Men of Western Australia – book review

This rare book is well worth consulting if you had a family member involved in any of the following fields in Western Australia:- Professional, Ecclesiastical, Commercial and a Sporting Life

Men of WA

Men of Western Australia

It covers the years 1936-1937 and was published by V H Colless in 1937.

As a rare book it is available at the State Library but is not able to be loaned. It can also be viewed on microfilm. Outback Family History has compiled an index to the book as it doesn’t have one,  the names are ordered by category rather than name. We have also scanned each page, some 460 pages with one person per page.

This comprises of a brief biography and a sketch representing the persons life which included a photograph of the head of each man in the sketch.  The following is an example of one page to give you an idea.

Ernest Elisha BRIMAGE

Ernest Elisha BRIMAGE

The index can be viewed at:- and a scan can be requested by emailing:-

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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