Happy 5th Birthday Blog:

I cant believe that the blog has just turned 5 years old. Its been a long road and from humble beginnings. From its start, when I just wanted to records interesting stories I came across for my own interest to now, with over 5000 registered readers on the mailing list. I am just so pleased that so may people enjoy these stories as much as I do. My criteria has always been, ‘If I think its interssting, others may as well’. To make it not so much of what I like, I have had lots of ‘visitor posts’ in the last year, showcasing the wonderful family stories and photographs in private collections.

Google analytics tells me that there during this time there have been:-

274,912 unique page views

Im amazed, it just seems to ‘self generate’. Today the average number of post is 3-4 a week with sometimes a few more or less. The posts are never planned and just seem to ‘turn up’.

Some other mile stones:-

The site is now archived by ‘Pandora’ through the National Library of Australia.

There are a total of 670 stories.

The top three most read posts were:-

  1. The Great Boulder Disaster:- https://www.outbackfamilyhistoryblog.com/2016/06/03/great-boulder-disaster/
  2. Child of the Woodline:- https://www.outbackfamilyhistoryblog.com/2017/03/08/child-woodline-grave-tales/
  3. Five Little Graves:- https://www.outbackfamilyhistoryblog.com/2016/03/06/2274/

I hope that you will continue to join me either as a regular subscriber or an occasional visitor or following me on the Facebook page where I share all the stories.

To celebrate, during the next week, we will be having 5 history book giveaways so log onto our Facebook page for details:-   https://www.facebook.com/OutbackFamilyHistory/

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

Latest posts by Moya Sharp (see all)


  1. Graeme Smith says

    Congratulations on achieving 5 years Moya.

  2. Robyn McLean says

    Congratulations Moya. Your kindness and willingness to help people has made so many people happy. My family tree history has grown because of you, especially the information about the Dudley Clan and the town of Bardoc. I will forever be grateful. You are a very special lady. Cheers Robyn McLean.

  3. Paul Vernon Cribb says

    Well done Moya! Your work has added both to my knowledge of my grandfather’s time in the goldfields and to our wider knowledge and understanding of the Western Australian gold rushes.

    Your efforts are important in recording a fast dissappearing time in Australia’s history.

    thank you

    Paul Cribb

  4. Christine R says

    Thank you Moya for your wonderful site that everyone can access. The information you have collated over the years is exceptional. I know you have worked tirelessly in your research for the good of the community. Thank you for your tremendous efforts and congratulations of your five year milestone.
    kindest regards, Christine

  5. John Seddon says

    I have really enjoyed reading the e-mailed historical information
    Most of the current articles are later than my time in Kal which was from 1937 – 1949
    John Seddon

  6. Edwina Shooter says

    Happy birthday! Congratulations on reaching 5 years. I have enjoyed the stories and book reviews you have shared on your blog and appreciate all the information you make available to researchers. Best wishes –
    Edwina Shooter

  7. Irene Roy says

    “Happy 5th Birthday and Congratulations Moya”
    You do a great job, I for 1, very much enjoy the stories, fact is always better than fiction
    You gave me a photo of my great uncle Angus John Roy and I have been in touch with his great granddaughter, so thank you for that 🙂 X

  8. Phoebe Watt says

    Moya – admirable job; well done. thank you for continuing to supply v interesting, enjoyable and entertaining snippets of life in the early days. happy birthday to your blog.

  9. Colyn Storer says

    Moya – what a wonderful blog, with so many interesting and fascinating stories about the Goldfields. I am so grateful to your help and knowledge. Looking forward to the next Birthday celebration!

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