Coolgardie – The Hall Family,early days

The following collection of photographs are reproduced with the kind permission of Marshall Hall and Family. In his words:- ‘Charles FitzJohn Hall was the main produce merchant in Coolgardie from 1896-1918. Prior to this he made his money in gold diggings. He saw the need to supply the fields with goods and produce and he used Afghan camel teams to establish his merchant sheds. They were located in the block between Bayley Street and the Railway Station. Marshall describes his grandfather as a hard businessman with a short temper, but he was most loyal to those who supported him. As he says ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ so here they are:-

Charles Fitz John HALL 1869-1949

C F J Hall Produce Merchant Coolgardie 1896

Natives near Coolgardie 1906

Afghan Forman, C F J Hall on camel with baby Lucy, Coolgardie 1906

Coolgardie 1918 Picnic among the wildflowers, Mr and Mrs F J Hall with children L-R George, Lillian, Marshall, Lucy Charles FJ Jr, (first Dodge Touring car in Western Australia)

Coolgardie 1901 ‘Ready for the Parade’

At home in Coolgardie 1917

Coolgardie 1913, High wheeled gig, a visit to the diggings with the children.

Afghan Foreman with his bike, Annie and baby Lucy Hall, Camel team leader, Coolgardie 1906.

Charles and Annie F J Hall Coolgardie 1902

Charles FitzJohn HALL married Annie MARSHALL on the 3 Jun 1902 in St Andrews Church, Coolgardie Western Australia.  He was 39yrs of age, a bachelor who’s occupation was ‘Merchant’. Annie was aged 18 and a spinster.
Charles parents were:- John Charles FitzJohn HALL (Artist) and Elizabeth CARROLL, and Annie’s parents were:- George MARSHALL (Contractor) and Mary SENIOR.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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