Malcolm Cemetery Biographies: 137 burials
Also known as Mount Malcolm
There are 2 Cemeteries at Malcolm
Malcolm Salt Lake Cemetery AKA Lake Raeside – 123 burial from 1897-1911
Malcolm Kookynie Road Cemetery 14 burials 1911 – 1915
Unfortunately, apart from identifying various headstones in each cemetery, there are no separate registers for each cemetery
ADAMS Grace – d 21 Apr 1908, Malcolm hospital, 13yrs, Cause: Diabetes, Father: George Anderson ADAMS (Labourer), Mother: Norah REGAN, Born: Cairns QLD, In QLD 8yrs, In WA 5 yrs, Reg Mt Marg 27/1908, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery,
ARCHIBALD William – d 11 Dec 1897, Malcolm Hospital, 24yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Heart disease, Father: William Thomas Powel ARCHIBALD (1850-1908), Mother: Clara Amelia BAKER (1848-1926), Married to Edith TOLHURST on 8 Nov 1894 at Campbelltown, NSW, Children: Edith Christina born 1896 & Helen May born 1898 both in New South Wales, Born: Torrens River, Grafton NSW, No death registration has been found to date, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Malcolm Chronicle and Leonora Advertiser 17 December 1897, page 2.
One of the sad events which frequently fall to the lot of the goldfields press to record, was the death of Mr William Archibald, who died at the Malcolm Hoapital on Saturday noon. The deceased, who is a native of the Torrens River New South Wales, was only 24 years of age. For some considerable time past he had been employed at the Malcolm proprietary mine, Murrin Murrin, where by means of his genial disposition, he madie himself a great favorite. For some days he had complained of feeling unwell, and during the past week he became an inmate of the Hospital. It soon became evident that he was in a very precarious condition, suffering from an affliction of the heart. He gradually become weaker and quietly passed away about midday on Saturday. His remains wore interred on the following morning at the Malcolm cemetery. The funeral was a most impressive one. His old mates from Murrin Murrin drove in, bringing with them a quantity of wild folwers, which they placed on the grave. Deceased having previously been a resident of Malcolm, and a prominent member of the Malcolm Cricket Club, most of the towns people joined in the procession. In the absence of a duly ordained clergyman, Mr. Trayes, manager for Messrs Tobias. Bros., officiated at the grave. After the burial service bad been read the old and appropriaye hymn—’ Shall We Gather at the River”— was sung. The funeral arrangements were carried out in a most efficient manner.
ARMSTRONG William – d 4 Mar 1904, Dover Street, Malcolm, 42yrs, Occ: Bank Manager, Cause: Injuries caused by a bullet wound self-inflicted while temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Andrew ARMSTRONG (Presbyterian Minister), Mother: Elizabeth CROCKETT, Born: Melbourne VIC, In VIC and NSW for 34yrs, In WA 8yrs, Married to Maud Rebecca HISLOP in Bunbury WA at age 39yrs, no children, Informant:- James John Henry HISLOP (Father in Law), Reg: Mt Marg 11/1904, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery, and then disinterred and re buried in the Bunbury Cemetery WA on 30 Jun 1904,
ARNOLD Harry – d 14 Sep 1897, Malcolm, 42yrs, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Fractured skull from being run over by a dray at Wilsons Creek, Diorite King when his horse bolted, he died in the Malcolm Hospital a week from the accident, Born: London, England. Reg: 1441/1897, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
BARKWELL Edwin – d 24 Sep 1908, Malcolm hospital, 68yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Pneumonia, Born: England, In WA 14yrs, Reg Mt Marg: 49/1908.Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
BARTROP Kathleen Jean (illegitimate) – d 31 Mar 1910, at Malcolm hospital, 9 ½ mths, Cause: Gastro Enteritis, Father (putative) David CONGALLON (Miner), Mother: Laura Caroline BARTROP, Born: Midland WA, Informant David CONGALLON (putative father), Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery, Reg Mt Marg 17/1910.
BERTINI George – d 22 Jul 1907, Murrin Murrin, 45yrs, Occ:- Miner, Cause:- Cyanide poisoning self-administered while temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Born: Italy, In Australia in SA, VIC and WA for 30yrs, Reg Mt Marg 48/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
BEVERIDGE William, d 20 Sep 1902, 50yrs, Near East Lynne Mine about 12 miles from Malcolm, Occ: Joiner/Miner, Father: Thomas BEVERAGE, Cause: Suicide by placing an explosive in his mouth and exploding same, Verdict of the Coroner, Born: Littlestane, Scotland, Reg Mt Marg 52/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery
BLACK Donald William – d 15 May 1908, Malcolm Hospital, 36yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Heart failure, Born: Scotland, , Reg Mt Marg 34/1908, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
BOWMAN Walton Ernest – d 7 Oct 1903, at Malcolm Hospital, 24yrs, Cause: Heart failure subsequent to injuries received by an explosion of blasting powder at the Dumbarton GM on the 5th October, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Robert BOWMAN (Inspector of Railways), Mother: Jane WALTON, Born: Marybrough, VIC, In VIC 20yrs, In WA 1yr, Single, Reg: Mt Marg 36/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. Mine Death –
BOX Caroline – d 25 Dec 1901, 42yrs, Married woman, Cause: Heart disease and excessive heat, Born: Rylstone NSW, Father: Job WEBDY, Mother: Mary Ann MASON, Married to James Henry BOX, Child: Charles Roy BOX 2 mths, Reg: 1430/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
BOX Charles Roy – d 21 Mar 1902, Malcolm, Infant 5mths, Cause: Diarrhoea, Father: James Henry BOX, Mother: Carolyn WEBDY, Born Malcolm WA, Reg: 1509/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
BOYD Evelyn Amelda – d 13 Sep 1900, 3 weeks, Cause: Suffocation, Father: William Leonard BOYD, Occ: Councillor, Mother: Julia Amelda HANLEY, Born Malcolm WA, Reg: 1323/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
BRAITHWAITE John Raymond – d 29 Sep 1898, 7mths, Cause: Enteritis, Father: John Serjeantson BRAITHWAITE, Mother: Phoebe Josephine BAKER, Born Malcolm WA, Reg: 1493/1898, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
BROWNE William Francis – d 7 Nov 1908, at Desdemona, 30yrs, Occ: Butcher, Cause: Suicide, bullet fired by his own hand while temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: James BROWNE (Farmer), Mother: Elizabeth CAIN, Born: Mt Barker SA, In SA 20yrs, In WA 10yrs, Married to Lillice Cecilly (Elizabeth) MEEHAN in Perth WA in 1907 at age 29, Informant: wife, Reg North Coolgardie 36/1908, Buried in the Roman Catholic Section of the Malcolm Cemetery.
BRYAN John – d 12 Dec 1904, at Malcolm Hospital, 28yrs, Occ: Ostler, Cause: Alcoholism, Parents Unknown, Born: Co Wexford, Ireland, Reg: Mt Marg 47/1904, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
CADDY Mona – d 28 Dec 1908, at Desdemona, 10mths, Cause: Heat stroke, Father: Joseph CADDY (Hotel Keeper, Desdemona Hotel) Mother: Rebecca Ellinor May BENTLEY, Born: Perth WA, Informant: Father, Reg: North Coolgardie 4/1909, Buried in the Anglican section Malcolm Cemetery,
CADDY Rebecca Ellinor May – d 20 Jun 1910, at Malcolm hospital, 42yrs, Married woman, Cause: Gall stones and Hepatic abscess, Father: George Edward BENTLEY (Cattle Dealer) Mother: Charlotte LEEDEN, Born: Oldhurst, Huntingdonshire, England, In QLD 9 yrs, In WA 14yrs, Married to Joseph CADDY in Rockhampton QLD at age 21yrs, Children:- Myrtle 11yrs, Mavis 9yrs, Ivan 4 yrs, Mervyn 3mths, Deceased 1 male and 3 females, Reg Mt Marg 42/1910. Informant husband, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Kookynie Press 25 June 1910, page 4
It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Mrs Caddy, wife of Mr Joseph Caddy, of the Desdemona Hotel, who expired in the Malcolm Hospital on Wednesday last. Mrs Caddy succumbed to an operation in that institution. The deceased was well-known in the district for her cheery spirits and kindly disposition. The deceased leaves behind her a young famiiy of three children and a baby only a few months old. The funeral took place on Thursday at Malcolm.
CAMPBELL Ellen Jane – d 5 Sep 1901, 24yrs, Cause: Pernicious Anemia, Father: James BAISLEY, Mother: Fanny Davis CURTIS, Born: Laura SA, Married to James Burns CAMPBELL, Children: William 8weeks, 1 female deceased,
Reg: 1408/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
CANNING Jacky – d 28 Jun 1905, at Malcolm Hospital, 15yrs, Cause: Appendicitis, Reg: Mt Marg 30/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery
CARROLL John – d 10 Feb 1910, Near the Great Northern GM, near Malcolm, Verdict of the Coroner, 65yrs. Occ: Miner and woodcutter, Cause: Cyanide poisoning self-administered, Born: Ireland, In WA about 20yrs, Married, Children:- John and May, Reg: Mt Marg 12/1910, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
CARROLL Richard – d 8 Jan 1903, at Malcolm Hospital, 40yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Enteric Fever, Parents Unknown, Born: Goulburn NSW, In NSW 33yrs, In WA 7yrs, Single, Informant: James McCartney (Miner), Reg Mt Marg 3/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
CASS Herbert – d 23 Sep 1908, at 3 miles NE of Websters Find, Malcolm, 65yrs, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Sudden rupture of a diseased valve of the heart, Born: Germany, 14yrs in WA, Reg Mt Marg 50/1908, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
CHICK Esther Victoria – 17 Jan 1901, 3yrs 11mths, Born: Feb 1897, Albany WA, Cause: Typhoid, Father: Charles Henry CHICK (Cobb and Co Coach Driver), Mother: Sarah Hannah BRETT, Reg: Perth 1376, Entered in Burial Register as CHEEK, Buried 1901 in the Malcolm Cemetery.
CLIMIE Louisa Blanche – d 19 Feb 1914, at Malcolm Hospital, 19yrs, Married woman, Cause: Internal Hemorrhage from rupture after operation, Father: Louis ESMONDE (Miner), Mother: Kathleen Cecelia LEGGETT, Born: 1894, Wilcannia NSW, In SA 2 yrs, In WA 17yrs, Married to George Leslie Howard CLIMIE in Perth WA at age 19yrs, No children, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery, Reg: Mt Marg 8/1914. (Headstone)
COBLEY Matthew – d 5 Jun 1900, at Malcolm Hospital, 35yrs, Cause: Mining Accident at North Star GM, Malcolm, Father: Matthew COBLEY, Mother: Elizabeth GIBBON, Born: Glamorganshire Wales, Married with 1 child, Reg: 1312/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. Mine death –
CODY Martin – 10 Nov 1897, 35yrs, Middlesex GM, Mt Malcolm , Occ: Miner, Cause: Compression of brain suffered during a fight, charges of manslaughter, against Michael GRIFFIN, (Acquitted at trial), Reg: 1444/1897, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Golden Age Coolgardie 12 November 1897, page 2
A FATAL QUARREL -Death of Martin Cody.
Michael Griffon Gives Himself np to the Police.
On Wednesday morning at 2 o’clock Martin Cody and Michael Griffin, two contractors for the sinking of a shaft at the Middlesex mine, quarrelled. During the altercation Griffin called Cody a liar. The latter retaliated by striking Griffin with a sauce bottle. A fight ensued, when the other mates interfered, and Cody left. a]At about 7 o’clock Griffin reported to Mr. Dewar, the mine manager, that he had struck Cody with a stick, and asked for sticking plaster. Mr Dewar examined Cody, who was unconscious, and ordered his removal to Mount Malcolm Hospital. Griffin and Fisher, and another mate,
conveyed tbe injured man to the Hospital. It is reported that Cody died at eight o’clock on Thursday morning. Griffin gave himself up to the Mount Malcolm police, who are on their way out to obtain evidence. The Middlesex mine is four miles east of the Dlorite King mine.
COURTENAY Frank Thomas – d 28 May 1913, at Malcolm Hospital, 77yrs, Occ: Baker, Cause: Senile Decay, Father: Joseph COURTENAY (Stockman), Mother: Mary STONE, Born: Cheltenham, England, In VIC about 27yrs, In WA 16yrs, Married to Mary O’SULLIVAN in Melbourne VIC at age 42yrs, Children: Frank Thomas 34yrs, Joseph Maurice 33yrs, 1 male deceased, Reg: Mt Marg 20/1913, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
COURTENAY Mary – d 29 Mar 1912, at Malcolm Hospital, 66yrs, Married woman, Cause: Cardiac Disintegration, Senility, Father: O’SULLIVAN (Farmer), Mother: Unknown, Born: Ireland, In VIC 35yrs, In WA 12 yrs, Married to Frank Thomas COURTENAY in Victoria at age 33yrs, Children: Frank Thomas 33yrs, Joseph Maurice 32yrs, 1 male deceased. Reg: Mt Marg 7/1912, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
CREHAN Thomas – d 6 Dec 1899, at Mertondale, Malcolm, 35yrs, Occ: Miner and proprietor, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery, Reg: 1303/1899,
DE PIAZZE August – 15 Oct 1907, at Elummina, 11mths, Cause: Inflammation of bowels, Father: John De PIAZZE (Carter), Mother: Mary LONGHI – Born:-Princess Iris GM, Reg Mt Marg: 54/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
DELLAGRASSA Antonio – d 4 Jul 1905, at Richmond Jem GM, Malcolm, 24yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Killed by premature explosion of dynamite, Verdict of Coroner, Father: Girolanio DELLAGRASSA (Farmer), Mother: Maria EPIS, Single, Reg: Mt Marg 34/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery, Mine Death
DIBBS Harriet Annie – d 12 Aug 1903, at Malcolm Hospital, 3yrs 5 mths, Cause: Meningitis, Father: William DIBBS (Boilermaker), Mother: Louisa Eliza LOWE, Born: Kapunda SA, In SA 15mths, In WA 2yrs 2 mths, Informant: Father, Reg: Mt Marg 30/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
DILLWORTH, Honoria Beatrice, 27 March 1902, 22 yrs, at Malcolm, Cause: Phthisis, Born: Gippsland, Victoria, Father: John DILLWORTH, Mother: Johanna McELLIGOTT , Reg 1510/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
DOLAN Mary Ann – d 7 Jul 1913, at Malcolm Hospital, 29yrs, Occ: Nurse, Cause: Tubercular laryngitis, Father: John DOLAN (Contractor), Mother: Mary Ann TOBIN, Born: Koroit VIC, In VIC 27yrs, In WA 2 yrs, Single, NOK: Elizabeth Jane DITTY, Reg: Mt Marg 25/1913, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery,
DONOVAN John – d 11 Jul 1900, 43yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Unknown, Father: Patrick Christopher DONOVAN (Musician), Mother: Mary Agnes EUSTACE, Born:-1856 Sydney NSW, Reg 1315/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
DOUGHTY Margaret – d 1 Feb 1899, 34yrs, On route from Mt Stewart to Mt Malcolm, Occ: Barmaid at the Mt Malcolm Hotel (under the name of KING), Cause: Abortion, by swallowing Penny Royal Pills, It was not ascertained who administered them. Verdict of the Coroner, Father: William DOUGHTY, Mother: Eliza O’LEARY, Born: Tipperary, Ireland. Reg: 1280/1899, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
DOYLE Thomas – d 17 Dec 1913, at Malcolm Hospital, 80yrs, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Senile decay, Father: James DOYLE, Born: 1834 in Aughavanagh, County Inchard, Ireland, Married twice: 1st to Mary Anne EVANS in 1856 in Adelaide SA, 2nd to Margaret McELLISTER in 1872 Port Adelaide SA, Four children to second marriage – Frances Alice, Kate Rosa, James Edward, Margaret Mary, In VIC and SA 40yrs, In WA 20yrs, Reg: Mt Marg 1/1913, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
DUGGAN James – d 20 Aug 1901, 34yrs, Occ: Railway employee, Died in police lock up, Malcolm, Cause: Delirious Tremus, Alcoholism, Born: Summerhill, Dublin, Ireland , Reg 1403/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
DUNCALF Thomas – d 28 Jun 1902, at Malcolm Hospital, 48yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Abscess on liver, heart failure after operation, Parents Unknown, Born: Wales, British Isles, in Australia 40 yrs, Reg: Mt Marg 48/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
DYNAN Patrick d 7 Apr 1904, at Anaconda, 49yrs, Occ: Laborer, Cause: Perished in bush, No inquest held, Father: John DYNAN, Mother: Bridget BRODERICK, Born: County Clare, Ireland, Reg: Mt Marg 22/1904, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Coolgardie Miner 19 April 1904, page 3
The unfortunate man left Bummers Creek on Monday morning, about 8 o’clock, and after proceeding along the road for some distance crossed the telegraph line, and made for the ranges in the direction of Anaconda, a few miles from which place his body was found on Friday morning. Constable Mulkerrin, with the Native tracker from the Malcolm police station, went in search of Dynan on Thursday, the day on which he was reported missing. They followed his tracks on that day till darkness set in and on the following morning the tracks were again picked up.
Almost immediately after resuming on Friday morning the tracker, Mickey, stopped and pointed out where the lost man had rested. At intervals along the trail the very faint, footprints on the hard gravel ground the tracker would suddenly stop, and point out where the unfortunate man had sat down, and in one place the top of a whisky bottle was found, indicating that Dynan had knocked the head off one of the bottles which he was known to have had in his possession prior to leaving on what proved to be his last earthly journey. The intervals of rest became more frequent, and the tracker pointed out to Constable Mulkerrin that at each time of rising the dragging footmarks indicated increased weakness.
So perceptible did these evidences of fatigue become that the tracker told the constable that “white man die, and when on the side of a high hill, he saw a large shady kurrajong tree and noticed that the footprints left the track and showed in that direction, he turned to the constable and told him he thought the man would be found dead under it. Singularly enough, such proved to be the case, as when the constable approached the tree he saw the unfortunate man lying underneath it, with his hands crossed over his breast, and his clothes lying beside him, as were also two empty bottles. There appears to have been no struggle, and the position of the body would indicate that Dynan had died in his sleep. He was a native of County Clare, Ireland, and about 40 years of age. He is believed to have a brother in a good position in Sydney.
EASTMON Albert Edward – d 19 Nov 1897, Age 59, Cause:- Suffocation, Buried by a fall of rock in the North Star GM, Malcolm, Father: Estine EASTMON, Mother: Mary OLSEN, Late of Clunes VIC, Born: Norway, Married with four sons and three daughters in Coolgardie. Reg: 1445/1897. Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. Mine Death –
EATHER William Joseph – d 13 Apr 1901, 14 weeks, Cause: Marasmus, Father: William Frederick Charles EATHER, Mother: Ann Jane HANCHETT, Born: Malcolm WA, Reg: 1385/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
EPIS Giovanni – d 12 April 1907, at Malcolm hospital, 27yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Lobar pneumonia, Father: Giacomo EPIS (Framer), Mother: Rizzi Antonia, Born: Onelta, Cantoni, Italy. In WA 5yrs, Informant: Alerrio EPIS (Brother), Reg: Mt Marg 24/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
GLYDE Kenneth Lavington – d 28 Jan 1910, at the Western Australian Bank, Malcolm, 48yrs, Occ: Bank official, Cause:- Suicide whilst temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Lavington GLYDE (Gentleman), Mother: Mary Ellen HARDCASTLE, Born SA, In WA 13yrs, Married to Clara RATCILFFE in Northam WA at age 40yrs, No children, Informant M M Hearne (Friend), Reg Mt Marg 10/1910, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery,
GINGIE Aboriginal woman – d 28 Mar 1914, at Horan Bros Pastoral Lease, Cause: Fractured skull from a fall from a cart, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Leonora Miner 4 April 1914, page 3
Fatality near Malcolm
A fatal accident occurred on Messrs Horan Bros pastoral leases, near Malcolm on Sunday last, when an aboriginal woman named Gingia met her death through the overturning of a cart which she was driving. It appears that she was camped with a half-caste named ” Sidong,” who was engaged in fencing on Horan’s run about 15 miles from Malcolm, and on the day in question she left the camp with a spring cart and a small tank to secure a supply of water. She did not retnrn within a reasonable time search was made, with the remit that she was fonud by Ernest Allman pinned nnder the overturned vehicle, and life extinct. A survey of the vicinity showed that tbe horse must have been proceding at a fair pace, when the wheel struck a stump, causing the cart to over turn. The unfortunate woman was thrown ont, and the front rail of the vehicle caught her across the neck, causing death party by strangulation and partly by a fracture sustained at the base of the skull.
HANNIGAN Thomas – d 3 Nov 1899, 44yrs, Cause: Heart disease, Born: Cork Ireland, Cemetery Reg: 1299/1899, Buried in the Malcolm.
HARDWICKE John – d 24 Jun 1899, 45yrs, Born: NSW, Reg: 1293/1899, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
HARMER Frederick John – d 24 Feb 1900, 18yrs, Cause: Meningitis, Father: Robert HARMER, Mother: Martha STEEL, Born: Brunswick VIC on 15 Nov 1881, Reg: 1299/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
HARRIS Alice – d 28 Jan 1914, at Malcolm Hospital, 47yrs, Cause: Alcoholism, Parents Unknown, Born QLD, In QLD 33yrs, In WA 14yrs, Reg: Mt Marg 4/1914, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
HARRIS Harry – d 24 Dec 1902, at Malcolm, Age unknown, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Apoplexy caused by excessive heat, Verdict of the Coroner, Parents unknown, Reg:- Mt Marg 1/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Malcolm Chronicle and Leonora Advertiser 31 December 1902, page 3
A man named Harry Harris was found dead at the North Star on Christmas Eve. No definite particulars about him can be ascertained from those he had been on speaking terms with. However, we are informed that Harris was an old prospector, and had just returned from a twelve months trip to Darlot.
HARRIS John Charles – d 5 Jun 1903, at Windsor Street, Malcolm, 6 hrs, Cause: Atelectasis Asphyxia, Father: John Charles HARRIS (Accountant), Mother: Annie HARRIS, Informant Father, Reg: Mt Marg 19/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
HATTLEY Charles Arthur – d 23 Oct 1905, at Murrin Murrin, 43yrs, Occ: Blacksmith, Cause: Paralysis of the heart, Father: Charles HATTLEY (Miner), Born: Braidwood NSW, Previously in NSW and Qld, In WA 10yrs, Married to Mary Jane TAYLOR in Coolgardie WA at age 36yrs, Children: Frederick Reginald 6yrs, Elizabeth Grace 1yr 8mths, Informant: widow, Reg: Mt Marg 49/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
HAWKEY Samuel Knight – d 20 Dec 1915, at Dover Street, Malcolm, 63yrs, Occ: Engine Driver, Cause: Chronic Nephritis, Father: Simeon HAWKEY, Mother: Elizabeth KNIGHT, Born: Tywardreath, Cornwall England in 1853, In VIC and QLD several years, In WA about 7 yrs, Married to Mary Susan EDWARDS, Children: Samuel Percival, Reg: Mt Marg 39/1915 Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. (possibly last Burial in Malcolm Cemetery)
HEARNE William John – d 26 Sep 1908, at Star Street, Malcolm, 10 days, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: Walter Marin HEARNE (Bank Manager), Mother: Kate JOYCE, Reg Mt Marg 48/1908, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
HENSON Agnes – d 28 May 1912, at Malcolm Hospital, 46yrs, Occ: Cook, Cause: Typhoid fever, Son: Mathew Edward, age unknown. Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery, Reg: 19/1912.
HUMPHREYS Robert – d 2 May 1899, 33yrs, Occ: Store Keeper at Mt Morgans, Cause: Accidental Poisoning by Cyanide, Father: William HUMPHREYS, Mother: Sarah COOPER, Born: Mt Victoria NSW, Single, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery, Reg: 1289/1899 (BDM has name as Humphries).
Norseman Times 10 May 1899, page 2
A Chemist’s Fatal Mistake.—A sad occurrence is reported from Mount Malcolm. Robert Humphreys on arriving there by coach after a trip to the Eastern Colonies felt indisposed and obtained a draught from Mr. Mawat, chemist. The draught was made up from a prescription. Humphreys died within an hour. At the inquest it transpired that the chemist made the fatal mistake of adding cyanide of potash instead of carbonate of ammonia. The jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to his; death through the chemist not exercising sufficient care in dispensing. A verdict of manslaughter was returned, and accused was committed for trial at the next Coolgardie sessions.
HYNES James – d 10 Oct 1902, Malcolm Hospital, 30yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: James HYNES, Mother: Ann O’DONNELL, Born: 9 AUG 1872 Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland, Married to Katherine ROW, One male child, In SA 15yrs, In WA 8yrs, Single, Reg: Mt Marg 55/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
JOHNSEN Martin – 5 Jan 1906, 50yrs, at Mertondale, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Heat apoplexy, Born: Sweden, Reg: Mt Marg 2/1906, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
JOHNSON Matthew – d 18 May 1899, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
JONES Malcolm – d 13 Feb 1905, at Star Street, Malcolm, 6hrs, Cause: Atelectosis Asphyxia, Father: John JONES (Storekeeper), Mother: Maud CHRYSTAL, Reg: Mt Marg 8/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery,
KEEGAN Sydney Lawrence – d 31 Dec 1908, Malcolm, 11 weeks, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: Edward KEEGAN (Railway Ganger), Mother: Rosena ANDREWS, Born: Malcolm WA, Informant: Mother, Reg Mt Marg 2/1909, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
KEEGAN unnamed male – d 30 Jul 1911, at Windsor Street, Malcolm, Cause: Stillborn, Antepartum Hemorrhage, Father: Edward Washington KEEGAN (Tool Sharpener), Mother: Margaret E FITZGERALD, Reg Mt Marg 48/1911, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
KELLY Mary – d 11 Feb 1906, at Malcolm hospital, 52yrs, Occ: Laundress, Cause: Brights disease of kidneys, Parents Unknown, Born:-Ireland, Previously in SA and VIC, in WA 7yrs, Single, Reg Mt Marg 20/1906, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
KER John James – d 4 Nov 1903, at Malcolm Hospital, 46yrs, Occ: Accountant, Cause: Delirium Tremus & Pneumonia, Parents Unknown, Born: Banffshire Scotland,31 Aug 1858, In WA 7yrs, Single, Reg: Mt Marg 42/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
KIRBELL Henry Edward – d 28 Dec 1901, 35yrs, Cause: Consumption, at Malcolm Hospital, Born: 17 Sep 1865 Cobham, Surrey England, Father: Edward KIRBELL, Mother: Jane Sophia ELLIOTT, Reg: 1431/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
KNOX Hugh – d 1 Dec 1896, 41yrs, at Mt Eliza GM, Mt Malcolm, Occ: Miner, Cause: Typhoid, Parents unknown, Born: VIC, Single, Reg: Nth Coolgardie 45/1896, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. (First Burial in the Malcolm Cem)
KOOLA – d between 7th -8th Jul 1905, 30yrs, Aboriginal female, Cause: Exposure to cold & wet, Coroners order for burial, Reg:- Mt Marg 35/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
LANCASTER Richard – d 15 Jan 1900, 59yrs, Occ: Publican, Cause: Heart disease, Father: John LANCASTER, Mother: Jane SLADE, Born: 1 Apr 1840 at Worle, Axbridge Union RD, Somerset, England,Married twice: 1st to Sarah BATHGATE, 2nd to Sarah Theresa PATTEN, 1 child to first marriage: Urilla Blanche b 1869, 8 children to second marriage: Cassie Kathleen b 1870, Richard Laurence Mortimer b 1874, Algernon Slade b 1875, Theresa Mannaria b 1877, Evelyn Ashton Beaumont b 1880, Leah Lola b 1883, Homer Cecil b 1884, Elma Rivers b 1886, Reg: 1293/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Mt. Leonora Miner 20 January 1900, page 3
Sudden Death of a Malcolm Resident.
Much sorrow was expressed in Leonora on Monday at the news of the sudden demise of one of Malcolm’s oldest and best respected residents—Mr Richard Lancaster Snr, of the Royal Hotel. The deceased’s embonpoint (plumpness), had long rendered him inactive, and most of the bnsiness of the house had to be supervised by Mr. Richard Lancaster. Notwithstanding this, the father’s death was least expected by the family. We understand Mr. Lancaster had been previously complaining of feeling ill, but the exasperating influence of the hot weather was blamed for this. However, quite suddenly on Monday the deceased was seized with an epileptic fit, and, feeling he was sinking summoned Richard, but before the latter could be found his father had become unconscious, and shortly afterwards he passed away quietly. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon,and, as the hearse moved from the deceased’s residence a large and representative cortege formed up and followed the remains to the Malcolm cemetry. There were representatives from Laverton, Morgans, Leonora, and other places paying their respects to one,of whom the general public have al-ways spoken well.
LANGFORD William Henry ‘Paddy’ – d 30 Aug 1897, 49yrs. Cause: Mining accident at the Young Australian GM, Born: Wales, Single, Reg: 1440/1897, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. Mine Death –
Western Australian Goldfields Courier 11 September 1897, page 27
A sad accident happened yesterday, to a miner named William Langford, employed on the Young Australian claim. It appears he was engaged sinking a new shaft, and at a depth of 4ft had drilled two holes, and charged them. He lit the fuse of the first charge, and lost too much time in lighting the other; the charge exploded while he was in a kneeling position, and blew him clean out of the shaft. One leg was smashed to a pulp, and he was generally battered about all over, Willing, assistance came from the Diorite King and Vice Regent mines adjoining, and everything possible was done to assist the unfortunate man, and to stop the bleeding.
The patient was placed on a stretcher in a cart and driven off to the Malcolm hospital, where be now lies in a very precarious condition. From a wire this afternoon, I learnt that mortification has set in, and very little hope of his recovery is entertained by Dr Healy. Langford had only been a few days at the Young Australian, having for several months been employed at the Diorite King mine. He is a man of about 52 years of age and, I believe, married.
LAYCOCK James – d 21 Apr 1907, in Malcolm hospital grounds, 60yrs, Occ: Miner, Born: Liverpool, England, In NSW 20yrs, In WA 11yrs, Married twice, first wife unknown, married in Liverpool England at age 20yrs, second in Sydney NSW to Jean HARRISON, at age 44yrs, Children: Mary, Harry, Felix 24yrs, Bertha 13yrs, Grace 11yrs, John 8 yrs,
Roy 4 yrs, Jessie 2yrs, , Reg: Mt Marg 27/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
LEEN Stephen – d 23 May 1907, at Malcolm hospital, 40yrs, Occ: Permanent way hand, Cause: Suicide by cutting his throat while temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Michael LEEN (Farmer), Mother: Catherine MULVIHILL, Born: 25 Nov 1860 at Bally Hague, Co Kerry, Ireland, In WA 3yrs, Single, Reg:- Mt Marg 40/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
LEWIS Doreen Coverdale – d 17 Nov 1906, at Hall Street, Malcolm, 7mths, Cause: Enteritis, Father: Miles Coverdale LEWIS (Manager of Cobb and Co), Mother: Catherine Mary BERRYMAN, Born: Leonora WA, Informant- Father, Reg Mt Marg 69/1906, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
LEWIS Edith May – d 5 Jun 1898, 5mths, Cause: Enteritis, Father: Miles Coverdale LEWIS (Manager of Cobb and Co) Mother: Catherine Mary BERRYMAN, Born St Kilda VIC, Reg: 1489/1898, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
LEYLAND John – d 12 Apr 1898, 52yrs, Cause: Blow to the head, Father: Ralph LEYLAND, Mother: Susan ORMSHIRE, Born Liverpool, England, Reg: 1487/1898, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
LONSDALE John – d 11 Oct 1905, at Malcolm Hospital, 32yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Pneumonia and cardiac failure, Father: Joseph LONSDALE (Miner), Born: Durham England, Previously in NSW, In WA 11yrs, Informant: Brother in Law, H Holland (at Fremantle WA), Reg: Mt Marg 45/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MACLAREN Joseph Archibald – d 24 Apr 1911, at Malcolm hospital, 34yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Enteric Fever, Father: William MACLAREN (Engine Driver), Mother: Ann Francis WILLIAMS, Born: VIC, In VIC 26yrs, In WA 8 yrs, Possibly married three times, last wife Margaret Anne CLOHESSY who he married in either Boulder WA in 1910, Child: Archibald Joseph 2 mths born Morgans, Informant: Joanna WOODS (Sister in Law), Reg Mt Marg 14/1911.Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. (Possibly the first burial in the second cemetery)
MADDAFORD William Johns – d 1 May 1904, at Malcolm Hospital, 43 yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Auorta aneurism, Father: Arthur MADDAFORD (Miner), Mother: Annie JOHNS, Born: Truro, Cornwall, England, In QLD 5 yrs, In WA 8yrs, married to Mary ? with 1 child, Louisa Teresa b 1872, Reg: Mt Marg 23/1904, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MALONE John – d 11 Nov 1898, 50yrs. Occ: Fruit Hawker, Cause: Accident, first thought of as murder, Born: Ireland, , Reg: 1281/1899, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. Jules Henry BEATRIX accused of murder and then acquitted
MARINONI Bortolo, d 12 Jan 1902, 28yrs, Cause: Perished in the bush, Father: Zaccaria MARINONI, Mother: Fiora SAVODELLI, Born: Italy, Reg: 1497/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Malcolm Chronicle and Leonora Advertiser 18 January 1902, page 3
On Saturday morning of last week, two Italians, named Bortolo Marinoni and Joe Marinoni, left Anaconda Copper Mine, where they were employed, with the intention of visiting a relative who was in the Malcolm Hospital. The latter was the victim of an accident at the mine recently and was very severely burned with copper slag. They started away at about 10 a.m. on bicycles, and as they had only 16 miles to travel did not carry any water with them. Neither of them had travelled on the road previously, and it appears that after riding some distance they turned off onto an old road which runs from Bummer’s Creek to Dingo Creek. It is surmised that after following this road for several miles the men concluded that they were lost. The bicycle ridden by Bortolo Marinoni broke down, making matters a great deal worse for them, so, at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, his companion left him to look for water, arranging to return as soon as he found any. He was unsuccessful and did not return.
In the morning, Joe Marinoni, the survivor, struck a track that led to one of Messrs Horan Bros camps, about eight miles southeast of Malcolm. He managed to struggle on for a distance of four miles and reached the camp at about 10 o’clock on Sunday morning in a terribly exhausted condition, being nearly mad with thirst. Mr A. Gerte, employed by Messrs Horan Bros, was at the camp and did all he could for the unfortunate man, who was in such a state of collapse that he did not know what water was when offered to him. Mr Gerte bathed his head and face, which revived him somewhat, and it was then difficult to prevent him from drinking too much. Some tea was made for him, and he was made comfortable in the camp. He was unable to explain anything and seemed to be wandering in his mind considerably. The fact that he was only a recent arrival from Italy made it more difficult to ascertain anything from him, and the only information that could be gathered from his rambling statements was that he had ridden a bicycle from Anaconda.
His condition appeared to be so serious that Mr J. Horan, who arrived shortly after the man came to the camp, decided to take him to hospital. When nearly into Malcolm, Joe Marinoni commenced talking again and said that he had a mate when he left Anaconda, who must either be at the hospital or in the bush. When Mr Horan heard this, he hurried in and informed the police as soon as he got Marinoni admitted to the hospital.
Shortly afterwards, however, Mr Gerte arrived with the news that in searching for the bicycle he had found a man dead on the Bummer’s Creek Road. The body was only about a mile further on from where the track turned off to the camp. There was no bicycle anywhere in the vicinity of the body, so it is quite evident that it had been abandoned in the hush. The bicycle of the surviving man was discovered in the bush the next day.
MCGREGOR Thomas – d 21 Oct 1910, at Malcolm hospital, 67yrs, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Chronic Nephritis, Father: Robert McGREGOR, Mother: Harriett BRAITHITE, Born: Aberdeen, Scotland, In NSW about 30yrs, In WA about 15yrs, Single, Reg Mt Marg 63/1910, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MCHARG Edwin Patterson – d 5 Aug 1903, 29yrs, Occ: Commercial Agent, Cause: Cyanide poisoning self administered, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: John McHARG, Mother: Catherine HARRISON, Born: 4 Nov 1875 in Finniss, South Australia, Single, Reg: Mt Marg 29/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MCINNES Colin – d 5 Jun 1900, 23yrs, Occ: Miner, North Star GM, Malcolm. Cause:- Mining accident, Born: Scotland, Reg: 1316/1900 (Registered as MCINNIS), Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. Mine Death –
McKENZIE Alexander – found dead on 22 Sep 1906, at Federation, Murrin Murrin, 25yrs, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Thirst and Exhaustion through being lost in bush, Verdict of the Coroner, Born: Talbot VIC, In VIC 24yrs, In WA 2mths, Married in Melbourne VIC at age 24yrs, Name of wife unknown, Children:- 1 child 7mths old name not known, Reg: Mt Marg 59 1906, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
McMEEKIN Gavin – d 19 Apr 1907, at Malcolm hospital, 37yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Valvular disease of heart, dropsy, Parents unknown, Reg Mt Marg 28/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
McMURTRIE Elizabeth Emma – d 15 Oct 1907, 49yrs, Widow, Cause: Acute pneumonia, Married to Patrick Edward McMURTRIE in Melbourne VIC, Children: Maud 17yrs, Edward 8yrs, 1 male deceased, Reg Mt Marg 56/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
McMURTRIE Patrick Edward – d 3 Oct 1907, at Malcolm Hospital, 47yrs, Occ: Contractor, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: Thomas McMURTRIE (Contractor), Mother: Mary RYAN, Born: Creswick VIC, In VIC 38yrs, In WA 9yrs, Married twice, first to Sarah GLEESON in Melbourne VIC at age 23yrs, second to Elizabeth Emma RICHARDSON in Melbourne VIC at age 34yrs, Children: James 21yrs, Maggie 20yrs, Annie 18yrs, Edward 8 yrs, 1 male deceased. Reg Mt Marg 51/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MEDLAND Albert – d 2 Mar 1912, Near North Star GM, Malcolm, 50yrs, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Pulmonary Pleurisy, Born: QLD, In QLD 40yrs, In WA 10yrs, Single, Reg : Mt Marg 6/1912, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MOLONEY Patrick – d 20 Jun 1902, at Malcolm Hospital, 23yrs, Cause: Enteric fever, Father: Patrick MOLONEY (Miner), Mother: Margaret, Born: Ballarat VIC, In VIC 19yrs, In WA 4yrs, Single, Informant: Andrew MOLONEY (Brother), Reg: Mt Marg 36/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MOORE John – d 26 Dec 1903, at Bummers Creek, Malcolm, 2mths, Cause: Marasmus and Exhaustion, Father: Oliver Gordon MOORE (Hotel Keeper), Mother: Margaret Jane FERGUSON, Informant: Father, Reg: Mt Marg 48/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MOORE George Essau – d 25 Oct 1899, 35yrs, at the Flying Pig Lease, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Suicide by taking poison and cutting his throat with a razor, Verdict of the Coroner, Born: Firth, Scotland, Reg 1298/1899, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Malcolm Chronicle and Leonora Advertiser 28 October 1899, page 2
On Tuesday morning a miner named H O’Brian called at the police station and reported that whilst passing the Sunday leases he saw the prostrate form of a man lying in a pool of blood. He did not examine the body to see if life was extinct, tbe man being apparently dead, and he deemed it advisable to imniediately inform the police. Corporal Feeley, fearing that it might be a case of murder, lest no time in proceeding to the spot indicated, accomanied by Constable Pierce. Arriving at the bough shed a horrible sight met their gaze. Lying on some bags was the body, which was recognised as that of George E. Moore, one of the shareholders in the Flying Pig lease, Mertondale. He had a terrible gash across his throat, and lying alongside the body was a blood-stained razor, with which the deed had evidently been committed. There was every indication that he had been dead for some considerabletime, the body being in a somewhat advanced state of decomposition.
Searching the pockets of deceased, Corporal Feely found a note book containing entries which pointed to suicide of a most determined nature. He had made out a statement of his assets and liabilities, stipulating tbat his various interests should be realised upon, and that any money remaining after the payment of his debts should be divided between his brother and sister, who reside in Leith, Scotland. Another entry in the note book states :
“I have taken the poison. Good-bye. I hope you will forgive me, as I forgive you.”
This entry is dated October 21st, (last Saturday). Immediately beneath is a footnote stating—” I am going further out to make a further trial” From this it may be inferred that the poison failed to have the desired effect and be sought tbe place of seclusion where tbe body was found and ended his existence by means of cutting his throat.
MOORE Oliver Gordon – d 7 Jun 1905, at Malcolm Hospital, 35yrs, Occ: Publican of the Welcome Hotel, Bummers Creek, Cause: Arterial calcification and cerebral hemorrhage, Father: John MOORE Jr (Barrister), Mother: Kate DUNCAN, Born: Hay NSW, In NSW 25yrs, In VIC 4yrs, In WA 6yrs, Married to Margaret Jane Barbara FERGUSON, Children: Kathleen Maud 3yrs, John born 1903 (deceased), Reg: Mt Marg 23/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MOORE Patrick – d 22 Oct 1898, 55yrs, Cause: Chronic Bronchitis, Born: Limerick Ireland, Reg: 1495/1898, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MORAN Jeremiah – d 18 Jun 1914, at Malcolm Hospital, 58yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Through an accident on the Golden Butterfly GM on the 17th June 1914, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Roderick MORAN, Mother: Honorah HEARN, Born: Melbourne VIC, In VIC 47yrs, In WA 11yrs, Married to Norah REGAN in Cairns QLD at age 45yrs, Reg: Mt Marg 26/1914, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. Mine Death –
MORCK Martha Agnes – d 6 Nov 1905, at Windsor Street, Malcolm, 33yrs, Cause: Pulmonary intestinal tuberculosis, Father: William Edward BALL (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth Ann SLAWSON, Born: Bairnsdale VIC, In VIC 29yrs, In WA 4yrs, Married to Frederick James MORCK, Children: Frederick 4yrs, Mary Agnes 1yr 2mths, Informant:- A J Ball (Sister), Reg Mt Marg 52/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MORRIS Luke – d 15 Aug 1903, at Malcolm Hospital, 64 yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Parents Unknown, Born: Ireland, In WA over 7 yrs, Reg: Mt Marg: 31/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
MURDOCH John – d 15 Feb 1900, 42yrs, Cause: Heat Apoplexy, Occ: Publican of the Bummers Creek Hotel, Father: John MURDOCH, Mother: Barbara, Born: Mintaro SA, Reg: 1297/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
NELLA Giovanni – d 19 Jun 1910, at Malcolm Hospital, 46yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Injuries caused by a premature explosion at the North Star GM, Malcolm on the 14 June 1910, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Antonio NELLA (Farmer), Mother: Orcola TEPPELI, Born: Varrio, North Italy, In VIC 11yrs, In WA 14yrs, Informant Chris NELLA (Brother), Reg Mt Marg 34/1910, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
NICHOLSON William Peter – d 16 Feb 1903, at Malcolm Hospital, 40yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: By falling down the shaft on the Sunday Lease GM on 15th Feb 1903, Verdict of the Coroner, Parents Unknown, Born: Shetland Isles, Scotland, Reg: Mt Marg 7/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery. Mine Death –
NIXON Arthur – d 7 Jun 1899, 49yrs, at Malcolm Hospital, Occ: Dryblower, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: George Russell NIXON, Mother: Rosalie Adelaide DOUGAN, Born: Switzerland, Married to Mary Jane THOMPSON in 1881 in NSW, Children: Eoin Louis Eugene b 1883, Gladys Mary b 1887, Beatrice Geraldine b 1888, Cora Marcia b 1890, Amy Isobel b 1895, Reg: 1292/1899, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
NUNN John – d 7 Jun 1907, In bush near Malcolm, 37yrs, Occ: Contractor, Cause: Accidental gunshot wound, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: James NUNN (Farmer) Mother: Emily Ann BATES, Born: Rapid Bay SA , In SA 25yrs, In WA 12yrs, Married to Clara May ROWE in Adelaide SA at age 26yrs, Children: Claribel Jane 11yrs, Emily Mabel 2yrs, deceased 2 females, Reg Mt Marg 42/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Miner 14 June 1907, page 4
The inquest on the late John Nunn, who met his death while hunting on Friday last, was held today before Mr. Paul Berthold, J.P., and a jury. The evidence of. Thos. Johnson disclosed that he and Nunn left the camp of the witness about noon in a four wheeled trap, followed by two drays containing sandalwood. After travelling about three miles Nunn sugested that they should take a turn round the bush to look for a wild turkey and rejoin the team further on. This was accordingly, done, but they came across no game.
The team was met coming towards Malcolm, some miles from where they left. Nunn then suggested, to take another turn through through the bush to give the dogs a run after kangaroos. Shortly after getting into the bush some kangaroos were chased by the dogs, and after the witness and Nunn followed the tracks for some distance they were lost. Nunn then asked Johnson to get out of the buggy and go back to see if he could pick up the tracks, while he went on in the buggy. When Johnson was about 100 yards away he heard the deceased call out, ‘Here they are, Tom’ followed by the report of a gun.
He could not see Nunn at the time as the bushes were thick, but thinking that the shot was at a kangaroo he started to run in the direction of the report. When within forty yards he saw Nunn lying on the ground. He called out, ‘What’s the matter, Jack?’ and deceased replied,
‘I am done, Tom’ and when he reached his side a few seconds after he found Nunn dead. He was of the opinion from the wheelmarks that Nunn, in trying to evade a tree, took a short turn, causing the wheels to lock, and that he was thrown out with the gun, which received a knock and caused it to explode. The gun (produced) proved by the bent hammer that the knock it had received was sufficient to cause it to explode.
Death must have been almost instantaneous. The jury found that the deceased, John Nunn, met with his death on the afternoon of June 7 by the accidental explosion of a gun while out hunting. They added that T. Johnson’s conduct on the occasion was prompt and praiseworthy. Nunn’s funeral was one of the largest seen in the district, the procession extending over a distance of about 600 yards. The service was conducted by the Reverend Vine, and by the graveside stood the deceased’s widow and daughter, Mr. H. Nunn and C. Nunn (brothers), and a large number of friends.
O’FARRELL Richard James – d 3 May 1898, 69yrs, Cause: Cirrhosis of liver, Born: Dublin Ireland, Reg 1486/1898, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
PASMORE John – d 27 Aug 1901, 49yrs, Cause: Bronchitis, Father: John PASMORE, Born: Tiverton England, has a wife and three children in Bunbury, Reg: 1404/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
PERKINS Unnamed male – d 4 Jan 1904, at Malcolm, Cause: stillborn, Father: Alfred Charles Brooks PERKINS (Post Master), Mother: Annie Sefton WHITE, Informant: Father, Reg: Mt Marg 1/1904, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
PIETSCH Gustav – d 14 Feb 1900, 35yrs, at Malcolm Hospital, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Born: Castlemaine VIC, Reg: 1298/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
PITT William – d 27 Mar 1902, 30yrs, Cause: Pressure on the brain, at Malcolm Hospital, Occ: Restaurant owner, Father: John Richard PITT, Mother: Jane COCKS, Born: London England, Reg: 1511/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
POLLARD Harry James – d 29 Dec 1902, At North Star Gold Mine, Infant 9mths, Cause: Teething and heat apoplexy, Father: John James POLLARD (Miner), Mother: Margarita PASSERINNI, Born Perth WA, Informant: Father, Reg Mt Marg 70/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
POLLOCK Beatrice Keri – 17 Oct 1911, at Murrin Murrin, 36yrs, Married woman, Cause: Septicaemia, Miscarriage, Heart failure, Father: Matthew SMITH (Miner), Mother: ? McClaura, Born: Maldon VIC, In VIC 23yrs, In WA 13yrs, Married to Robert Stilt POLLOCK in Perth WA at age 27yrs, Children: John Dunbar 8yrs, Beatrice Jean 4yrs, Reg: Mt Marg 53/1911, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
PORTER Thomas – d 29 Jan 1906, Mertondale, 55yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Found dead, Order for burial from Coroner, Born Ballarat VIC, In WA 12 yrs, Reg Mt Marg 6/1906, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
PRESTON Henry Arthur – d 19 Aug 1900, 28yrs, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: Arthur PRESTON, Mother: Frances RICHARDSON, Born: NSW, Reg: 1322/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
PREVELL Catherine – d 9 Jul 1907, at London Street, Malcolm, 76yrs, Cause: Heart Disease, Father: John CULLIAN, Mother Mary Jane McCARTNEY, Born: Co Clare, Ireland, In SA 36yrs, In WA 7yrs, Married – husband unknown, Children: Kate, Maria, John and Olive, Informant: John Blampey, telegraph messenger, (Grandson), Reg: Mt Marg 46/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
RICHARDSON William John – d 9 Jan 1900, 72yrs, Occ: Owner of The Melbourne Café, Kalgoorlie, Cause: Senile Decay, Father: John RICHARDSON, Mother: Mary ANDERSON, Son in Kalgoorlie – M J RICHARDSON, Born: West Indies, Formerly of Clunes VIC, Reg: 1292/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
ROBERTS Edward – d 14 Feb 1900, 36yrs, at Mrs Marlows dining rooms, Malcolm, Cause: Heat Apoplexy, Born: Capel Curig, Caernarvonshire, North Wales, Reg: 1296/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Malcolm Chronicle and Leonora Advertiser 17 February 1900
ROBERTSON William John – d 14 Dec 1902, at Malcolm, 48yrs, Occ: Cooper, Cause: Phthisis, Parents Unknown, Born Collingwood, VIC, In WA 3 yrs, Married to Emily Ida FEAST in Adelaide SA at age 41yrs, Children: Gladys 6yrs, Emily 4yrs, 1 male deceased, Reg Mt Marg 73/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
ROBERTSON Edith – d 24 Oct 1905, 32yrs, Cause: Heart failure, Married to George S ROBERTSON, Reg Mt Marg 51/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
ROBINSON William Malcolm – 3 Sep 1901, 1 day, Cause: Asphyxia, Father: William John ROBINSON, Mother: Emily Ada FEAST, Born: Malcolm WA, Reg 1407/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
ROSENFELDER Christian – d 10 Mar 1908, at Saratoga Street, Malcolm, 4mths, Cause: Marasmus, Father: Christian ROSENFELDER (Boot maker), Mother: Anna Maria PFAFF, Reg Mt Marg 17/1908, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery,
SCHLUTER Fritz – d 12 Jul 1901, 65yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Exhaustion, Father: Christianna SCHLUTER, Mother: Johana VON KAUFMANN, Born: Prussia, Reg: 1401/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
SCOTT James – d 2 May 1898, 51yrs, Cause: Cardiac failure, Born: Roxburgh, Scotland, Reg: 1485/1898, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery
SHACKELL Percy Moira – d 4 May 1905, at Malcolm, 30yrs, Occ: Doctor of Medicine, Cause: Septicemia and Pneumonia, Father: James SHACKELL (Auctioneer), Mother: Annie LITTLEWOOD, Born Echuca VIC, In VIC 25yrs, In WA 2yrs, Married to Christian Elisabeth NICHOLLS , Child: Moira Margaret Hope Shackell , Christian remarried to William Ernest COLLINS and went onto have twin girls, Reg: Mt Marg 14/1905, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
SMITH Hugh Laurence – d 4 Oct 1898, 21yrs, Cause: Cardiac Failure, Father: Hugh SMITH, Mother: Susan HARE, Born Lambton NSW, Reg: 1494/1898, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
SMITH Walter Henry – d 19 May 1909, at Railway Yard, Malcolm, 4mths, Cause: Gastro Enteritis, Father: George SMITH (Railway Employee), Mother Annie Melrose WELCH, Born Malcolm WA, Reg Mt Marg 20/09, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
St JEAN William Henry Latrobe – d 4 Sep 1911, Malcolm hospital, 72yrs, Occ; Laborer, Cause: Accidental death caused by a fall from the veranda of his premises in Star Street, Malcolm on the 4 Sep 1911. Verdict of the Coroner, Born: France, In NSW and WA dates unknown, Married but name unknown, Children: 2 males and 1 female names unknown. Registered in the WA Deaths as William H L S JEAN, Reg: Mt Marg 43/1911, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
STOCK Frances – d 15 Feb 1912, at Malcolm hospital, 46yrs, Married woman, Cause: Cellulitis (face), Thrombosis, Inter Cranial Abscess, Father: James HILL, (Farmer), Mother Mary SHEEHAN, Born: Co Wexford, Ireland, In WA 14yrs, Married to David William STOCK in Malcolm WA at age 26yrs, Children: Margret Mary 10yrs, Eileen Francis 6yrs, William James 3 yrs, Reg: Mt Marg 5/1912, Buried in Roman Catholic Sec of the Malcolm Cemetery.
SULLIVAN John Henry – d 29 Sep 1906, Mertons Reward, Mertondale, 28yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Fractured skull and shock, Verdict of the Coroner, Parents Unknown, Born: Carlton VIC, Single, In WA 8yrs, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery, Reg: Mt Marg 60/1906
Kalgoorlie Miner 2 October 1906, page 4
A fatal accident occurred at the Merton’s Reward G.M. on Saturday to a man named John Sullivan, wrho was engaged in cleaning out a winze which the afternoon shift had fired. After being lowered to the bottom, he found that the air was bad, and called out to his mate to haul him up. His mate hauled him to within 3 ft. of the top, when he saw the deceased fall headlong to the bottom, a distance of 45 ft. Assistance being obtained, he was brought to the surface, where it was found that he had several nasty cuts about the head and body, and was also suffering from the foul air.
No hope was held out for his recovery, and he died, when being taken to the Malcolm hospital, a distance of 20 miles. The deceased, who was a single man, about 28 years of age, came from Victoria, and had until recently been prospecting around the district. He was greatly esteemed by. all who knew him.
TAYLOR Lily- d 6 Sep 1903, at Malcolm, Infant 4 mths, Cause: Febris Enterica and exhaustion, Father: Henry Albert TAYLOR (Coach builder), Mother: Edith May JONES, Born: Fremantle WA, Informant: Father, Reg:- Mt Marg 32/1903, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
THOMAS Sylvia Lilian – d 15 Aug 1907, at Malcolm hospital, 11mths, Cause: Diphtheria, Father: George THOMAS (Miner) Mother: Sarah BRIMSON, Born: Laverton WA, Reg: Mt Marg 49/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
THORN William Neville – d 15 Nov 1907, Malcolm Hospital, 62yrs, Occ: Aerated water manufacturer, Cause: Cardiac disease, Born: 18 Jan 1845 in Dublin, Ireland, Father: Howard neville THORN, Mother: Margaret McBRIDE, In SA and WA for 16yrs, Married to Elizabeth Ann MARSHALL in Gawler SA at age 30yrs, Children: Horace 26yrs, Frank 25yrs, Margaret 23yrs, Leslie 15yrs, Olive 12yrs, Florence 10yrs, Reg Mt Marg 64/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
TINLEY Harold Newport – d 5 Dec 1899, 27yrs, Occ: Assayer and Metallurgist, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Father: Thomas Matthew TINLEY, Mother: Elizabeth Newport TAYLOR, Born: 1871 Balmain NSW, Reg: 1302/1899, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
TUSSUP William Ralph – 19 May 1912, at Malcolm Hospital, 2yrs 11mths, Cause: Acute Adenitis, Cellulitis of heart, Septicaemia, Father: Stephen John TUSSUP (Miner), Mother: Eva ARMSTRONG, Informant: Mother, Windsor Street, Malcolm, Born Boulder WA, Reg: Mt Marg 17/1912, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WEBSTER William – d 19 Jan 1908, Malcolm hospital, 52yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Pleurisy and heart failure, Father: William WEBSTER, Mother: Mary DOUGLAS, Married to Charlotte Amelia ‘Lottie’ nee GRAHAME, Children:- Neva Muriel, Anita, Delia Lilian, Elsie Anita and Cecil Alphonse, Buried in Anglican Sec Gr 29 in the Malcolm Cemetery, Reg Mt Marg 5/1908. Story:- My Dearest Lottie

William Webster (on right) with his wife Charlotte (Lottie) and their four children, Neva, Anita, Delia, and Cecil Alphonse. The other man is a family friend who the little boy was named after. Taken in 1907 at Casillis VIC not long before William left home to look for work. Photo – Ian Hopley
WELLS Compton John – d 2 Dec 1900, 39yrs, Occ: Surveyor, Cause: Phthisis, Father: Thomas Allan WELLS, Mother: Elizabeth KELSCH, Born: Mt Gambia SA, brother of L A Wells the Explorer, Reg: 1326/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WEST Albert Edward – d 14 Feb 1898, 21yrs, at Malcolm Hospital, Occ: Miner, Cause: Enteric Fever, Meningitis, brother to George West, of the Desdemona GM, Born: Bulgunda VIC, Registered by George West, his brother, Reg: Mt Marg 3/1898, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WHEATLEY William Harry – d 8 Aug 1901, 55yrs, Cause: Alcoholism, Born: Birmingham, England, Reg: 1402/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WHYTE Johanna – d 22 May 1901, 26yrs, Cause: Phthisis, Born: Carlow Ireland, Father: John WHYTE, Mother: Johanna MAYER, Reg: 1394/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WILEY Herbert Allen – d 4 Jan 1906, at Malcolm Hospital, 31yrs, Occ: Civil Servant, Cause: Thrombosis of cerebral artery, Born: QLD, In WA 10yrs, Reg: Mt Marg 1/1906, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WILLMORE Peter McCulloch – d 11 Jan 1900, 3 ½ mths, Cause: Heart apoplexy, Father: John WILLMORE, Mother: Agnes Parker McCULLOCH, Reg: 1294/1900, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WILSON Frederick – d 15 Nov 1904, Business area 154C, Webster’s Find, 57 yrs, Occ: Storekeeper, Cause: Cirrhosis of liver & kidneys, Father: James WILSON (Gaffer in Iron Works), Born: Warwick England, In NZ and NSW 17yrs, In WA 8yrs, Married to Elizabeth PLACE in Church of Christ, Blackfriars, England. Children: Elizabeth Curtiss 5yrs 9mths (dec), Reg:- Mt Marg 44/1904,Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WILSON George – d 12 Jan 1907, at Malcolm hospital, 34yrs, Occ: Ex police constable, Cause: Pulmonary tuberculosis, Single, In WA, In WA 10yrs, Reg Mt Marg 4/1907, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WILSON Patrick – d 22 Jan 1901, 30yrs, Father: Michael WILSON, Cause: Enteric Fever, Born: Thames New Zealand, Reg 1377/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
WOODFIELD Mary Ann – d 30 Dec 1902, at Malcolm Hospital, 42yrs, Cause: Nephritis and Uraemia, Father: Samuel SUTTON (Gardner) Mother: Eliza RICE, Born: Harcourt VIC, Married to Henry WOODFIELD in Castlemaine VIC at age 23yrs, Children: Florence (Florrie) 17yrs, Violet 15yrs, Lottie 6yrs, 1 male deceased. In VIC 37yrs, In WA 5yrs, Informant- Husband, Reg Mt Marg 72/1902, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
YOUNG Ila (Ida) Vaughan – d 1 Apr 1901, 7mths, Cause: Gastro Enteritis, Father: Charlton YOUNG, Mother: Florence WELLS, Born: Malcolm WA, Reg: 1384/1901, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery.
Hi Moya,
SHACKELL Percy Moira, d 4 May 1905, Malcolm, 30yrs, Occ:- Doctor of Medicine, Cause:- Septicemia and Pneumonia, Father:- James SHACKELL (Auctioneer), Mother:- Annie LITTLEWOOD, Born Echuca VIC, In VIC 25yrs, In WA2yrs, Married to Christine Elizabeth NICHOLLS , no children, Buried in the Malcolm Cemetery, Reg:- Mt Marg 14/1905
Christine Elizabeth Nicholls, was actually Christian Elisabeth and they had a daughter Moira Margaret Hope Shackell. She was my husbands step-aunt, Christian having remarried William Ernest Collins and went onto have twin girls.
Hi Gail Thank you for the extra info and the correction of Christian’s name, I have added this to the register.