F E Randell & Co – pioneer profile

Weekly Times 10 September 1898, page 48


Messrs F. E. Randell and Co. are well known on the West Australian goldfields as carrying and forwarding agents. Their head office is at Fremantle, having lately been transferred to that rising port, from the goldfields, and there are branches at Coolgardie, Kalgoorlie, Menzies, and Norseman.

Menzies Miner (WA : 1896 - 1901), Saturday 13 August 1898, page 22

Menzies Miner 13 August 1898

They are also wine and spirit and general merchants. The carrying trade is a very large one, extending over all the goldfields. It was entered upon in 1894 by Mr. F. E. Randell, who was at that time carrying on business at Broken Hill, NSW, His cousin, Mr. E. W. Randell, entered into a partnership with him, and the new firm, commencing operations at Southern Cross.

F. E. RANDELL & CO - Kalgoorlie Branch

F. E. RANDELL & CO – Kalgoorlie Branch

At that time, an enormous quantity of goods of all kinds, up to the heaviest of mining machinery had to be carted and carried to the fields, and Messrs Randell and Co., with great energy, speedily established a very large business as carrying and forwarding agents.

F. E. RANDELL & CO - Norseman Branch

F. E. RANDELL & CO – Norseman Branch

It developed to such an extent that they were compelled to establish branches in many parts of the goldfields. Until recently, their head office was at Coolgardie, but business exigencies have compelled them to remove it to Fremantle. The Fremantle office is under the supervision of Mr. F. E. Randell, and Mr. E. W. Randell superintends the Kalgoorlie branch. Mr. W. W. Manton, formerly the accountant of the head office, has taken charge of the Coolgardie branch; Mr. W. R. Kimber, manages the Menzies office; and Mr. J. T. Carr manages the Norseman office.

F. E. RANDELL & CO - Menzies Branch

F. E. RANDELL & CO – Menzies Branch

The firm possesses a large number of teams of horses and 150 camels. It has acquired a high reputation for prompt and careful work and is prepared to undertake all classes of carrying neither distance, weight, or a number of packages constituting any obstacle. They also carry on a large business as general merchants, which is rapidly extending. The enterprise which has I marked the management is meeting its I reward.

F. E. RANDELL & CO - Head Office - Coolgardie

F. E. RANDELL & CO – Head Office – Coolgardie

Frank Ernest RANDELL was born 3 MAY 1859Mill Cottage, Gumeracha, South Australia. He married Jan NOCKOLDS in Port Wakefield SA in 1884, they had 7 children.

Ernest Walter RANDELL was born on 4 MAY 1866 – in Mannum, South Australia, Australia. He married Louisa LENEY in Coolgardie WA in 1896 they had 10 children.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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