Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery – 44 burials.
“The Rev Thomas Trestrail writes to the Courier this week, complaining about the barbarous state of things existing at the Coolgardie cemetery. He asserts that bodies are thrown into shallow graves anyhow, and no proper record is kept of the burials. Foul odours are he says, commencing to arise from the cemetery, and the present state of affairs is a terrible disgrace to civilisation.”
Following on from last weeks story which told of the memorial erected to those buried in the Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery. The following are the details of those buried in the acre plot.
ANDREWS Jane / Jean – d 1894, 55yrs, Coolgardie Miner: 14 July 1894 – “A recent arrival at Hannan’s, named Jean Andrews, died on the journey into Coolgardie last Thursday. Andrews, who was ailing, was, through the kindness of the local Progress Committee, placed on a team to be brought into the hospital. The journey, however, proved too much for her strength. At the post-mortem, it was found that she died from natural causes, Reg 654/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
BEGELHOLE Ellen – d 1894, 9 days, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: William T BEGELHOLE, Mother: Ellen BIRKIN, Reg 664/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
BLOXAM Henry ‘Harry’ Tucker – d 1894, 25yrs, Cause: Pneumonia, Coolgardie Miner, Sat 9 June 1894: During the week one death occurred, that of a young man named H. T. Bloxam, 25 years of age, who came to the field three months ago from South Australia. He was taken to a private hospital last Sunday and died on Wednesday, the cause of death being heart disease. The remains were followed to the grave by the deceased’s uncle Mr. Frane who is at present in this town, and a number of friends. Father: Henry A’Court BLOXAM, Mother: Emma Mary Ann FRANCE, Born: 10 JUN 1867 in Port Wallaroo, South Australia, Single, Reg 650/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
BRODERICK Murtagh – AKA Bertie or Murty – d 18 Jun 1894, 60yrs, The Daily News – 23 June 1894: “Yesterday the body of a man, who had been buried alive, was unearthed on Potato Flat, which is situated close to Bayley’s Reward claim. The deceased, who was known by the name of Murty Broderick, was working as a dry-blower, when a portion of an embankment near which he was engaged, while looking for alluvial, fell in and smothered him.
Broderick’s body was discovered by two other dry-blowers, who state that their attention was directed to the mullock heap which covered him by a portion of his waistcoat protruding therefrom. His body was still warm when they found him.”
Broderick died from a fall of earth in the alluvial workings at Fly Flat. He undermined part of an embankment which collapsed on him, burying him. Siblings: John, Michael, Jeremiah, and Julia all living in Rossanean, Farranfore, County Kerry, Ireland, Reg 935/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery. Mine Death:
BROWN John Tucker – AKA John Thomas Brown – d 1894, 38yrs, Formerly a farmer in the province of Redhills, South Australia. Brown was a member of the Oddfellows Lodge of Redhill, SA. The estate was divided among Mother and Siblings; Brother – Charles Brown of Yongala, South Australia; Sister – Emily Susan Brown, Reg: 938/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
CLARK James – Cause: Bronchitis, Reg 940/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
COURT Alfred Mills – d 10 Noc 1894, 30yrs, at Reynolds Hotel, Coolgardie, Cause: Syncope, Reg 1007/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
CROSSMAN William Reginald Cuthbert – d 25 May 1894, 27yrs, Cause: Inflammation of the lungs, Father: James Hiscutt CROSSMAN, Mother: Marian CLARKE. WRC Crossman left an estate valued at £547 to Eleanor Mary Crossman nee PANTON, the widow of the deceased. Coolgardie Miner, 26 May 1894, states: “General regret is felt at the death of Mr. E. C. Crossman, who died at the private hospital yesterday morning. The deceased gentleman was a son-in-law of Mr. Panton, P.M., of Melbourne, and was at one time connected with Bayley’s Reward claim. He was only lately married, and much sympathy is felt with his bereaved wife by his local friends. Crossman rode a camel to Southern Cross to send the news of a rich strike in Bayley’s No. 2 South and received £200 for his work. Wife: Eleanor Mary Crossman living at “Carannya” Alexander Street, St Kilda at the time of William’s death, Reg 626/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
DE HAMEL Lancel Victor – d 26 Nov 1894, 48yrs, Cause: Typhoid, Father: Felix John HAMEL (Later de HAMEL), Mother: Eliza BOND, Married to Marion Eugenie HAMMOND pn 2 Sep 1877 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England, Six children,
Daily News 27 November 1894, page 2
The Death of Mr. Lancel V. de Hamel, former M.L.A. for Albany, who had been an inmate of the private hospital for about a week suffering from typhoid fever died yesterday afternoon. Several days ago he insisted on leaving the hospital and being removed to a tent near the Wardens Camp, where two nurses under direction from Dr Deane attended him.
Latterly his life was despaired of and despite all medical aid he died as stated yesterday afternoon. Mr. Gill, Mining Registrar, who had been very attentive to Mr. De Hamel was with him to the end.
FARLEY William Nix – d 1893, 60yrs, Cause: Killed by a fall of earth, at Pig Gully Mine, Father: Thomas FARLEY, Born: Lambeth, London, England, Mother: Lydia NIX, Married to Elizabeth SWAIN in1855, Herne, Kent, England, they migrated to Australia, living first in Sydney. They were living in Tambaroora, NSW, in 1870 and Hill End, NSW, from 1873-1876. The marriage produced 9 children. They were: Elizabeth born 1856; William born 1858; James Nix born 1860; Thomas born 1862; Lydia Elizabeth 1865; William Nix born 1868; Sarah Augusta born 1870; John and Mark born 1873. The deceased left an estate valued at £1663 17s to John Smith Dewhurst, Reg: 559/1893, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery. (First Burial) Mine Death:
HAWKLESS James – d 1894, 24yrs, Cause: Typhoid, Father: John HAWKLESS, Mother: Sarah Elizabeth DYSON, Born: Yambuk, Victoria, Single, Reg 1001/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
HICKS Edward – d on 6 Oct1894, at Coolgardie Hospital, Cause: Paralysis, Edward Hicks was picked up on the Hannan’s – Whitefeather (Kanowna) Road and taken to the Coolgardie Hospital in a most terrible state of paralysis. Coolgardie Miner reported: “An old man named Edward Hicks was picked up on the White Feather Road towards the end of last week in a most deplorable condition. He had been travelling along the road when he was struck down with paralysis and in a most exhausted state he lay until a teamster came along, took him aboard, and carried him into Hannan’s. There he was received by kind hands, and arrangements were at once made by Mr. Geoghegan, the Chairman of the Progress Committee, for his removal to the Coolgardie Hospital.” Reg 943/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
HILL Thomas AKA Thomas HALL – Cause: Suicide by gunshot, as a teenager, Tom went with his family from England to Canada, then on to Australia in the mid-1850s. At the Inquest held 12 May 1894 at the Club Hotel, Coolgardie it was reported that he had sold his team for £70 two days before his suicide and was believed to have been robbed because only £5 was found on his body. His two sons were expected to arrive the following day and his not caring to face them with his loss, probably led to him committing this deed in an outhouse near the business centre of the town.
The inquest heard that Mr Hill (AKA Hall) apparently came to the colony on the ‘Bullarra’ in February. He had lately returned from Kurnalpi and stated to Mr Bigmore that he had put £35 in the West Australian Bank, and asked him to tell his sons, who he was expecting soon. Dr Macdonald gave evidence, having found the body lying on the left side, with a wound close to the left ear and penetrating the skull. The parts surrounding the wound were much blackened and no doubt was caused by a weapon discharged close to the ear. The man was quite dead, death must have been instantaneous.
The jury found: “We are of the opinion that the deceased met his death by a bullet wound inflicted by his own hand and no other way.” Reg 434/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
HOLLAND Agnes Ann – d 1894, 21yrs, Cause: Typhoid, Father: Henry ADAMS, Mother: Elizabeth PIGGOTT, Born: Perembup, Western Australia in 1873, Married to Richard John HOLLAND in Albany WA in 1892, Child: Emily Louisa born Albany WA 1892.
Mrs Holland was the first European woman to die in Coolgardie. Captain Beasley, of the Salvation Army, conducted the burial service. Her husband, born in the colony, was an experienced bushman. In 1893, he took up the challenge to find a feasible route between Broomehill and Coolgardie which could be used immediately by horse-drawn conveyances. Reg 431/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
HOLLAND Richard John – d 8 Nov 1936, 80yrs, at the Coolgardie Hospital, Father: George HOLLAND, Mother Rebecca WRIGHT, Born: 1 Feb 1856, Perth Western Australia, Married to Agnes Ann ADAMS in 1891 Albany WA, Child: Emily Louisa born Albany WA 1892.
John Holland took on the challenge to cut a direct 500km route from Broomehill to Gnarlbine Rock south of Coolgardie. A few had tried to accomplish cutting a direct route before Holland but failed. John Holland and his small crew including Rudolph Krakouer, David Krakouer & John Carmody, managed to cut the entire track in just 65 days. Transport was by horse and wagon or on foot.
Holland and his crew were the first non-indigenous people to travel through this bushland and cut their way through. During this trip, he not only opened up a cart track to the goldfields that saved nearly a fortnight’s travelling but numerous lakes and mountains were discovered and named. The late Mr. Holland took part in the rush to Hannan’s but later returned to Coolgardie where he resided for over 40 years. Reg 273/1936 East Coolgardie (Kalgoorlie), Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery. (Last Burial)
HUCKS James – d 1894, 57yrs, Cause: Typhoid, Late of Hamilton and Dunkeld, Victoria. Father: Henry Hucks, Mother: Ann Parris, Born: 1837 in Plaxtol, Kent, England, Married to Lavinia OAKLEY on 5 Nov 1863 in Port Fairy, Victoria, Children: Henry born 1865, Olive Mary born 1869, Sarah Ann born 1871, Reg 202/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
KEANE William – d 1894, 22yrs, Cause: Typhoid, The Western Mail -12th May 1894 – William Keane, a son of the late senior sergeant of police at Toowoomba, Queensland, fell a victim to the same dreaded scourge. The deceased’s last moments were brightened by the presence of an elder brother, who was unremitting in his attentions to the stricken man during his illness, which lasted for six weeks.
Both brothers had passed unscathed through a residence of some duration in the fever and ague-laden districts of Northern Queensland, and they left there on New Year’s Day to try their luck on this field, with the result that William met an early fate. Reg: 428/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
KEMP Johnston ‘John’ – d 1894, 35yrs, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Exhaustion, Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery Buried as John Johnston, Reg 427/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
LEONARD Michael AKA ‘Long Mick Leonard’ – The deceased was accredited with having found a 92oz piece of gold at the Six-Mile. No Registration found, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
LESLIE Joseph Frame AKA ‘Captain Leslie’ – d 1894, 45yrs, Cause: Typhoid, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
MAY Edward – d 1894, 50yrs, Cause: Suicide; by cutting his throat. The deceased was found dead in the bush with his throat cut about 1 mile south of Coolgardie. Formerly of Fowler’s Bay, South Australia. He arrived at the beginning of January without money and failed to make any, His mate had left him sufficient tucker to last for two months. He had been dead some days before he was discovered, Reg 201/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
MCALISTER Archibald –, d 25 Apr 1894, 31yrs, Cause: Typhoid, Occ: Grocers Assistant, Reg: 429/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
MCCLUSKIE Daniel – d 1894, 63yrs, Cause: Pneumonia, The Daily News, 19 May 1894: A man named Daniel McClusky, died at the hospital on Thursday morning of double pneumonia. Sister O’Brien informs us that despite their tireless efforts to alleviate and save him death seemed inevitable, Reg 433/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
MCGUIRE George – d 1894, 50yrs, The deceased was working a Fremantle-owned claim at the 25-mile at the time of his death, Reg 656/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
MILL Isaac – d 1894, 55yrs, Cause: Stroke, Reg 941/1895, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
MOORHEAD William Wallace – d 1894, Cause: Intestinal, died within five hours after his admission to the hospital. Father: William MOORHEAD Dr, Mother Letitia WALLACE, Born: 1860 Amherst, Victoria, Married to Elizabeth Gertrude MAYGER on 29 Jul 1896 in Victoria, Children: William Wallace born 1887, Letitia Gertrude born 1889.
He was part owner of a mine; his share being valued at £200. He left a wife and family in New South Wales, to whom £200 is due, that being the price obtained by him for his share in the claim he had recently sold. His wife Elizabeth was living in Deniliquin, New South Wales when Administration was applied for. Reg 425/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
NAIRN Leonard Wilmett Nichol – d 1894, 3yrs, Cause: Meningitis, Father: William Nichol Baxter NAIRN, Mother: Mary Ann WILLIAMS, Born: Queensland, Reg 436/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
NEWMAN John – d 1894, Cause: Typhoid, No Reg found, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
O’GORMAN Thomas – d 4 Nov 1893, 30yrs, Cause: Fall of Earth at the Coolgardie GM, Reg 974/1893, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery. Mine Death –
O’NEIL Michael – d 29 Oct 1894, 43yrs, Cause: Cancer. The deceased is believed to have arrived in Australia about 1877, Reg 1002/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
O’NEIL Daniel – Cause: Pneumonia, d May 1894. Father: John O’NEIL, Mother: Ellen Barbara MORLEY, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
POWER J L – d 8 Nov 1894, The deceased was possibly a billiard champion from Broken Hill. Possibly James POWER, His death was reported as ” J. L. Power, formerly of Queensland and of late trading between Coolgardie and Southern Cross, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
RAESIDE John A – d 1894, 21yrs, Cause: Accidentally shot himself, Inquest 27 February 1894 Western Mail, 17 March 1894, states: “The sudden death of Mr John Raeside, the Coolgardie butcher, a son of the Government Water Surveyor for the Public Works Department of WA. The body was found with a revolver grasped in the right hand; it was at first believed that this young man had taken his own life. Stories of a
disappointed love and a disagreement with his father about money
matters were quickly circulated as reasons for the rash act, but the evidence at the inquest dispelled all doubts.
Mr. Raeside, at midday on Monday, borrowed a loaded revolver for the purpose of shooting a dingo caught in a trap, and the medical evidence disclosed the fact that the deceased’s ankle was dislocated and that the dislocation probably caused him to fall, with the result that the revolver exploded causing sudden death. The bullet passed right through the head horizontally, without singeing the hair or skin. The jury unanimously returned a verdict of accidental death.” Allan Raeside, the deceased’s father, is believed to have drowned at West Beach, Esperance, twelve months after the death of his son. Lake Raeside was named after Allan Raeside, Reg 203/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
RETALLICK James – d 1894, 28yrs, Born: St Austell, Cornwall, England, Reg 1082/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
SANDFORD William John – d 1894, 52yrs, Cause: Peritonitis, Reg 663/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
STRETTON John – d 26 Aug 1894, 52yrs, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: Thomas STRETTON, Mother: Margaret DAYMAN, Born: 21 Apr 1844 in Birmingham, England, Married twice: 1st to Elizabeth HASTLETOW in 1862 Adelaide SA, 2nd to Annie FORBES in 1875 Daly SA, Children: 1st Marr William, Jane, James, 2nd Marr Ernest, William, Edith Arthur, Ada, Reg 936/1894 (Registered as STRESSON), Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
TWITCHING Frederick – d 1894, 56yrs, Cause: Appendicitis, Peritonitis, the deceased was formerly of Williamstown, Victoria, Reg 662/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
UNKNOWN – Cause: Starvation, Unknown male died of starvation. From Southern Cross comes news of the death of two men at Coolgardie, one of whom is supposed to have died from the effects of starvation. The Hon, Mrs Candy was interviewed by the West Australian newspaper of 03 May 1894, stating: “I saw the hospital. There were thirteen men in it, and just before my arrival three men had died from typhoid-one, who had not been in the hospital, through sheer neglect, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
UNKNOWN – Cause: Starvation, Unknown male died of starvation. From Southern Cross comes news of the death of two men at Coolgardie, one of whom is supposed to have died from the effects of starvation, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
UNKNOWN – Cause: Typhoid Unknown male died of typhoid. The Hon, Mrs Candy was interviewed by the West Australian newspaper 3 May 1894, stating: “I saw the hospital. There were thirteen men in it, and just before my arrival three men had died from typhoid-one, who had not been in the hospital, through sheer neglect, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
UNKNOWN – Cause: Typhoid, An Unknown male died of typhoid. The Hon, Mrs Candy was interviewed by the West Australian newspaper of 3 May 1894, stating: “I saw the hospital. There were thirteen men in it, and just before my arrival three men had died from typhoid-one, who had not been in the hospital, through sheer neglect, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
HALTON Joseph – d 1894, 45yrs, Cause: Typhoid, Reg 975/1893, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
WHITTON Henry Ernest ‘Harry’ – d 14 May 1894, 38yrs, Cause: Infection, Blood poisoning, Born: 4 Oct 1855 in Tasmania, Married twice: 1st to Jenny Bowen McKINLAY in 1888 Victoria, 2nd to Marguerite Elizabeth CROWLEY1891 in Melbourne Victoria, No children, Henry Whitton was a former bank manager at Stawell, Victoria, Reg 435/1894, Buried Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery.
WILLIAMS Coolgardie – d 1894, 8 hours, Cause: Convulsions, Father: Llewellyn WILLIAMS, Mother Annie Grenfell HARVEY, The deceased was the first European child to be born and to die, in the Coolgardie Goldfields, Reg 430/1894, Buried Coolgardie Cemetery.
Central Districts Advertiser and Agriculture and Mining Journal 12 May 1894 –
Coolgardie – Our vital statistics this week show a most notable occurrence, the birth of a white child at Coolgardie. The parents who have thus the honour of chronicling the first advent of the little stranger in this district are located close to Bayley’s at which mine the father, Mr L. Williams was formerly an underground manager. Since then, he has been in command of the oversight mine at the I.O.U. We regret to learn that the baby boy, who was born at 1 a.m., yesterday morning died at nine o’clock on the same day. Mrs Williams is, however, progressing favourably under the unremitting attention of Dr, A. Macdonald.
Moya Sharp
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I enjoy reading these articles each week. How surprised I was just now to find the death/burial details of William Nix FARLEY and being the first burial in Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery. He is my first cousin x 5 times removed. I had details of his parents but none of the children.