Our Darling Little Kenny – grave tales

On September 30th 1928, local Kalgoorlie residents were saddened to hear of the death of a little local boy, Kenneth Henry Harse. He was the only son of Thomas Henry Harse (Electrical Contractor) and Nellie Ward nee Barker. Little Ken was born in Kalgoorlie in the same house that he sadly passed away in Victoria Street, Kalgoorlie.
Hearse outside of the home of Kenneth Harse

Hearse outside of the home of Kenneth Harse, Victoria Street, Kalgoorlie – Photo SLWA

Funeral Cortege in Victoria Street.

Funeral Cortege in Victoria Street, Kalgoorlie – Photo SLWA

The coffin of Henry Harse in his bedroom surreounded by floral tributes - Photo SLWA

The coffin of Henry Harse in his bedroom surrounded by floral tributes – Photo SLWA

Kalgoorlie Miner 15th October 1928  –  OBITUARY
On Monday, October, 1st, the funeral of Kenneth Henry Harse, the 6½ years old only child of Mr and Mrs T. H. Harse of Victoria Street, Kalgoorlie, took place at the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. The little lad succumbed to an attack of pneumonia after a week’s illness. Before the funeral proceeded to the cemetery, Ven Archdeacon Brewis conducted a short service at St. John’s Cathedral and gave a touching little address while the coffin stood on the chancel steps.

Mr Harse, the child’s father, was unable to attend the funeral, owing to his being an inmate of the hospital, also suffering an attack of pneumonia. The chief mourners at the graveside were Mr. W. Barker, Mr. W. Barker, junr, (grandfather and uncle)  Miss Jean Barker (aunt) and Mr. T. Webster. The pallbearers were Messrs. P Howie, J. Cranston, Sansum and J. W. Hawkins. A large number of wreaths and floral tributes were received. Among those who sent wreaths were Kenneth’s schoolmates of Kalgoorlie Central School, and Sunday school pupils of St. John’s Cathedral. Others were:
Following this there was a list of over 310 names of those who sent flowers wreaths and messages of condolence.

Kenneth Harse

Kenneth Henry Harse – Photo SLWA

Ken’s father Thomas would recover from his bout of pneumonia and the couple had a further two children, William and Jean Harse. However fate had not finished with this little family and in October 1936 Ken’s mother Nellie was also to die leaving her husband with seven-year-old Jean and four-year-old William.

Nellie, Ken and Thomas Harse

Nellie, Ken and Thomas Harse – Photo SLWA

Western Argus – Obituary 27 Oct 1936 – THE LATE MRS. T. H. HARSE

After a brief illness, a highly esteemed and widely respected citizen of the goldfields, in the person of Mrs Nellie Ward Harse, wife of Mr T. H. Harse, passed away last Sunday in the St. Johnof God Hospital, Kalgoorlie. The
deceased lady had been a resident of these goldfields for very many years, and it was with widespread regret that the news of her passing was received. She leaves her husband and two little children to mourn their loss. The huge concourse at the funeral on Monday last to the Church of England portion of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery bore eloquent testimony to the general popularity of the late Mrs Harse and her family. The funeral procession was one of the biggest yet seen in Kalgoorlie, with over 80 cars following the cortege. The pallbearers were Messrs. Charles Elsbury, P. M. Crudace, N. Tippett, J. W. Cranston, W. Sansum, and J. G Dring, whilst the Ven. Archdeacon Brewis officiated at the graveside.

Thomas Harse was never to re-marry and lived in Kalgoorlie till his death in 1961 aged 78 years. He is reunited with little Kenny and his wife Nellie in a grave in the Church of England section of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. Only his daughter Jean would remain in Kalgoorlie and in 1956 she was to marry Ferdinand Joseph Strebel.

Kalgoorlie Cemetery, Grave of Ken, Nellie and Thomas Harse – Photo M Sharp

Funeral of Ken Harse

Mourners at the funeral of Kenneth Harse – Photo SLWA

The Harse family home in 2021 - 14 Victoria Street, Kalgoorlie

The Harse family home in 2021 – 14 Victoria Street, Kalgoorlie – Photo M Sharp


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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Jaymie says

    Good morning Moya,

    I recently visited Kalgoorlie and found the grave of Henry, Nellie & Kenny.
    Jean Harse is my Maternal Grandmother and the last remaining family member as Uncle Bill has sadly
    passed on also.
    Thank you for all your research, it was very interesting to read.

    Kind regards

    Jaymie Senior

  2. Maureen Turner (nee Laverty says

    Jaymie, your grandparents Fred and Jean were great friends of my parents Joan and Tom Laverty, have many wonderful memories of them. Always called your grandad Freddie frog. Give your Grandmother my Love. Maureen Turner.

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