John Mohr and Bros – Champion Greengrocer and Hawker

1901. Mr John Charles Mohr with young boy (Charlie Jones) Mr Mohr was born in 1875, his parents ran a green grocers in Northam. He came to the Goldfields as a young man in search of gold in 1894. At one time he did the mail run on a push bike between Coolgardie and Broadarrow and during one of his trips his tyres gave out and he almost perished from thirst.

J Mohr & Co

J Mohr & Bros 24th Sept 1901

He went on to open the first green grocery businesses in Kalgoorlie with his brother. In this photograph he has decked out his delivery cart to take part in the Druids procession in the Eastern Monday parade, an annual event.

This photo was taken outside the business of Climie Eastwood & Co, Ironmongers, The Standard Butcher and Ben Chritchley’s, Sportsmans Billiard Saloon in Hannan Street. These buildings were on the corner of Hannan Sts and Cassidy Sts. The Billiard saloon is now the location of Betts and Betts and Climie Eastwoods was the location of the former ‘Sound Centre. J Mohr was located between the Kalgoorlie Miner and the Fimister Building in 1901.

This photograph show Mr Mohr later the same day as the winner of the “Greengrocers Hawking Cart and Display’ event.

24th Sept 1901 Western Argus

24th Sept 1901 Western Argus

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.


  1. Phil Smith says

    I’m pretty sure this is my great grandfather . He married Elizabeth Plant in 1900/01 . He ended up working a lease between kcgm and Charlotte in later life called Golden Mile Channel . He had a daughter in 1912 who married the eventual senior mine foreman at the Great Boulder ( who was decorated for bravery in a 1943 mine rescue , his medal is on loan to the Hall of Fame ) . John Mohr is buried in KAL cemetary . This is a great page , thank you so much for making it !!

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