The Kalgoorlie Electric Tramway Co was started in 1908. The following is an example of the employment record of three of 517 men (no women are listed) employed by the K.E.T. These original documents were copied by me with the kind permission of Trans Goldfields. There are five pages missing however, which is unfortunate.
Some of the records are very detailed and go on for several pages and give a day-to-day record of all that happened. If you find a relative, as I have, you will enjoy reading about their time as a tram worker. However other records are very brief and only a few lines. Others seem to have left and then returned several times. Perhaps the lure of gold mining drew them away for a time and then they decided a regular wage was better. Many of the records start and stop for men joining the armed forces and then returning. There are all the usual details of holidays and uniform allowances and promotions ect, but there is also a good deal of personal detail such as getting married, retirement or illnesses.
Some of the comments are very sad, such as :
1916 – Met with a serious accident at the Sailsbury Rd Terminus. Leg crushed between car and ballast truck. The leg had to be amputated. Came back to work in the office after artificial leg was fitted. (1month later).
1914 – Resigned to join the Expeditionary forces in connection with the European War.
1915 – Joined A I F – Killed in action.
1912 – Requested to have extended leave as wife and child were very sick. Resumed work on the death of wife.
1916 – Became ill while on duty. Taken to hospital, died four days later.
And others are hilarious, (though probably not so at the time)
1913 – Illegal transportation of livestock on a tram – eg one male goat – Cautioned and fined.
1916 – While acting as conductor, fell from tram whilst intoxicated.
1912 – Racing tram cars and placing bets on the outcome – cautioned & fined.
1915 – Entered hotel whilst on duty, warned a repetition would cause dismissal.
1916 – Left car at Hannan Street, entered an hotel in the company of his Motorman. The second offense – Dismissed.
1912 – Failed to stop at any designated stops even when signaled to do so. – No excuse for action – Second warning.
1913- Defaced ‘Notice to Staff’ sign with offensive words – official reprimand.
1919 – Joined May 29th- Failed to report for duty Jun 9th – was drinking in the Mt Lyell Hotel all day – Dismissed.
The main ‘derelictions of duty’ were, in order of most common:
Reporting to work intoxicated.
Failing to report on duty.
Entering hotels while on duty leaving the tram unattended.
Discrepancies with ticket money.
Being abusive to passengers.
Allowing passengers to ride without tickets.
Speeding, derailing and crashing into other tramcars and vehicles.
Should you wish to view the entire list go to the following link and email a request to including page numbers:
There was a strike of all employees in Feb of 1921. All the strikers were paid out all of their full entitlements but all seem to have been re-employed at the end of the strike in Mar 1921. As with many employers an ‘Honour Board’ with the names of those who served was made:
Angove J,
Claudius H G ,
Cooke J J,
Davies T,
Dennison J N,
Doddrell E,
Edberg E ,
Eurze N B,
Gordon D L,
Guidera E J,
Hamilton S A,
Kilpatrick H,
Landquist E (KIA),
Lathby F N ,
Martin H J ,
McCleery J,
McKenzie H C,
McKinnon A,
McNabb F .
Menzies W,
Moorhouse F,
Morley W (KIA)
Pearson P,
Pooley A M ,
Thorn R,
Tyson H H,
Vautin C,
Watts W H,
Woodward T,
Should you wish to read more about the history of the E.G.T.B you can:
Moya Sharp
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