Francis ‘Frank’ Cornelius Scott – grave tales

Francis 'Frank' Cornelius Scott

Francis ‘Frank’ Cornelius Scott

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 12 July 1904, page 24

THE LATE MR. FRAN SCOTT. “I first met the late Mr. Frank Scott.” says a gentleman who knew him for 20 years, in Burrowa, New South Wales, where he was in business as a professional accountant, and I also represented his father, a flour mill proprietor, doing a large business. Later on Mr. Scott joined a brother and a half-brother of his on a station in the Gulf country, and from station overseership became manager in Croydon for Wright, Hester and Co”.

When the mining boom was in full swing in this State, Mr. Scott came over to WA and took a position as accountant with Messrs. Brennan Bros of Kalgoorlie. In March. 1896, he became chief accountant to Messrs. Bewick, Moreing and Co in Coolgardie, afterwards taking charge as chief accountant of that firm’s head office in Perth.

Shamrock Brewery

Shamrock Brewery

Some months later he started in business on his own account, and leased the Westralia Hotel, at Kamballi in partnership with Messrs. McBean and Savage. In May, 1898, after an interval of accountancy with Messrs Brennan Bros, he joined Messrs. Paton and Mair, and the three took over the Shamrock Brewery, now known as the Union Brewery. His career since then has been well-known to all residents on these fields. His sterling worth and openhanded charity won him the esteem of all who knew him, and when he died there were very many here who felt that they had lost a true friend.

Westralia Hotel Kamballi

Westralia Hotel, Kamballi

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 28 June 1904, page 19

FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. FRANK SCOTT. The funeral of the late Mr. Frank Scott, of the Union Brewery. who died suddenly about 8 o’clock on Saturday night last, took place at Kalgoorlie Monday afternoon. The cortege which numbered close on 100 vehicles and which was preceded by employees at the three local breweries, left the deceased’s late residence, 72 Dugan street, at 3 p.m. and proceeded to the Roman Catholic Church. where a short service was held. The mournful train then made its way to the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. where, in the Roman Catholic portion, the burial service was conducted by the Rev. Canon Robinson.

There was the presence of a large congregation of friends of the deceased gentleman, including many representative townsmen. The The chief mourners were Messrs. Walter Scott (son of the deceased), Victor Scott (cousin), and James Denshire (brother-in-law). while those who occupied the second mourning coach were Messrs. T. A. Strempel. P Whelan. T. Harkness, and Mr Fyen.

Francis ‘Frank’ Cornelius SCOTT was born in NSW in 1865, the son of Patrick SCOTT and Elizabeth MULLHOLLAND. He married May ‘Mary’ WESTCOTT on the 13th Oct 1891 in Queensland. He is buried in the Roman Catholic section of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery, he was aged 39yrs and was buried on the 20th Jun 1904.

Kalgoorlie Cemetery - Photos by Danelle Warnock

Kalgoorlie Cemetery – Photos by Danelle Warnock

His children:

Walter Albert SCOTT born QLD 1891
Gladys Ethel May SCOTT born QLD 1894
Aileen Ivy SCOTT born Sydney NSW in 1895 she died on 10 April 1903 aged 7yrs 6mths in Kalgoorlie, her father Frank is buried with her.
Elsie Martha SCOTT born Kalgoorlie 1899 (died the same year and is buried close to Frank and Aileen)
Emmaline ‘Emma’ Alice SCOTT born Subiaco WA in 1897 died aged 1yr in Perth WA
In his will he left a five  sixth share in the Union Brewery, plus £3,123.

Scott Family Home at 72 Dugan Street, Kalgoorlie

Scott Family Home at 72 Dugan Street, Kalgoorlie

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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