In the last edition of the ‘Leonora Cemetery Snapshots’ we looked at ‘all the little children’. This edition looks at suicide which was a sad but common cause of death in the early days of the Goldfields. Sometimes it was a release from certain and horrific death by thirst or heat. Other times it was due to hopelessness and despair. In all of these cases the verdict of the Coroner was given as ‘whilst temporarily insane’, or word to that effect, which would allow them to be buried on consecrated ground. It would also prevent the family’s property and land from being seized by the state in an act called felo de se (or self-murder). This act was abolished in 1920. I have often heard mention that people who commit suicide were not allowed to be buried in consecrated ground, but I have never known this to occur in the 30+years I have been researching Goldfields Cemeteries.
For much of history, the mentally ill have been treated very poorly. Things didn’t start to change until after WW2. Today we have a much better understanding of mental health, but it has only really been quite recently, in the last few decades, that the stigma of mental illness has been somewhat lifted.
The Leonora cemetery has its share of suicides, as do all cemeteries. There are 31 cases ‘recorded as suicide’ (out of 1653 burials), 5 women and 26 men, the youngest being 23 yrs old and the oldest being 79yrs. There may be many more but we don’t have the cause of death for many of the more recent burials.
To be or not to be, that is the question:
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And opposing end them? To die; to sleep:
No more; and by asleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished, To die, to sleep;
To sleep perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil…
William Shakespeare
ANDREWS Edward Ruppersberger — 36yrs, d 22 Jun 1907, near Leonora Battery, Occ: Accountant for Cobb and Co, Cause: Suicide, Revolver wound, self—inflicted whilst the deceased was in a despondent state of mind, Verdict of Coroner, Father: Henry James ANDREWS (Under Secretary), Mother: Clarissa Jane nee FESENMEYER, In SA 28yrs, In WA 10yrs, Reg 45/1907 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
ARDEN Arthur Mathias — 54yrs, d about 5 Jun 1934, at Waite Kauri GM, 30 miles northeast of Leonora, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Suicide, Two bullet wounds in the chest from a rifle, self—inflicted while suffering mental depression, Verdict of the Coroner, Born: Finland, Reg17/1934 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
BOKAN Milo — 51yrs, d about 1 Mar 1947, Occ: Miner, Cause: Suicide, Injuries received as a result of deliberately throwing himself down a shaft with the intent to commit suicide, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Nikola BOKAN, Mother: Mari DJURKOVIC, Born: Bukovik, Yugoslavia, In WA 10yrs, Married to Ljubica YANKOVICH at age 35yrs, no children, Reg 4/1947 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
COGLEY Thomas William — 30yrs, d 16 Dec 1902, on the Leonora to Lawlers Road, near Diorite, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Suicide by hanging, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: William COGLEY, Mother: Mary BRADY, Born: Dandenong Victoria, In WA for 5 years, Reg 75/1902 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
COLLINS Louis — 63yrs, d 11 Jun 1933, in lane at the rear of Tower Street, Leonora, Occ: Miner, Cause: Suicide, Loss of blood through injuries to his throat, self-inflicted, while of unsound mind, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Frederick John COLLINS (Merchant), Mother: Mary HARDMAN, Born: Goulburn VIC, In WA 30yrs, Married to Olive Harris RUSSELL in Perth WA at age 27yrs, Children: Olive 23yrs, Reg 8/1933 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
COLOMBO Louis — 71yrs, d 22 Jun 1960, Cause: Suicide, Deliberately fell down abandoned mine shaft on GML 1701C at Gwalia, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: COLOMBO, Mother: CROPPI, Born: Tirano Italy, In WA about 38yrs, Married to Sylvia Noemi BONOMI in Tusini Italy in 1920, Children: Attilo 38yrs, Alexander Amelia 35yrs, Albina Norma 32yrs, Reg 11/1960, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
CROFTS Lily Catherine — 60yrs, d 4 Sep 1950, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Invalid Pensioner, Cause: Spirits of Salts self-administered to commit suicide, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Thomas BOWDEN (Occ Butler), Mother: Jane Mary Catherine GARDINER, Born: Somerset England, In WA 37yrs, Married to Arthur Edward CROFTS in Leonora WA at age 26yrs, Children: Robert Edward 33yrs, Edwin Leslie 30yrs, Lily Constance 29yrs, Mt Margaret death cert 14/50 ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
DANIELS Oscar Thomas — 59yrs, d 14 Jan 1954, at his camp at Burtville, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Suicide, Gunshot wound self-inflicted whilst under mental stress, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: William DANIELS, Mother: Maggie DWYER, Single, Born: Rhyndaston Tasmania, In TAS, VIC and NSW for 49yrs In WA 10yrs, Reg 4/1954 Mt Margaret, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
DIVITINI Felise Lorenzo — 49yrs, d 23 Oct 1947, at Desdemona Station near Malcolm, Occ: Woodcutter, Cause: Suicide, Asphyxia by hanging himself from an electric light cord in camp, Father: Petro DIVITINI (Farmer), Mother: Tiasa DE-CAMPO, Born: Tirano, Italy, In WA 21yrs, Single, Reg Mt Margaret 22/1947, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
DODD Norman Walter Gilmore — 44yrs, d 23 Nov 1942, at Sons of Gwalia GM, Leonora, Mess Room, Occ: Timekeeper, Cause: Suicide, gunshot wound by a 22-caliber rifle to the head, self-inflicted, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Jabez Edward DODD, Mother: Florence Wilson JOHNSTON, Born: Coolgardie WA, Married to Dorothy I FERRES in Perth WA at age 23yrs, Children: Norma 20yrs, Robert J 18yrs, Reg Mt Margaret 24/1942, METH, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
DONOVAN Denis — 79yrs, d 27 Jan 1935, at Malcolm, Cause: Suicide by taking Prussic acid whilst under a severe depression whilst suffering from cancer of the stomach, Verdict of the Coroner, Born: Ireland, In WA 50yrs, Single, Reg 1/1935 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
DOYLE Bernard Joseph — 26yrs, d 17 Dec 1903, at Gwalia Street, Leonora, Occ: Brewers Agent, Cause: Suicide, Drowning while is a state of temporary insanity, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Dennis DOYLE (Farmer), Mother: Unknown, Born: Tullow, Co Carlow, Ireland, 6 ½yrs in WA, Married to Matilda ‘Tilly’ Jane JONES at age 22 ½yrs at Coolgardie WA, Children: Eileen Margaret (dec), Reg 50/1903 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery. Full Story
FERRY George John — 29yrs, d 1 Jan 1910, in his camp at Mt Clifford, Leonora, Occ: Miner, Cause: Gunshot wound, self—inflicted not known if accident or suicide, Verdict of Coroner, Father: James FERRY (Farmer) Mother: Mary BARBER, Born NSW, In NSW 19yrs In WA 10yrs, Reg 4/1910 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
HARDING William — c40yrs d 11 August 1908, in the bush near Leonora township, Cause: Suicide, Resulting in a wound on the throat self—inflicted whilst in a state of unsound mind, Verdict of the Coroner, Reg 45/1908 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
KAVANAGH May — 34yrs, d 13 Aug 1914, at Tower Hill Leonora, Occ: Housemaid, Cause: Suicide, falling down a mine a shaft on Tower Hill while temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Bernard KAVANAGH (Farmer), Born VIC, In VIC 25yrs, In WA 9yrs, Reg Mt Margaret 34/1914, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
LEANEY George Francis Keith — 36yrs, d 18 Aug 1946, at camp in Tower St, Leonora, Cause: Suicide, Death caused by hemorrhage due to self-inflicted throat wounds, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Richard Thomas LEANEY (Painter), Mother: Martha Phyllis HALL, Born: Mt Morgan WA, Single, Reg Mt Margaret 13/1946, PRES, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
MARENDOLI Stefano — 64yrs, d 25 Sep 1956, In the shaft at Tower Hill Gwalia, Pensioner, Cause: Suicide, Asphyxia by strangulation self-inflicted while in a depressed state, Father: Alessandro MARENDOLI (Farmer), Mother Margherita SASSELLA, Born: Lovero Italy, In WA 31yrs, Widowed, Married twice, 1st to Caterina GIUDICI in Lovero Italy, 2nd to Antonietta PARAVICINI in Lovero Italy in 1923, Children: Cleto 33yrs, Dante 28yrs, Reg 12/1956 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
Western Argus 19 July 1932, page 4
SUICIDE BY DROWNING INQUEST ON THE LATE. B. MAZZA. Gwalia, July 15. Mr. W. E. Lethlean J.P.conducted a coronial inquiry today on the death of Bernardo Mazza, whose body was recovered from a well on the Tower Hill mine on July 13, in circumstances indicating suicide. Dr. H. E. Clarke stated that he had been called to the well .referred to where he saw the body of Bernardo Mazza brought to the surface.-He had evidently died just recently and artificial respiration was tried but without success. Later in the day, the doctor made an examination of the body, which showed death to be due to drowning. He had recently been treating the deceased for mental worry and insomnia.
MAZZA Bernardo — 46yrs, d 13 Jul 1932, at Tower Hill, Leonora, Occ: Boarding House Keeper, Cause: Suicide, by drowning himself in the Government Well whilst mentally deranged, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Agostino MAZZA (Farmer), Mother: Madalina MAZZA, Born: Tirano Italy, In WA 22yrs, Married to Elina BORDONI in Gwalia WA at age 29yrs, Children: Lorenzo 16yrs, Vittorio 14yrs, Enrico 12yrs, Dino 11yrs, Roberto 8yrs, Giacomo 6yrs, Reg 9/1932 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
MCCALLUM Isabella Maude — 34yrs, d 12 Jun 1907, at Desdemona GM, Married woman, Cause: Suicide, Dose of cyanide self—administered, while temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Phillip CHARLES (Contractor), Mother: Agnes MCLEAN, Born Kyneton VIC, In Vic 22yrs, In WA 12yrs, Married 1st to Edward HOPPER in Yarraville VIC at age 17yrs, 2nd to Alexander MCCALLUM in Kalgoorlie WA at age 30 years, no children, Reg 31/1907 North Coolgardie, PRES, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
A Hotel Manager Shoots Himself – Leonora, May 13
Shortly before noon to-day, Hugh McKittrick, manager of Maher’s Grand Hotel, committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart with a revolver. It is not known what induced the deceased to take his own life. McKittrick has left a widow and four children in New Zealand. An inquest in connection with the death was opened this afternoon and adjourned to next Monday.
MCKINRICK Hugh — 37yrs, d 13 May 1903, at the Grand Hotel Leonora, Occ: Hotel Manager, Cause: Suicide, Bullet wound in chest, self- inflicted while in a state of temporary insanity, Verdict of Coroner, Born Ireland, Married in Reefton New Zealand, children 2 girls, Reg as MCKITTRICK Reg 23/1903 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
MORRIS George — 44yrs, d 16 Mar 1906, at King of the Hills GM, Diorite, Occ: Miner, Cause: Suicide, Injuries self-inflicted while temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: James MORRIS (Contractor), Mother: Bridget Mary DOOLY, Born Maryborough, VIC, 30yrs in VIC, 13yrs in WA, Single, Reg 23/1906 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
NAGY Kathleen Nora — 29yrs, d 19 Feb 1936, at 707 Gwalia St, Leonora, Occ: Housewife, Cause: Suicide, by drowning herself in a bath after having taken an overdose of a sleeping draught (Potassium Bromide), Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Michael James OCONNOR (Fettler), Mother: Johanna CURRY, Born: Kookynie WA, Married to John Edward NAGY in Leonora at age 19yrs, Children: Valma Merle 5yrs, Kevin Lloyd 3yrs, 1 male deceased, Reg 5/1936 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
PATRONI Pierina Maria — 23yrs, d 26 May 1935, at Gwalia, Occ: Housewife, Cause: Suicide, at 8am on the 26th May at her residence in Gwalia by strangulation caused by hanging herself while suffering extreme distress owing to household cares and responsibilities, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Pietro MORELLINI (Prospector), Mother: Nina RIPOMINTI, Born: Bullfinch WA, Married to Allesio PATRONI in Fremantle WA at age 22yrs, no children, Reg 13/1935 Mt Margaret, RC, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
PERRY Robert — 40yrs, d 25 Jun 1903, at Laver Street, Leonora, Occ: Miner, Cause: Suicide by taking potassium cyanide in the White Hart Hotel Leonora while temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Reg 25/1903 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
Leonora Miner 4 June 1910, page 2 – Suicide at Gwalia.
On Tuesday last a distressing case was reported to the police at Leonora. It appears that a man named Malcolm Knox Smail, who has been employed, for the past two months in one of the sampling offices at the Sons of Gwalia mine swallowed about an ounce of sulphuric acid, which he took from one of the bottles in the laboratory whilst his mind was mentally deranged. Smail informed. some of the officials at the mine what he had done and Dr.Mackie was immediately sent for and did all he could to save the man’s life. In the afternoon he was brought into Leonora, and after being attended to by Dr. O’Hara. was taken to the hospital. The unfortunate man was in a deplorable state and no hopes were held out for his recovery. Despite all remedies that could be administered, the man was beyond the aid of medical skill. He was fearfully burnt by the acid he had; taken, and after suffering much agony, died about 3 o’clock on Wednesday morning. The deceased, who was only 32 years. of age had held a good position in Kalgoorlie prior to coming to Leonora, as manager of Messrs Fraser and Chalmers. He leaves a young wife and child of 5 years of age, in most distressing circumstances and much sympathy is felt for them in their sad bereavement.
SMAIL Malcolm Knox — 32yrs, d 1 Jun 1910, Leonora Hospital, Occ: Engineer, Cause: Suicide, Shock from poisoning with sulfuric acid self—administered and taken whilst temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: William SMAIL (Solicitor), Mother: KNOX Christian Name not known, Born Berwick on Tweed, North England, In WA 8yrs, Married to Mary PASCOE at age 28yrs in Kalgoorlie WA, Child: Dorothy 3yrs, Reg 26/1910 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
SMITH William Frederick — 63yrs, d on or about 19 Dec 1929, at Granite Hills, Diorite, 20 miles north of Leonora, Occ: Prospector Cause: Suicide, Bullet Wound to head, Reg 2/1930 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery. (It is most unusual that no inquest was held into this death).
STOCKTON William Khundari ‘Kenry’— 67yrs, d 19 Mar 1938, at Leonora Hospital, Cause: Suicide, bullet wound through the head, self—inflicted, he also shot and killed, Lila May Gregory STOCKTON- his daughter-in-law aged 23yrs (Buried at Karrakatta Cem Perth WA), Father: Samuel Henry STOCKTON (Sea Captain), Mother: Francis Mary Cooper CAUSEY, Born: Bombay, India, Married: Mary Caroline FIVEASH in Moonta SA at age 29yrs, Children: Mary Berwick 33yrs, Kenry William 31yrs, Nellie Maud 29yrs, Reg Mt Margaret 10/1938, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
VALKENBURG William Peter — 55yrs, d 6 Sep 1910, at the rear of Leonora District Hospital Office, Leonora, Occ: Secretary of the Leonora Hospital, Cause: Suicide, Revolver shot self-inflicted whilst temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Born Ireland, married but details unknown. Reg 52/1910 Mt Margaret, ANG, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
WILLIAMSON John — 23yrs, d 23 Feb 1907, at Leonora Hospital, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Suicide, self—inflicted bullet wound, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: James WILLIAMSON (Farmer), Mother: Mary BEARD, Born SA, In SA 19yrs, In WA 4yrs, Reg 19/1907 Mt Margaret, PRES, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
WINCHESTER John — 46yrs, d 9 Oct 1917, at Murrin Murrin, Occ: Railway Employee, Cause: Suicide, Gunshot wound self—inflicted while temporarily insane, Father: John WINCHESTER, Mother: Isabella Adelia LEICESTER, Verdict of the Coroner, Born Shetland Isles, Reg 27/1917 Mt Margaret, Buried Leonora Cemetery.
Moya Sharp
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Note for correction, Andrews, Edward Ruppersberger, plus his mother’s name was Clarissa Jane Andrews her maiden name was Fesenmeyer would be happy if these details could be corrected. Thankyou
Kaye Dwyer (Andrews)
Hi Kaye thanks forletting me know. All fixed both on the blog and on the web site.