Speeds Criterion Hotel – Kalgoorlie

Sheeds Criterion Hotel

Speeds Criterion Hotel 1901

The Criterion happily is still quite recognisable from this photograph taken not long after its completion in 1901. It was built in 1900 on the former premesis of the ‘Universary Wine Saloon’ also owned by Charles Speed. You will see from the article below that the builder was also responsible for the Municipal Markets, The York Hotel and many other superior buildings.

SPEED’S CRITERION HOTEL. from the Western Argus 2nd July 1901 pg 25

The above hotel is the latest addition to the new buildings which are doing so much ,to improve the appearance of the principal street in Kalgoorlie.  It is a very handsome looking brick structure of two storeys, being built some thing after, the. Queen Anne style, though necessarily modified and adapted to suit street architecture. The front presents a striking appearance, being finished off with nicely painted mirrors fitted into the spaces between doors and windows, whilst an artistically designed balcony, on which the top story rooms open out, surmounts and forms a verandah over the front of the lower story. The ground floor comprises the public bar, with commodious.taproom at rear, two parlors and saloon bar, while at the rear of these again are the dining room, capable of seating about 150 diners, a billiard-room, containing two of Alcock’s best tables with all accessories, kitchen, pantry, etc, while in the yard a splendid brick and cement tank to hold 5,ooo gallons of water has been sunk. Under the main building there is also a fine roomy cellar about 4oft. by 26ft., and needless to say it is fully stocked with the best of good liquors. A well constructed and handsomely designed staircase next attracts attention, the newels and handrails being of highly polished American redwood.4978428

In fact, all the fittings, etc., in the building are remarkable for their fine finish and generally neat appearance. On the second floor there are 10 bedrooms, very. nicely furnished, two large parlors and a splendidly fitted up clubroom. A strking feature of this room is a fine over mantel, white enameled, and picked out with gold, the whole of the work being done locally by the builder. The ceilings are all of Splatt, Wall stamped steel, nicely tinted. The whole building is well furnished throughout in the latest style, and fitted up with electric light. The owner and licensee is Mr. Charles Speed, and the building work was carried out by Mr. Crothers, who turned out all the fittings and woodwork at his factory and joinery works in Dugan street, and anyone who examines these parts of the. building will be satisfied as to the possibility of turning out woodwork in Kalgoorlie equal to anything in the State. Mr. Crothers is also the builder of the Municipal markets, the York Hotel, and other fine buildings in Kalgoorlie, all of which certainly reflect great credit both on the town .and the builder. Mr. Speed is to be congratulated on his posession of such a  handsome premises as the Crlterion Hotel, and the enterprise displayed in building it certainly deserves success.

Well Known photo  at the front of the Criterion Hotel

Well Known photo at the front of the Criterion Hotel

This article not long after the above shows that the Billiard room was soon converted to a lounge area which is described in the most wonderful way.  JUst in case anyone doesnt know, a Hebe is a young lady (a goddess of youth and spring) (:
The Sun 17 Aug 1902
Charlie Speed, of the Criterion Hotel, has converted bis billiard saloon into a cool refreshing retreat-, where drinks are
dispensed to the public amidst the most soothing surroundings. Throughout the capacious apartment beautifully upholstered lounges are provided, where one may rest and consume his liquor in dreamy repose, while a fascinating Hebe presides with queenly grace, and makes the moments flit like lightning flashes.
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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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