Davyhurst Cemetery – Western Australia – GPS Latitude and longitude 30° 03’.82s 120° 38’.70e
The Davyhurst Cemetery has 45 people buried there. Davyhurst is a Goldfields town that is situated southwest of Menzies, Western Australia, and is approximately 120 kilometers northwest of Kalgoorlie. The proposed townsite was initially declared “Davyston” in 1900. It was also known as Mace’s Find and Davyton. It was named after a miner called Walter ‘Wattie’ Davys.
Of the 46 people buried at Davyhurst, there are 24 men and 2 women
4 Suicides
4 Mining Accidents
1 Murder
4 Stillbirths
16 Children
BIRD Charles Kent — 65yrs, d 25 Dec 1907 at Davyhurst, Cause: Fibroid Phthisis, Father: James BIRD, Mother: Emily NICHOLLS, Born: Middlesex, London, England, In VIC 30yrs, In WA 15yrs, Married in Melbourne VIC at age 20yrs to Josephine RANDALL/WILLIAMS, Children: Clara 38yrs, Charles 34yrs, Henry 32yrs, Richard 30yrs, Edward 27yrs, Rose 25yrs, Registered by F A Bird (Daughter in Law),
Reg 4/1908 North Coolgardie, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
BOERIO Annie Christina ― 3mths, d 25 Jun 1906, at Davyhurst, Cause: Marasmus, Syncope, Father: Giovanni ‘John’ Eustache Baptiste BOERIO (Coach Proprietor), Mother: Auguste Wilhelmine Frederike Henriette EGGELING, Registered by mother, Born: Davyhurst WA, Reg 25/1906 North Coolgardie, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
BOERIO Erna Pearl ― 19mths, d 10 Nov 1906, Cause: Hemiplegia coma, Father: Giovanni ‘John’ Eustache Baptiste BOERIO (Coach Proprietor), Mother: Auguste Wilhelmine Frederike Henriette EGGELING, Reg 37/1906 North Coolgardie, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
BOERIO Hermine Margaret ― 3mths, d 1 Jul 1908, Cause: Gastrointestinal Indigestion, Heart failure, Father: Giovanni ‘John’ Eustache Baptiste BOERIO (Coach Proprietor), Mother: Auguste Wilhelmine Frederike Henriette EGGELING, North Coolgardie 24/1908, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
BOERIO Rudolph Mulline — 3mths, d 20 May 1900, at Mulline WA, Cause: Marasmus, Father: Giovanni ‘John’ Eustache Baptiste BOERIO (Coach Proprietor), Mother: Auguste Wilhelmine Frederike Henriette EGGELING, Reg 709/1900, Buried Old Davyhurst Cemetery.
CASSIDY Henry George ― 49yrs, d 20 Jan 1917, at the Light of Israel GM Lease, Davyhurst, Cause: Suicide, Cyanide poisoning self-administered while of an unsound mind and the effects of drink, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: William CASSIDY (Contractor), Mother: Annastasia CASSIDY, Born: QLD, In WA 26yrs, Single, Reg North Coolgardie 2/17, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
CLARKE James ‘Tassy’ ― 64yrs, d 4 Oct 1907, at Ularring Hospital, Mulwarrie, Cause: Epilepsy, Reg North Coolgardie 38/1907, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
COCKS John ― 60yrs, d 18 Nov 1905, Occ: Brewer, Cause: Suicide, Cyanide of Potassium, self-administered while suffering from mental depression caused by excessive use of alcohol, Verdict of the Coroner, Born: England, In WA 12yrs, Married to Margaret WATERS in Blinman SA at age 28yrs, Children: Charles 32yrs, William Hugh 30yrs, Louisa 28yrs, Isabella Margaret 26yrs, Norman Harry 24yrs, Albert John 22yrs, May 20yrs, Walter 17yrs, Nellie 15yrs, Reg North Coolgardie 51/1905, ANG, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
COLLINS Thomas ― 32yrs, d 22 Apr 1907, at Ularring Hospital, Mulwarrie, Occ: Miner, Cause: Rheumatic Fever, Ulcerative Endocarditis, Born: Bendigo VIC, Reg 16/1907 North Coolgardie, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
COSSTICK Charles James ― 3mths, d 26 Nov 1904, at Davyhurst, Cause: Marasmus and Cardiac Syncope, Father: Amos Flood Thomas ELLIOTT, Mother: Victoria COSSTICK, (Parents married in Mulwarrie WA on 23 Jun 1905), Born: Craiggiemore, Laverton WA, Registered by mother, Reg North Coolgardie, 54/1904, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
DELLAR Joseph ― 3hrs, d 28 Feb 1918, at Davyhurst North, Cause: Premature birth, Asthenia, Father: Benjamin James DELLAR (Labourer), Mother: Eileen Grace HENDERSON, Registered by father, Reg North Coolgardie 2/1918, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
EGGELING Frieda ― d 28 Jun 1907, at Davyhurst, Cause: Stillborn, Premature Birth, Father: Henry Christopher Schroder EGGELING (Storekeeper), Mother Annie Marguerite LINNETT, Registered by father, Reg North Coolgardie, 28/1907, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
ELLIOTT Frank ― 42yrs, d 14 Jan 1908, at Callion, Occ: Newsagent, Cause: Cerebral Haemorrhage, Alcoholism, Born: London England, In QLD and NSW 10yrs, In WA 17yrs, Single, Reg North Coolgardie 4/1908, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
GHERARDIN John David ― 32yrs, d 22 Jun 1910, at Ularring District Hospital, Cause: Double Pneumonia, Heart Failure, Father: John Henry GHERARDIN (Grocer), Mother: Barbara CUNNINGHAM, Born: Heathcote VIC, In VIC 22yrs, In WA 10yrs, Registered by G H Gherardin (Brother), Reg North Coolgardie 12/1910, ANG, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
GRESSON Robert Henry ― 45yrs, d 19 Dec 1907, Occ: Miner, Cause: A fall of earth at the Golden Pole GM, Davyhurst, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Robert Christmas GRESSON, Mother: Elizabeth HOPPER, Born: Boro VIC, Married to Ellen Cecilia SHEIL in 1889 in VIC, Children: Frances Ella born 1891, Reg North Coolgardie 50/1907, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery. Mine Death www.wavmm.com
GROSE William Ambrose ― 53yrs 4mths, d 7 Nov 1914 in the bush 1 ¼ miles from Davyhurst, Occ: Surface Hand, Cause: Suicide by the explosion of dynamite self-inflicted while temporarily insane, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Ambrose GROSE, Mother: Harriet BURRIDGE, Born: England, Registered by Richard Ezikiel Williams (Friend), Reg North Coolgardie 17/1914, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
GUY George ― 53yrs, d 14 Sept 1910, at Davyhurst Hospital, Occ: Miner, Cause: Lobar Pneumonia, Heart Failure, Born: Penzance Cornwall, England, Registered by B Leslie (Friend), Single, Reg North Coolgardie 27/1910, METH, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
HARDING Cyril Vincent Mathews ― 5mths, d 9 Mar 1908, at Davyhurst, Cause: Marasmus, Father: Francis Henry HARDING (Tailor), Mother: Ethel Jane THOMAS, Born: Davyhurst WA, Registered by mother, Reg 9/1908 North Coolgardie, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
HOURIE Charles ― 24yrs, d 29 Aug 1904, at Mulwarrie WA, Occ: Miner, Cause: Pneumonia caused through inhalation of Phoenix Explosives, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: John HOURIE (Amalgamator), Mother: Sarah Ann FLOWERS, Born: Clunes VIC, In VIC 16yrs, In WA 8yrs, Single, Registered by Andrew HOURIE (Brother), Reg 44/1904 North Coolgardie, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
Mine Death – www.wamm.com
JONES Ernest Percy ― 5 days, d 20 May 1907, at Davyhurst, Cause: Congenital Debility, Father: Ernest Percy JONES (Miner), Mother: Emily Alice GOLDING, Reg North Coolgardie 19/1907, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
KRAEMER Fritz ― 57yrs 6mths, d 8 Jun 1915, at the Golden Eagle Lease, Davyhurst, Cause: Aneurysm inside of Pericardium, Rupture, Verdict of the Coroner after exhumation and postmortem, Born: Provence of Westfalow, Germany, In VIC 5mths, In NSW 5 ½ yrs, In WA 24yrs, Single, Registered by Carl POPE (Friend), Reg North Coolgardie 12/1915, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
KURTH Frederick Ernst ‘Ernest’ ― 58yrs 9mths, d 21 Jul 1914, at Mace St, Davyhurst, Occ Storekeeper, Cause: Injuries received in a buggy vehicle accident on the 14th July when thrown when his horse bolted and hit a gatepost, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Fredrich August KURTH, Born: Rodda, Saxony, Germany, Several years in the Eastern States and 18yrs in WA, Married to Emma Cesarine Ottilie MILLER in Hahndorf SA at age 34yrs, Children: Leslie 22yrs, Ernest 18yrs, Registered by Leslie KURTH (Son), Reg North Coolgardie 11/1914, (He was to leave his wife £1,486 in his will), Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
LAMB William ― 55yrs, d 12 Oct 1910, Occ: Hotelkeeper, Cause: Pernicious Anaemia, Exhaustion, Father: Edmund William LAMB, Born: Gawler SA, In SA 39yrs, In WA 16yrs, Married to Mary Anne STACK in Adelaide SA at age 30yrs, Children: Anne Cora Mathilda 22yrs, Kathleen May 21yrs, Florence Mabel 19yrs, Thomas William 17yrs, Edmund Cecil 3yrs, 1 female deceased, Reg 38/1910 Mt Margaret, Registered by wife, RC, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
LICHBERG Cecil ― 20yrs, d 9 Apr 1909, at Ularring Hospital, Davyhurst, Occ: Carter, Cause: Rupture of liver and spleen when accidentally run over by a dray, heart failure from hemorrhage, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: August Richard LICHBERG (Station Owner), Mother: Elizabeth Priscilla CLINCH, Born: Broken Hill NSW, In NSW 14yrs, In WA 6yrs, Single, Reg North Coolgardie 8/1909, RC, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
LUMINATI Emiglio ― 26yrs, d 16 May 1908, at Davyhurst, Occ: Woodcutter, Cause: Murder, Fracture of the skull possibly caused by a blow from a blunt instrument inflicted by some person or persons unknown, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Louis LUMINATI, Mother: Mary RASELLI, Born: Switzerland, In QLD 2yrs, In WA 6yrs, Single, Reg 22/1908 North Coolgardie, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
MALONE Henry ― 48yrs, d 11 Nov 1911, at Mulwarrie State Battery, Cause: Suicide, Strychnine poisoning evidentially self-administered while is a state of despondency, Born: Co Tyrone, Ireland, In WA 17yrs, Married with one daughter in Queensland, names unknown, Reg North Coolgardie 27/1911, RC, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
MARTIN Richard Evan ― 5mths, d 12 Dec 1906, at Davyhurst, Cause: Asthenia, Gastroenteritis, Father: Edgar Higgs MARTIN (Prospector), Mother: Clarissa Ann CROSSLAND, Born Davyhurst WA, Registered by father, Reg North Coolgardie
41/1906, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
MCATAMNEY Patrick ― 22yrs, d 18 Oct 1904, at the Golden Hole GM, Occ: Miner, Cause: Cage went out of control and fell down the shaft into the water at the 300ft level, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Charles MCATAMNEY, Mother: Mary MCERLEAN, Born: Londonderry Ireland, In NSW 3 weeks, In WA 3yrs, Single, Reg North Coolgardie 50/1904, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery. Mine Death – www.wavmm.com
MCDONNELL Catherine Margaret ― 39yrs, d 24 Mar 1916, Occ: Household duties, Cause: Heart Failure, Tuberculosis of lungs, Father: Henry ROWE (Miner), Mother: Isabella Mary STEWART, Born: Bowenvale VIC, In VIC 29yrs, In NSW 2yrs, In WA 8yrs, Married to William Charles MCDONNELL in Broken Hill NSW age 30yrs, Child: Dorothy 8yrs, Registered by H S ROWE (Brother), Reg North Coolgardie 4/1916, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
MIELKE Bernhart ― 40yrs, d 5 Feb 1904, at the Royal Hotel, Davyhurst, Occ: Gentleman, Cause: Chronic Alcoholism, Delirium Tremens, acute Nephritis, Father: Carl MIELKE (Farmer), Mother: Emilie PANTEN, Born: Steinort via Sea Buckthorn, Germany, In SA 10yrs, In WA 10yrs, Single, Registered by Herman MIELKE (Brother), Reg North Coolgardie 14/1904, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
MILL Sarah Agnes ― 50yrs, d 19 Jan 1907, at Mulwarrie Hospital, Occ: Married woman and Domestic, Cause: Heart failure from complications from Acute Pneumonia, Father: Thomas RYAN (Miner), Mother: Catherine MEAGHER, Born: NSW, In NSW 45yrs, In WA 5yrs, Married to Soloman Manly MILL in Hillgrove NSW at age 36yrs, Children: Alan Edwin 13yrs, Anthony Phillip 10yrs, Registered by husband, Reg North Coolgardie 4/1907, ANG, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
OATS James Lionel ― 2yrs, d 15 May 1904, at the Golden Pole GM, Davyhurst, Cause: suffocation by falling into a tub of water, Asphyxiation, Verdict of Doctor, Father: William OATES (Engine Driver), Mother: Eliza Fenton SIMMANCE, Born: Callion WA, Registered by father, Reg 28/1904 North Coolgardie, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
ROWE Amy Jessie ― 3mths, d 14 Jun 1914, at Ularring Hospital, Davyhurst, Cause: Broncho Pneumonia, Father: William Charles ROWE (Miner), Mother Elizabeth GEMMELL, Born: Davyhurst WA, North Coolgardie 7/1914, ANG, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
ROWE Robert ― 5yrs, d 2 Sept 1911, at the Golden Pole GM, Davyhurst, Cause: Accident with blasting powder on the Golden Pole Mine, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: William Charles ROWE (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth GEMMELL, Born: Davyhurst WA, Reg North Coolgardie 21/11, ANG, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
ROWE Henry ‘Harry’ ― 7yrs 5mths, d 2 Sept 1911, at the Golden Pole GM, Davyhurst, Cause: Accident with blasting powder on the Golden Pole GM, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: William Charles ROWE (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth GEMMELL, Born: Davyhurst WA, Reg North Coolgardie 20/11, ANG, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Miner 8 September 1911, page 4
Further particulars are to hand concerning the shocking fate which befell to two children at Davyhurst a few days ago. It appears that Harry and Robert Rowe, aged seven and five years respectively, were at play in the vicinity of a shallow shaft, at the bottom of which there was. a number of explosives, as the shaft had been converted into a magazine. Subsequently, the children descended the ladder to amuse themselves by playing at mining. It is thought that one of the children, evidently not aware of the danger, struck a match and dropped it on a barrel of powder.
The boy Robert was killed instantly, whilst Harry sustained serious injuries, which terminated fatally in the course of three hours. The magazine is situated a short distance away and in view of the house of the bereaved parents. The noise of the explosion attracted them to the scene of the accident, where they discovered that Robert had been killed instantly, whilst Harry, whose clothing was on fire, and who was suffering dreadfully from his injuries, was endeavoring to tear the, burning clothing from his body. The heartrending scene has had a serious effect on the mother of the children, who is in a delicate state of health. Great sympathy is felt for the parents of the children, who have been residing in the district for a considerable time. Mrs. Rowe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowe, of the Railway Hotel, Menzies. The- remains of the two unfortunate children were buried in the Davyhurst Cemetery on Sunday last.
ROWE unnamed female ― d 30 Dec 1908, at Davyhurst, Cause: Stillborn, Atelectasis, Father: William Charles ROWE (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth GEMMELL, Reg North Coolgardie 3/1909, ANG, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
NOTE: Between 1908 and 1914 William and Elizabeth ROWE lost all of their four children at Davyhurst!
RYAN Michael James ‘Mick’ ― 25yrs, d 9 Jun 1908, at Davyhurst, Occ: Miner, Cause: Sudden or premature explosion of a charge of blasting gelignite at the Golden Pole GM, Davyhurst, Verdict of the Coroner, Born: VIC, Single, Reg 23/1908 North Coolgardie, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery. Mine Death: wavmm.com
SAMELOWITZ unnamed female ― d 21 Jul 1910, Cause: Stillborn, Asphyxia, Father: Hyman SAMELOWITZ (Greengrocer), Mother: Bertha LAGOON, Reg North Coolgardie 20/1910, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
SEEBECK Charles ―10hrs, d 22 Feb 1902, at Davyhurst, Cause: Heart Failure, Father: Gustav Frederick SEEBECK (Cordial Maker), Mother: Emily May OLIVER, Born: Davyhurst WA, Registered by father, Reg 15/1902 North Coolgardie, Buried Old Davyhurst Cemetery.
SODEN Caleb James ― 36yrs, d 28 Dec 1904, at Davyhurst, Cause: Malarial fever (Chronic) Coma & Cardiac Syncope, Father: Caleb SODEN (Physician & Surgeon), Mother: Charlotte Elizabeth SODEN, Born: Molehill, Ireland, In QLD, NSW, SA 12yrs, In WA 10 weeks, Married to Nancy SHEARER in Mannum SA at age 36yrs, no children, Registered by Dr Thomas MCKELL (Medical Attendant), Reg North Coolgardie 3/1905, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
WALTERS Gilbert ― 54yrs, d 7 Apr 1908, at Davyhurst, Cause: Suffocated by a fall of the earth while in his tent after a heavy fall of rain, Certified by Doctor, Father: Joseph WALTERS (House Furnisher), Mother: Martha MCCABE, Born: Melbourne VIC, In VIC 44yrs, In WA 10yrs, Married to Catherine SCOTT in Stawell VIC at age 24yrs, Children: Marion 28yrs, Frances 24yrs, North Coolgardie 12/1908, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
WATSON Edward Clive ― 15mths, d 28 Apr 1910, at Cassidy St, Davyhurst, Cause: Acute Neo-Colitis, Toxaemia, Heart Failure, Father Charles WATSON (Miner), Mother: Mina GLOEDE, Born: Davyhurst, WA, Reg North Coolgardie 7/1910, ANG, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
WILLIAMS Unice Janet ― d 17 Feb 1909, at the Golden Pole Lease, Davyhurst, Cause: Stillborn, Asphyxia due to difficult labour, Father: Richard Ezekiel WILLIAMS (Miner), Mother: Clara BIRD, Reg North Coolgardie 5/1909, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
WILLIAMS William Asa ― 6 weeks, d 30 Jun 1907, at Davyhurst, Cause: Marasmus, Father: Richard Ezekiel WILLIAMS (Miner), Mother: Clara BIRD, Reg Born: Davyhurst, WA, North Coolgardie 29/1907, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
WILLIAMSON James ― 51yrs, d 23 Dec 1910, at the Golden Pole GM No 1 lease, Davyhurst, Occ: Miner, Cause: Morbus Cordis, Heart Failure, Asphyxia, Father: John WILLIAMSON, Mother: Christiana MCDONALD, Born: Melbourne VIC, In VIC 36yrs, In WA 15yrs, Married to Sarah MUSTEY in Lancefield VIC age 24yrs, Children: John Robert 25yrs, Charles William 25yrs, 1 male deceased, Reg North Coolgardie 1/1911, PRES, Buried Davyhurst Cemetery.
KEARNS Victor ― 4days, d 2 Aug 1902, at Homeward Bound GM Lease, Davyhurst, Cause: Tetanus Neonatorum, Mother: Agnes KEARNS, Father: Amos Flood Thomas ELLIOTT, (Parents married 23 Jun 1905 at Mulwarrie WA), Reg 57/1905 North Murchison, Registered by E KEARNS (Grandfather), buried west of Golden Pole Lease, Reg North Coolgardie 57/1902.
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