Kenny and Co Coach Builders – Sepia Saturday


J Kenny and Co, Wheelwrights and Coach Builders. In 1902 it was situated between the cross-over of Richardson and Forrest Sts Boulder on the left hand side from the direction of Burt Street. Prior to this it was near Powells Hotel (Later to be the Boulder Block) on the Great Boulder.

Kenny & Co Lane St, Boulder

J Kenny & Co Lane St, Boulder 1901

Kalgoorlie Miner 1901:-

“Messrs Kenny and Co, the well known blacksmiths and wheelwrights, are again to the fore, this time with the best English dog-cart seen on these fields. It has been built specially for Dr Sawell, so no doubt those  going in for a stylish dog-cart will have plenty of opportunities to see for themselves the class of work being turned out by this capable firm.
The trimming is of claret colored  leather, the frame and wheels of the best American hieckory, the sides of New Zealand Kauri, and all fittings nickel plated, making altogether an exceptionally smart turnout. Anyone wanting anything in the way of waggons, lorries, spring-carts, dog-carts, etc, -could not do better than give the Messers Kenny a trial.”
Kalgoorlie Miner 19th April 1897

Kalgoorlie Miner 19th April 1897

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.


  1. kathy nolan says

    Hi Moya, I enjoy reading your research very much. Just wondering if you ever come across my family in your travels. Maddren and Truscott.

    • Hi Kathy The following entry is from the employee cards of the Lake View and Star Gold Mine.
      MADDREN Daniel 45 Greaser employed 19/11/1930 Great Boulder GM Kalgoorlie-Boulder

      he is also mentioned in the admission records for the Kalgoorlie Boulder Hospital:-
      MADDREN Daniel 25 File 34 56
      MADDREN Daniel 26 File 34 94

      The following entrues are also from the Lake View and Star:-
      TRUSCOTT Edward Clement Jenkins Engine Driver 55 20.09.1915 Ivanhoe Lease, Powell Street A/A Sawell S
      TRUSCOTT James Mill Hand 28 10.01.1914 37 Lake Street, Trafalgar A/A Bridgeford IOOF M 1
      TRUSCOTT James Henry Labourer 24 00.09.1905 37 Lake Street, Trafalgar PO Trafalgar Bridgeford IOOF S

      I also have the grave photos of Ruby and Redford Truscott in the Boulder Cemetery which I am happy to send you if you are interested. If so could you send me an email address?
      You will also find other entries if you go to my web site and enter the names in the site search box.
      Kind regards Moya

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