dawson who commands a large proportion of “out-back” trade. He sends farm and dairy product to all Northern Centres and has a turnover of some 80 tons per month the bulk of which goes to outlying districts. Mr Dawson Started on a small scale, but the volume of his business has continually increased and he has twice found it necessary to remove to larger premises. To know he occupies the co odious building illustrated below and has carried on business in Menzies for nearly four years and enjoys a large share of patronage. During this period he has also been connected with local racing and his supremest pleasure is to ride his own horse to victory as he has frequently done.
Moya Sharp
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